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LOR thoughts

johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
I got to play the new Romulan faction last night for a few hours. I made it up to level 12. The Story line is great, I love the voice over work throughout the opening levels. The way the Romulan play unfolds feels very personal and is very enjoyable. The graphics and designs are great. The improvements in the character creator and the Romulan uniform options are very cool.


The bridge officers and how you get them are incredible! This by far has been the most impressive part of the expansion to me. I felt like I was gathering a group of individuals who will work along side of me as opposed to getting hailed and told to pick one of these generic gap fillers. I almost think that the only way to make the new bridge officers cooler is to not list them at the start of the mission as a reward. Let us play through the mission then have them as a reward that is like a bonus reward.

The battle cloak as an ability and not a console is great. I have never played the Klingon faction much, so other than the cloak on the defiant class ships this is my first real attempt to play a cloak. The battle cloak is a blast to use and with the added bonus damage that Romulan bridge officers can grant as a trait these ships will be a blast to play. I would love to see this stream continue throughout all the ships in all the factions. Free up the console slots and allow definite rewards and advantages to playing particular ship classes.

My very few complaints about the new content are fairly limited, and are possibly just my play through. I found a definite lack of gear dropping. I found it tough to arm my bridge officers and myself, I had no armor and mostly still had the shields that they start with by level 12. I would love more cut scenes where more discussion is had with the new bridge officers. I can't wait to try the faction live with all the perks of my account in full. Overall an Excelent job by the Dev's!
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    damiendarkcastdamiendarkcast Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My thoughts? This is some very very good stuff here. Being and old Star Trek Diane Duane book nerd I am in heaven. My fav alien species in all of sci are here and I can play em. And it brings that old '' It's like paying a star trek episode" back again. Are there bugs? Sure I have reported a few but its beta and tbh for a beta it plays pretty smooth. Even after 3 years of running around on borg cubes I have never felt so unsettled as I did. Folks who played that part kinda know what Im talking about. So far so great.
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