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Official Legacy of Romulus 'From the Ashes' Arc Feedback Thread



  • oremnioremni Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is there a best way to report them? Screenshots need?
  • cwarriorkencwarriorken Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have played to level 8 and thought it was pretty decent. I was lagging in the part where you were in the warbird getting the parts. I am assuming it had something to do with so many people being on the server. I logged off and back on and although it was better it was still sluggish. Once I got past that I was ok. And the Part where you fought the Talshiar at the space station I was fighting with no issues even though the tractor beam still had me locked at 17km LOL.

    I find the story line good but was surprised as to how early in the storyline that you had to pick a side. I thought that would take a little longer.
  • stan2750stan2750 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The New Legacy of Romulus is so far very very cool.

    Love the intro for the Romulans, and The new beginning for the Klingons is VERY KLINGONISH! lol

    Have not tried the fed side yet to see if any changes.. but loving everything so far.. except the server crashing...

    Hope the prize is FREE ZEN! :D


    Wow... I could have sworn I posted on here before...This is my first post? Ive been playing this game since week one... and This is the first time? Huh... go figure...
  • big1960big1960 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Very well done. Great story. Made it to level 11, but now can't get back on. Too crowded. Can't wait for the final release.
  • dragyn101010dragyn101010 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    On the character creation screen, mousing over the hairstyles on the right didn't always show the hairstyle, it would just go back to the currently selected style. Styles in the drop-down on the adv screen worked fine

    At the leaky pipes, hitting 'F' didn't always work the first time. On continuing play, I think perhaps there's a 1/4 to 1/2 second delay between the popup showing and the hot-key actually working.

    After joining the Flotilla, the mission to re-costume should track separately - ie: the player should be able to hit whichever one they want first (personal v. ship)

    There should be an option for experienced players to turn off the game play hints (if there is, its not obvious and I shouldn't have to go looking for it.)

    In the mission Trust Issues, if you hang back far enough, the bugs never attack.

    In the Tal Shiar trap on the station, is there a reason you can still kill the Commander after the ambush and he begs for mercy?

    When cutting the rocks on Dewa III, it seems an odd choice for the cutting tool to be a phaser when the default weaps are green (pla/dis)

    Putting a Dual Cannon on the tier 1 ship uses the sound/graphics/shot frequency of the turret, but the arc was that of the cannon.

    Occasional cut scenes had no sound (though this could just be b/c you haven't put in the dialog soundtrack yet...)
  • spacecmdrtravisspacecmdrtravis Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More observations, this time focusing on the open beta content.

    Observations: Nice VO for the intro. Avrak sounds like a naggy grandmother blessed with Gilbert Godfrey's vocal chords. Nevala's got a good actress. Maiori Malem sounds like he just got out of bed. Otherwise seems to be a smoother but similar experience to what I had in closed.

    Issues/Bugs: When you bring back the bug metal drop for Nevala, ?That's strange" is not voiced but everything else for that text box is.

    Another Nevala issue; when you leave the cave after disabling the device, there's no VO for the first block of text for her.

    As mentioned elsewhere, D'Vex has ?Commander? and ?Captain? mixed up.

    Tovan's lips move to the Elachi ?cut 'n paste? message in space.

    Observations: Basically the same as in closed beta, looks a bit nicer though.

    Issues/Bugs: Passive NPC chat where one guy talks about a holo-sim where you blast a stationary Vulcan again and again. Interesting, but the ?V? in ?Vulcan? is in lower case when he talks about it.
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    one of the missions offered a worn out helmet, but didnt get it, figured you added head gear to game. not sure if its a bug or not an actual reward.
  • starke1701starke1701 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    catstarsto wrote: »
    one of the missions offered a worn out helmet, but didnt get it, figured you added head gear to game. not sure if its a bug or not an actual reward.

    I think it's added to your ready room as a trophy, sort of like the paintings.

    And in a complete non-sequitor...

    When we've got the "I'm sorry, we did our best" or "I'm going to go down fighting" dialog options when going toe to toe with the D'deridix at the end of the tutorial mission... shouldn't there been an option to talk about keeping the ship tied up long enough to protect the fleeing colonists?
  • sevenschasersevenschaser Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Explore the Flotilla - Some message where the voice overs are silent.
    Crossroads at Crateris - Unable to complete since did not complete the incoming message scene before fighting (still registering 0/3). (had to restart the mission to get past this point)

    Gasko Blues - Loading screens are in Federation blue versus Romulan green.
  • malshimalshi Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While in the vineyard, my character goes bald when the view is from certain angles within the vineyard while she is shooting bugs and fixing leaks.

    LoR is very different from current Holodeck graphics/textures. I think I'll like it better once I get used to it. It is definitely more user friendly for someone unfamiliar with STO and how it works and how to use different aspects of it.
  • rld2rld2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tovan is holding a pistol while we run around deactivating the bombs planted by the Romulans- however the pistol is not in his inventory, I equipped him with a plasma rifle.
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A derelict cube...who abandons that? Thats a lot of taxi's to call ^^
  • spacecmdrtravisspacecmdrtravis Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More gameplay, more notes.

    Observations: Second BOFF doesn't have a lot of spoken dialogue here, which is disappointing. Otherwise no changes in option from closed beta.

    Issues/Bugs: Nothing new.

    Observations: I sort of liked the hilly terrain from closed beta, but understand why it was changed. Veril's new look is more in-line with other Remans. I don't really think she looks any uglier than her previous look (she was pretty hard on the eyes to start with); just a different kind of ugly. The rejigged space battle is a little easier but will still pop newbies at least once. Better from a beginners perspective but I found the old one pretty fun.

    Issues/Bugs: Veril's looks switch between her old form and her new one frequently in dialogue, but that's already been established.

    The "walker" that were bombarding the colony in the distance don't stand at their full height or in their correct position, which they did in the closed beta. So plasma beams are firing randomly everywhere in the air as a result.
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't really think she looks any uglier than her previous look (she was pretty hard on the eyes to start with); just a different kind of ugly.

    XD ... XD that was funny.

    How about hair for a Reman, Id even settle for a divot.

    Hmm, my Bridge officers keep getting stuck on the obsticales in Delta Corvi
  • vyconis81vyconis81 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    During this build, when you explore the flotilla for the first time, the cut scene had my character and Hiven beam in halfway through the floor.

    So far liking the changes since closed beta.
  • sov888sov888 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Virinat tutorial - interactive not "interactable" consoles

    Explore the Flotilla - Subcommander Nedal and co are in the floor jumping around

    Gasko Blues - able to kill the station commander before talking and therefore mission stuck
  • kagepwekagepwe Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Disclaimer: I don't have any Gorn characters on the game (as opposed to test) servers. Probably never will either.

    Just a Star Trek 'world' issue: in my opinion (and knowledge of the Star Trek 'world'), all Gorn classes (Tac, Sci, Eng) should have 'reptilian strength' as an optional trait. I just created a Gorn Sci Officer and could not find the trait anywhere.

    Being big and scaly and strong is just what the Gorn are. No?
  • skalex2skalex2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The update looks great and seems to have fewer glitches then the original release Federation missions. I have only noticed 2 small things that I have not seen comments about.

    1. Mission: Home Sweet Home
    The river water seemed to cause multiple graphical/audio errors. Splashing graphics and sounds when not in the water. Splashing graphics around ankles when on dry land along side of river. In knee deep water, just before observing the nanov, the entire screen would change to an underwater appearance. The water at knee depth was still visible on the toons and camera direction did not effect it. The change was constant for a small area and would revert back to normal when moving out of the area.

    2. When customizing appearance of the 2nd ship a player gets there seems to be a shadow of something overlapping the top of the ship in the customization window. It looks like a texture graphic of some sort but is not connected to the ship i.e. it does not rotate x/y/z with the ship. I selected none for the hull decorations and tried the different hull materials with no effect on the shadow.
  • chinook0010chinook0010 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cant see romulan templates for weapons, no sound yet they do damage... cloaking device on a gun much!

    but no I equipped most of my Boffs with the romulan design template for ground weapons and they dont appear and there is no sound but they still will do damage.

    Otherwise i love the story arch thus far
  • dalaraistdalaraist Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, plain and simple: GREAT :):):cool:
  • nigel2751nigel2751 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I got to say the story is good and fits in nice with the main game .
    the art work is very nice the ships i will have to find out more about but they do look great i did not notice any carrier class within the Romulus faction this i hope will be something to look into after all what good is a scorpion fighter without a carrier to take it on missions.
    i found the game itself tio be a little laggy. i think thou this is due to not having the game set up correct like i do on holodeck i do like the new options but i have got to get used to it after playing on holodeck for some time.
    there is plenty more life left in star trek online and this new patch will be something for everyone to enjoy.
    when you do the mission on new Romulus and i found that it was actually us the player that found it i was impressed but beaming down to the planet and going on my adventure i found at times it was dark in places .
    i still would like to see more action for smaller craft thou i hope in the future that something comes out for this line due to there being fighters and runabouts that we can purchase from the c store but don't really have a use for them only the vault and it feels a lot of messing around swapping ships to do one event..
    as i pointed out on a separate forum page a planet mission for flying small craft would be a great approach.
    i have yet to see a game actually take this idea and use it no space game that i know of as done this yet.
    anyway back to the new patch .
    i feel theirs got to be more new ships coming in the future due to the fact there don't seem to be vary many to choose from and a lot of those are just fleet versions but saying that it all fits in well with the story. Romulus as to be rebuilt so it all ties in well.hope in time there will be more ships and other items and costumes in the future.

    as a whole its great new content and a lot of players will love this.
    i still have yet to find out more on the lines of reputation and other aspects that i did not find out much about i did not want to go to deep in the game and spoil it for when it actually gets released.
    as a subscriber i feel that we should have a few bonuses we the paying costumer do have the veteran reward scheme but i feel there should be something more for subscribers and i don't mean for the 1000 day vets .to warrant our subscription you should provide more its nice you cater for the life members but a member who cant afford life all in one go and pays monthly we don't really get a lot for our money 500 c cash and a few little perks just don't cut it .you need something to draw a crowed in your marketing. something that will encourage more subscribers .well i hope i gave you plenty to sink your teeth into.
    hats off to the guys making this new patch .
  • st3a1th2st3a1th2 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have notice a graphic error on the first map you visit in several places. Can easily been seen at shuttle craft. Where you have added a texture to stop people being able to enter certin areas it shows up as a tainted glass. I thought that the ship internals look amazing, so much better than the federation internals shame they didn't have the same love put into them as the romulans have. Great job eps on eng dec core looks brilliant. Story line was and tutorial was also very good. Nice work
  • ragemonksterragemonkster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A few observations:
    • In the attack cutscene - during the fireworks - the camera moved from the floor up and did an upskirt shot of a dead Woman. Might want to look into that.
    • The space tutorial was annoying because it blocked commands like Shift+R because I hadn't been told yet that I'm suppossed to do that. :mad:
    • During Former Allies there is a cutscene of a bunch of Hirogen beaming down, of which one appeared to be headless.
  • cgjannekcgjannek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One big Issue I'm having is that I seem to be unable to change the skills of the BOFFs I pick up along the way through the storyline.
    Should that still be the case once this goes live, you're in for some problems with your Video sequences, because I for once won't have that Torvan guy along to Khitomer Conference to insult Sela then, I'd rather exchange him for a Tac BOFF with the Skills I want.
  • irodeltairodelta Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The new content is fantastic! I also very much enjoyed the UI updates.
  • prussiajunkerprussiajunker Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ive played up to the New Romulus mission(cant log on right now due to so many players taking advantage of this Sunday) and the biggest thing that stood out to me was how GREAT the graphics look. Even the weapons seem to look better and all the planets and buildings look amazing. Though it seems a few textures for a few of the buildings in the tutorial were a bit off.

    so to give order to my thoughts ill list my pros and cons.

    -BEAUTIFUL graphics
    -the redesigned UI looks great!
    -The missions are starting to get better, especially in the realm of ground combat. feels smoother
    -The bridge, engine room etc. look really cool, especially the singularity core
    -tutorial fun and interesting
    -interesting enemy from ENT i believe

    -some textures missing
    -some missions still have that repetitive feeling
    -It may be just me but i found that sometimes the frame rate would drop significantly. Though as i said this may be just me.
    -some of the combat scenarios feel unrealistic(I mean a 200 year old bird of prey destroying a D'Diderex)
    -Some of the voice acting sounds a bit clunky and cheesy, especially when compares to SWTOR voice acting
    -The Romulan Republic sounds a bit too much perfect, like a Romulan Federation. I suggest darkening their motives just a bit.

    Overall this is a really fun expansion and i cant wait till may 21!
  • kiczarkiczar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I only expierenced lag when i approached the medical personal upon new romulus other than that it was good
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A Day in the Sun

    After talking to D'Vex intially about the spore samples and bring him the findigns of your analysis, his second page of comments do not match up with the voice over. The text dialogue now says his commander, but the voice over still says captain.

    Virinat Invaded

    After the cutscene with the orbital bombardment, you got to alert the militia. After they are killed, you contact torvan and says to grab a rifle. When you walk up to to get a rifle, Torvan contacts you again, His voice over dialogue does not match the text on the screen. Second paragraph reads, "I tried to send a distress signal, but the damaged our transceiver array...." But the voice says that "I tried to send a distress signal, but they destroyed the transceiver array..."

    After getting the rifle, and heading towards the marketplace, when you reach the stairs, there is a Tal Shiar soldier standing at the top of the stairs to the right as your coming up. He is standing behind a pole next to a tree, and is not targetable. He doesn't shoot at you, but just standing there holding a pistol in his hand.

    Flight from Virinat

    After destroying the derelict ships, go to destroy the Tal Shiar satellites, I noticed that my warbird has plasma fire applied to it. The satellites aren't shooting back, and I was not at point blank range to warrant being caught in my own high yield torpedo affect.

    After defeating Hakeev and talking with Temer, upon arriving at the Flotilla, and materializing onboard the flagship, during the cutscene where your welcomed aboard, everyone is halfway embedded into the floor. After that and you are escorted to Temer's office, everyone is fine.

    Turning point

    While talking to Woldan in the Hall of Heroes, his voice over has a echo to it to simulate speaking in a great open hall. But, when talking to S'Stask, his voice does not have the echo.

    After Sela's dialogue, and D'Tan asks you and Tovan to leave, your brought to an area at the beginning of Khitomer. Tovan start his dialogue and mentions about the ship. When you select to beam up, my character and Tovan are standing in the same exact spot, and we're clipped into each other.

    At the end, after talking with Woldan and Jiro, speak with D'Tan, his fist page of dialogue is fine. The second page though... the voice over work does not match the text at all. He actually says a lot more, about picking an ally, then the few lines of text that are displayed.
  • spacecmdrtravisspacecmdrtravis Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Going deep into the ashes.

    Observations: Pretty much the same from closed beta, except all the bugs I noticed (grammar errors, flexible VISORs) are fixed.

    Issues/Bugs: As mentioned earlier, the station commander is listed as an enemy from the start and is thus killable before you can speak to him.

    Observations: Early space sections are mostly unchanged. Texture seams are gone too, which is nice. Ground Tholian battle is no longer in "Ultra-Violence" difficulty, now closer to a more newbie friendly "Hey, Not Too Rough". Final space battle was too easy though, I one-shotted the Tholian supership with a High-Yield plasma bolt. Otherwise many positive changes and fixes.

    Issues/Bugs: I can still see New Romulus City from the Space map of uninhabited New Romulus. Either that or a large contingent of Tholians are camping down there with marshmallows and singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".

    Satra pretty much has no VO content so far, actually it is sort of distracting to have her make a comment in text (like she does when the Tholians attack on the surface) and then have Toven reply to her with a VO. As an aside, Veril could have some more VO content as well.
  • spudman67spudman67 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    During missions Boff comments come up in windows. Sometimes there are quite a bit of them at one time and I was unable to read the content, mostly because they would happen when there was player interaction happening (combat).

    The Boff comments do not show up in the NPC chat like most of the other mission progress or just general NPC chatter.

    Would be nice to review those comments, if for nothing else to just keep up with the story line.
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