I want to play some of the missions, but the real pain in the butt is the ones that take you out of your main ship. Having the toolbars reset every time is a giant headache. How much would I have to pay for a C-Store item that actually saves my toolbar and bridge crew between ship changes. Even better, also allows me to have a couple different bridge layouts per ship so I can swap between roles.
Heres how: Hit 'P' to bring up your menu of powers. Slot them into your tray like you normally do. In the bottom left hand side, click the check box. Make sure you have your Boffs in their appropriate spots when you do all of this, mind you. Once that is done, you can switch between shots on the fly and not have to reslot your powers. Make sure though that when you switch ships, that box is still marked when you leave one vessel to go to another.
Next time I can log in, I will check that out... thanks!