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Need a Subscription Bundle

mendrormendror Member Posts: 0 Arc User
With the recent amount of subs/f2p games you guys are releasing, will you guys ever plan to do a bundle subscription like SOE is doing atm?

Because if you guys do that, I would totally do that.
Post edited by mendror on


  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    there is at least 2-3 bundle idea they are missing out on really.

    i mean there is this one plus everything seen in legacy

    another one is just the z-store rommie ship bundle only, includes every ship retrofit.

    last one could just be a limited time romulan/reman account wide unlock for all 3 factions to give some lucky people the chance to play one of these types of toons for life. example the limited offer is only open for 6 hours and not advertised, so luck of the draw who finds it and buys it, i think there is a saying "first come, first serve".

    there are others cryptic missed out on really.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • mendrormendror Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    there is at least 2-3 bundle idea they are missing out on really.

    i mean there is this one plus everything seen in legacy

    another one is just the z-store rommie ship bundle only, includes every ship retrofit.

    last one could just be a limited time romulan/reman account wide unlock for all 3 factions to give some lucky people the chance to play one of these types of toons for life. example the limited offer is only open for 6 hours and not advertised, so luck of the draw who finds it and buys it, i think there is a saying "first come, first serve".

    there are others cryptic missed out on really.

    I ment having a subscription offer that spans the 3 games.

    Like for example I pay 20-25 bucks a month and I'm a gold member in all there games, and I can choose which game gets the 500 a month.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The only subscription games that PWE has as far as I know are STO and CO and that is due to them having lifetime subscriptions before PWE took over. Considering PWE's hatred towards subscriptions, then I seriously doubt anything like this will ever occur.
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