Title: Escape to Holodeck #23
Author: kn1138
Allegiance: Fed
Level: Any
Language: English
Est. Time to Complete: 25 - 35 mins (w/o exploration)
Description: Life as a starship captain is rough. Treat yourself to some
"relaxing" shore leave in Holodeck #23!
Feedback of any kind would be
greatly appreciated! It's primarily a role-playing mission with lots of branching dialog and no combat. Let me know if there are any typos (I'm sure there are) or bugs or places where the story just gets weak, and I'll try to fix it up as much as possible.
Check out my foundry mission "The Writers of History".
It does start a bit unfocused (but that's to be expected when it's billed as a 'open/explore at your leisure' vacation). However, once it gets going (after you find a number of clues), it's VERY immersive.
I highly recommend playing it.
The only thing I would tell the author to improve is the beginning. I hate to suggest 'railroading' your players to certain areas, but maybe that's whats needed to help focus the start a bit.
Anyway thanks for making this - it was a lot of fun!
Thanks again!
(OK, maybe an Odyssey...)
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
Actually, the whole project started out because I really, really wanted a working holodeck on my ship when I first started playing. Sadly, nothing. So, when I started, I broke down and had it set in Starfleet Academy. I'm sure even they don't have that many, but I needed a foreboding number (as silly as that might sound).