I wasn't sure where this should go, so I apologise if there's a thread out there somewhere, forums can be daunting places.
I've been playing with the character creator for the Romulan faction and was fairly okay with it until I got to the part where we sort out the uniforms. A number of the clothing options have major clipping issues on the female Romulan, regardless of how I design her.
The tight top options are the worst, with civilian survivor wrap clipping over the entire body, and more so the more you increase the proportions of the body. The bulkier garments have less issues though even clothing options that seem to have been in the game a while like the simple shirt have clipping around the neck, whereas on holodeck I've never noticed that before.
It makes creating a character rather tedious and although the lower half options seem to work properly it gets overshadowed by the clipping issues on the majority of the top half clothing options.
I hope this is helpful to point out, again I apologise if this is in the wrong place feel free to put it right if it is
Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
The Fed side is bright and easy to see everything, however when I choose to create a Romulan it gets all dark and shadowy and I can barely see the character's features, much less make out the colors on the uniforms.
I logged out and back in, but no change.