When teamed with another player, sometimes you can get "left behind". For example, aboard the Borg Cube and at the Iconian Gate after talking to Taris. In these situations, if one player activates the door or console to move on, the other player(s) won't map-move with you and will be stuck.
Don't click on the Traits button when viewing your ship. It causes a CTD.
Random CTD when turning in "Turning Point" upon completion.
"Promotion: Subcommander" can bug out. If you log-out while doing the mission, it may become uncompletable. I talked to the ship vendor and bought the Mogai, then logged out. When I logged back in, I could not complete the promotion mission.
[**] Update: This is ON PURPOSE. You can go to level 21, but no farther. If you speed level through content before the end of the testing phase, this will be encountered earlier than intended. The Devs have capped level progression at level 21 for this phase of testing. That also meant hacking the system to prevent the Romulan Content from granting any further XP.
The chat box has a bad habit of vanishing. It doesn't minimize, it just goes poof. You have to click in its general area to make it re-appear.
Assigning boffs to your away team while on a ground map makes them despawn (tested in "Smash and Grab" with a full group of 4. All 4 despawned and I had to soldier through all 3 freighters alone).
Elachi BB's shields are thick as vault doors. They regen quickly. Furthermore, only bleedthrough damage and DOTs are able to kill it thus prolonging the battle.
After "Mind Games" at level 20 I received a sub-mission called just "head to Numbus III". I went (Nimbus System), I arrived, but nothing was there, content wise. I was "orbiting" a system that didn't have any dialog popup to continue that mission. Assuming it is incomplete content and shouldn't appear for this phase of the beta. This mission had no details either besides "go to Nimbus III" and mentioning the sector block its in in green text, thus my assumption of it being not fully implemented when I got there.
Gasko Blues: After Hakeev's trap is sprung and you reach the transporter room, you have to fight a Romulan Captain and her minions. However if you engage them from the corridor instead of enter the transporter room, you can bug the mission and make it impossible to completable as-is. The only way to fix this is to return to sector space, start over from the beginning of the mission, and enter the transporter room rather than fight in the hallways.
Bridge Officers - Ground: You can tell them to be aggressive, passive, and to stand wherever, but you cannot tell them when to use their ground abilities like you used to. All you see in the UI is their faces and health status. Their power bars are gone so you can't order them to put a disruptor turret in a corner, for example.
Romulan ships have a -5 to shields, engines, and aux power settings, gimping their shield resists and science abilities. Perhaps this power deficiency can be removed? Or changed to +5 weapons, -5 shields, -5 engines, +5 aux. Being xenophobic and distrusting in the past and given the science lean of a few warbirds (two ensign sci on a t2 warbird), having an aux bonus for abilities like a low rank tyken's rift wouldn't be a bad thing. They sacrifice engines and shields for their weapons and stealth.
[**] This can be expanded. Each ship should get +5 to 2 systems and -5 to the other two depending on its purpose. For example, if a D'dridex is heavily reliant on its defense, it could get +5 to shields and aux, but have -5 to engines and weapons.
Tal Shiar Tachyon Deflector Array gives +10 to Stealth Values, but it already has +10 to Starship Stealth. Combine them. +20 Starship Stealth seems fair enough.
[**]It also apparently disabled Science Boff Powers in space when equipped. This has been fixed in the latest tribble patch.
Covert Trait (Ground): This is only really useful for Tactical captains. Yet it is auto-selected for both Science and Engineer captains. They don't have any access to stealth kit powers and can't use anything remotely like Stealth Module until level 50 when they can start grinding for the Omega Set. So why bother giving it to non-tac Romulans?
With help of a teammate that had taken down a shield facing of a D'Dreidex, I (in a Mogai) can very dang near one-shot the sucker from point blank with a HYT1 plasma torp. What the fudge, beef? Awesome, but shouldn't happen. It wasn't even a critical hit. Not sure what happened there. Target was at 100% HP, unscratched (except for losing a facing shield) and dropped to 5% hull after I hit it with my point-blank torpedo at a range of 0.2km. And no I wasn't cloaked so I didn't have the damage bonus. Imagine if I was, though. Holy TRIBBLE.
Here is something I noticed off the bat. The text in the dialog windows need re-alignment. The leading edge of the paragraph is hidden under the edge of the window. I will post a screenshot when I can.
I made till level 11 my new romulan toon. I found sometimes the chat box disappearing for some minutes, then comes back. Ally choosing optional (talking with diplomats) is inactive. The ship usually goes to other destination, then the selected from the map.
The skill tree is resetting after level 10.
Here is something I noticed off the bat. The text in the dialog windows need re-alignment. The leading edge of the paragraph is hidden under the edge of the window. I will post a screenshot when I can.
The top 10% of the top line of text and the left half of the first letter of each line of text in every dialog window is cut off for me.
Makes it impossible to tell the difference between "out" and "but" if they're the first word on a line.
After I have reached the Level 10 and select the Federation as alliance the loading Panel stopped at 72%, I got the message Server not responding and I can close the game only over Task Manager.
1) Even for a Romulan level 1-character, the dilithium store shows the Federation contact for ship equipment.
2) Weapons and PADs of my away team are sometimes not displayed on the character selection screen.
3) Minor typo: Romulan race description @ character creation: 1st line, 2nd paragraph: "a" --> "an". Also the word "Vulcan" is used three times in the opening sentence of the description, which sounds a bit clumsy. You should consider rewording that.
4) Character selection screen: On the starships in the background, the front ends of warp nacelles (e.g., the red bulbs of Nebula/Galaxy nacelles) are opaque whereas they should be slightly transparent and glowing. (This issue is independent of any graphic settings)
I've been trying to create a Romulan character on Tribble but it will not give me the option. When I put my cursor over the Romulan ensignia, it says I need to have a level 25 Federation captain. I have a level 50 Federation captain already on Tribble and 5 unused character slots. Any ideas? And for whatever reason I cannot create my own thread in the forums, so sorry for tagging onto this thread.
while the bug of being unable to retrait is fixed. characters that were already bugged from being able to activate traits are still bugged. i am still bugged
I've been trying to create a Romulan character on Tribble but it will not give me the option. When I put my cursor over the Romulan ensignia, it says I need to have a level 25 Federation captain. I have a level 50 Federation captain already on Tribble and 5 unused character slots. Any ideas? And for whatever reason I cannot create my own thread in the forums, so sorry for tagging onto this thread.
To ask the obvious: did you receive an invite to the beta of the first half of the romulan content?
Tal Shiar deflector is defective; will not allow the use of Hazard Emitters for instance.
In my experiance the tal shiar deflector disables all your sci boffs space skills i have a level 20 toon and a mogai and using the tal shiar deflector disables my sci boffs skill when on board my ship.
On the character select screen, ships that are wider than they are long are getting mangled. The starboard wing (generally happens to BoPs and Warbirds) gets mashed. Screenshot examples given here.
I have several times, since joining (excuse me, "allying with") the Klingons, had Tovan Khev's picture replaced by that of an unfamiliar Lethean in conversation windows.
In my experiance the tal shiar deflector disables all your sci boffs space skills i have a level 20 toon and a mogai and using the tal shiar deflector disables my sci boffs skill when on board my ship.
For me it disabled Hazard Emitters but not Science Team or Tractor Beam.
1) Whenever I change maps, my chat box disappears. I have to click where it's supposed to be in order get it to reappear.
2) My key binds spaz out and stop working. In order to get them all working again, I have to go into the key bind menu, and re-do one of them, and then they all start working again.
The mission "Manhunt" will not let me go to the Vor system, instead it makes me go start the mission again from Rura Penthe
Theres a weird "fuzzyness" around my character, even after I've turned up my settings. My PC can run these higher settings, but my Rommie is... fuzzy and clipping issues on textures
The Tailor is, as many have said, too dark. Please can you up it
Also I don't know if its a bug or a texture place-holder thing but, since I picked my allegiance I've lost the Romulan beaming and warping out effect and its been replaced with Klingon variations. It breaks my immersion a little to be honest, so if this could be changed it'd be great
THE ARTIST FORMALLY KNOWN AS TRYULIS Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird Vice Admiral Oshin S'ree, USS Steamrunner, Steamrunner Class
Aside fromt he bugs listed here ive only run into one other bug.
Shooter-Mode - When you highlight an ability With R or T and press the corresponding mouse button, it instead either activates melee attack or weapons alt fire. Currently Left mouse button works on highlighted items but not middle and right button
Also, the Klingon Mission on Qonos where you go to a Federation Spy hideout, Several hostile NPC's are trapped in walls and it is difficult to take them out, Fortunately i used a lvl 50 Klink sci with the Fire AOE Vent ability which dealt with it, but it was quite irritating and time consuming.
None of my Romulan Bridge Officers are eligible as Department Heads. Also I think it told me to visit Lt. Ferra to get my first Duty Officer complement.
Tal Shiar deflector is defective; will not allow the use of Hazard Emitters for instance.
The Tal Shiar have a new policy regarding Hazard Emitters skill and all ship commanders should have received the following memo from Hakeev:
"It has come to my notice that far too many of our ships are returning to base without any sign of a battle. As a result I have ordered the disabling of the Hazard Emitters system whilst commanders fly under the auspices of the Tal Shiar. Death with Pride. Hakeev"
The Tal Shiar have a new policy regarding Hazard Emitters skill and all ship commanders should have received the following memo from Hakeev:
"It has come to my notice that far too many of our ships are returning to base without any sign of a battle. As a result I have ordered the disabling of the Hazard Emitters system whilst commanders fly under the auspices of the Tal Shiar. Death with Pride. Hakeev"
That sounds just like him!
I have the disappearing chat window too.
But it is possible to level up (I'm now 28) with patrols.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
this my first time posting a bug not sure if it a bug though, people keep dropping out of the team on the mirror universe and the team thing looked really mess up. http://i.imgur.com/eWgNXBf.jpg?1
[*]Covert Trait (Ground): This is only really useful for Tactical captains. Yet it is auto-selected for both Science and Engineer captains. They don't have any access to stealth kit powers and can't use anything remotely like Stealth Module until level 50 when they can start grinding for the Omega Set. So why bother giving it to non-tac Romulans?
None of my Romulan Bridge Officers are eligible as Department Heads. Also I think it told me to visit Lt. Ferra to get my first Duty Officer complement.
I've noticed this too. After looking closely at it, it shows both space and ground abilities that they have. There have also been a few times when beaming to a planet it would show the icons of all the abilities they had including the ones they needed to promote to use.
The Tal Shiar have a new policy regarding Hazard Emitters skill and all ship commanders should have received the following memo from Hakeev:
"It has come to my notice that far too many of our ships are returning to base without any sign of a battle. As a result I have ordered the disabling of the Hazard Emitters system whilst commanders fly under the auspices of the Tal Shiar. Death with Pride. Hakeev"
Are you sure your not Hakeev? but on the the topic it is only the Tal Shiar "Defector". << You can thank Quark for that one.
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
Something interesting I noticed on Dewa III during 'The Search for New Romulus." Some of the creatures, I forget what they are called but they are purple and attack you. They look like they are running quickly but they are not actually moving that fast across the ground.
The skill tree is resetting after level 10.
The top 10% of the top line of text and the left half of the first letter of each line of text in every dialog window is cut off for me.
Makes it impossible to tell the difference between "out" and "but" if they're the first word on a line.
2) Weapons and PADs of my away team are sometimes not displayed on the character selection screen.
3) Minor typo: Romulan race description @ character creation: 1st line, 2nd paragraph: "a" --> "an". Also the word "Vulcan" is used three times in the opening sentence of the description, which sounds a bit clumsy. You should consider rewording that.
4) Character selection screen: On the starships in the background, the front ends of warp nacelles (e.g., the red bulbs of Nebula/Galaxy nacelles) are opaque whereas they should be slightly transparent and glowing. (This issue is independent of any graphic settings)
STOWiki admin.
Why are you not rejoicing?
To ask the obvious: did you receive an invite to the beta of the first half of the romulan content?
In my experiance the tal shiar deflector disables all your sci boffs space skills i have a level 20 toon and a mogai and using the tal shiar deflector disables my sci boffs skill when on board my ship.
For me it disabled Hazard Emitters but not Science Team or Tractor Beam.
1) Whenever I change maps, my chat box disappears. I have to click where it's supposed to be in order get it to reappear.
2) My key binds spaz out and stop working. In order to get them all working again, I have to go into the key bind menu, and re-do one of them, and then they all start working again.
Yeah this is what happened to me as well.
Theres a weird "fuzzyness" around my character, even after I've turned up my settings. My PC can run these higher settings, but my Rommie is... fuzzy and clipping issues on textures
The Tailor is, as many have said, too dark. Please can you up it
Also I don't know if its a bug or a texture place-holder thing but, since I picked my allegiance I've lost the Romulan beaming and warping out effect and its been replaced with Klingon variations. It breaks my immersion a little to be honest, so if this could be changed it'd be great
Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird
Vice Admiral Oshin S'ree, USS Steamrunner, Steamrunner Class
Fleet: http://www.unrepentantgaming.com
A lot of clipping and other issues with Romulan-KDF uniforms.
None of my Romulan Bridge Officers are eligible as Department Heads. Also I think it told me to visit Lt. Ferra to get my first Duty Officer complement.
The Tal Shiar have a new policy regarding Hazard Emitters skill and all ship commanders should have received the following memo from Hakeev:
"It has come to my notice that far too many of our ships are returning to base without any sign of a battle. As a result I have ordered the disabling of the Hazard Emitters system whilst commanders fly under the auspices of the Tal Shiar. Death with Pride. Hakeev"
That sounds just like him!
I have the disappearing chat window too.
But it is possible to level up (I'm now 28) with patrols.
Jem hadar 2 piece set? Jem hadar cloaking devices? omega 2 piece set? no cloak?
well yep lvl 50 grind but It's not utter waste imo
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
I've noticed this too. After looking closely at it, it shows both space and ground abilities that they have. There have also been a few times when beaming to a planet it would show the icons of all the abilities they had including the ones they needed to promote to use.
Are you sure your not Hakeev? but on the the topic it is only the Tal Shiar "Defector". << You can thank Quark for that one.
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
-Neutral No More mission is broken.
-Shooter Mode is broken
Issue that I believe everyone is encountering but I haven't posted a bug report yet.
-BOFF unseating
What Cryptic should consider before releasing anything.