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[Legacy of Romulus] UI/ HUD Feedback, Suggestions, ETC.



  • mariartusmariartus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    fovrel wrote: »
    One thing, skill icons seem to be related to faction. For instance the icon for tactical team is different on Federation and Klingon (this is not a thing with the new UI, we already have it with the game on Holodeck). I am not happy with that. I prefer universal icons for skills. So when I change sides, I do not have to 'learn' the new icons.

    This was always the case, even on live, if you actually go and check. This is not a new addition
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is regarding the new character creator....

    The more i play the more I hate It.

    The basic options are IMO confusing for users. If you dont know the system you might believe the presets are your ONLY choices.

    Some of the presets are not that good. But aside from just not being nice looking they arent even appropriate for some of the species. Most refering to heads and not clothes

    Advanced options hard to see. I would prefer to turn off Basic forever and never see it but its the default. New players may miss them.

    Default heads ALWAYS there. First its annoying to look at. Its annoying having your characters face change everytime one gets moused over. Its easy to misclick and mess up your head. If I am editing a uniform I dont need HEADS clogging up the scream

    No Undo button I can see. Either its not there are just too hard to find.

    To me its become the "Tyranny of Simplicity". The basic version just comes off a bit clunky.

    My suggestion is to add an option to turn off the cluncky basic version and deafult our options to the simple, intuitive and easy to use Advanced options.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would REALLY, REALLY love a sidebar tab for assigned BOs for my ship. When it is clicked on only those BOs show or have the top slots always show assigned BO based on ship slotting rank.

    It gets cumbersome with the current system when one has four of five different sets of BO depending on ship and load out. I've resorted to naming all my BO with generic names such as" Tac1-SV3, Tac2-HY3, Tac3-RF3 - etc.... It takes a lot of the RP(ish) fun out of it to say the least.

    Moreover it would also be nice to have a group ground/away team tab or section as well directly underneath the ship area or tab.
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    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
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  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    @Cryptic - can we PLEASE get a black and white GUI with grey accent shading or maybe one with olive highlights?

    I'm simply not a fan of massively diverse color pallets and bright luminosity (chronic migraine headaches) for that matter.

    With today's TRIBBLE patch we just added 3 new color schemes. Federation Classic, Klingon Classic and Romulan classic. These all use a scheme similar to the UI on Holodeck, which is to say that the backgrounds of the button is darker and the text or icon of the button is brighter.

    Additionally, these schemes do not have a Red Alert mode for those users who find it distracting. Eventually I would like to have the Red Alert mode option independent of what color scheme you use, but that's contingent on programmers having the time to make that possible.

    Please test these schemes out and let us know what you think. Options > Basic > Color Schemes.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I saw the Romulan BOFF ground tray power bug mentioned earlier, that's a known issue and we're looking into it.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • entropybetaentropybeta Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like the the romulan intro clearly a lot of work went into it. I felt the subtitles went by a little too fast for me and I didn't catch the whole story. maybe you could have it scroll up across the screen like star wars or add a pause or simply make it longer and slower. anyways I was eager to see the new content so it didn't bother me a whole lot ;)
  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2013
    I like the KDF Classic but was wondering if it was at all possible to have the old KDF UI back as well? I feel like too much stuff like ship shield strength fades into the background with the transparent UI. The solid chunk of colour makes things stand out.
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    vitzh wrote: »
    I like the KDF Classic but was wondering if it was at all possible to have the old KDF UI back as well? I feel like too much stuff like ship shield strength fades into the background with the transparent UI. The solid chunk of colour makes things stand out.

    It's impossible for us to allow for the switching between the old and new UI. Unlike HTML/CSS for example, the UI is built with layout information and data intertwined, which means the old must make way for the new.

    Regarding the shield level UI though, I've just brightened up the borders of that significantly, so hopefully that will address the problems you're having. Keep an eye on the TRIBBLE patch notes.

    Thanks again for your feedback!
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Can there be any way to shrink the pop-up windows? I like that the new size takes up a chunk of the screen to focus players on the mission and interaction, but it is a little too big for my taste; I can see where other players would want to customize the size of the interaction windows to fit their play styles rather than being stuck with something this large.

    One size doesn't always fit all.

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    the subtitles went by a little too fast for me and I didn't catch the whole story.

    I agree with this: I missed a chunk of what was going on. I figured out what had happened, but especially with this new content, I am eager to follow every step.

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    clannmac wrote: »
    I agree with this: I missed a chunk of what was going on. I figured out what had happened, but especially with this new content, I am eager to follow every step.

    The subtitle timing is temporary and will be adjusted once voice overs are added to the sequence.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    crypticttc wrote: »
    With today's TRIBBLE patch we just added 3 new color schemes. Federation Classic, Klingon Classic and Romulan classic. These all use a scheme similar to the UI on Holodeck, which is to say that the backgrounds of the button is darker and the text or icon of the button is brighter.

    Additionally, these schemes do not have a Red Alert mode for those users who find it distracting. Eventually I would like to have the Red Alert mode option independent of what color scheme you use, but that's contingent on programmers having the time to make that possible.

    Please test these schemes out and let us know what you think. Options > Basic > Color Schemes.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I saw the Romulan BOFF ground tray power bug mentioned earlier, that's a known issue and we're looking into it.

    When I saw the notes indicating "classic", I was thinking we would get the Pre-LoR UI, not another color option of Dark Blue or Red or Dark Green. It's not solving any problem people are having.

    As commented many times, people are having trouble seeing the shield indicators and the text. Part of that problem is that there are just too much colors drowning out the important UI elements, like Health and Shields.

    Look at a screenshot from the LCARS during Star Trek Nemesis. Basic colors with important elements highlighted. You see that even with Normal LCARs.

    Don't understand why you guys aren't trying to make the Federation UI truely LCARish and fix some of the unneeded redundancy.

    Again, HERE is a picture of my Federation UI that I'm currently working on. As you can see it looks more LCARish than what you guys got, and it merged elements like the Weapon Window with the Shield / Health Window.

    And it's kept simple colors so it doesn't drown out the important elements that needs attention like your health and shields.

    Surely you can something to improve the UI than just restyling it and giving "pretty colors". :rolleyes:
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    crypticttc wrote: »
    With today's TRIBBLE patch we just added 3 new color schemes. Federation Classic, Klingon Classic and Romulan classic. These all use a scheme similar to the UI on Holodeck, which is to say that the backgrounds of the button is darker and the text or icon of the button is brighter.

    Additionally, these schemes do not have a Red Alert mode for those users who find it distracting. Eventually I would like to have the Red Alert mode option independent of what color scheme you use, but that's contingent on programmers having the time to make that possible.

    Please test these schemes out and let us know what you think. Options > Basic > Color Schemes.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I saw the Romulan BOFF ground tray power bug mentioned earlier, that's a known issue and we're looking into it.

    Cool. I will check them out after I get home from work. Thanks! :D

    Regarding the red alert, no doubt. On a similar note, the fly-in message we get sometimes, goes to the far left of my 30" monitor (I have two but only play on one) which is a little vexing. Can we possibly get the option to place it like the notifications window? If it is like the red alert - which I think it is, then could the coders place it for center top or bottom display?
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    When I saw the notes indicating "classic", I was thinking we would get the Pre-LoR UI, not another color option of Dark Blue or Red or Dark Green. It's not solving any problem people are having.

    The "Classic" color schemes were created to help users who had difficult using the color schemes with bright buttons when certain windows are open.
    As commented many times, people are having trouble seeing the shield indicators and the text. Part of that problem is that there are just too much colors drowning out the important UI elements, like Health and Shields.

    I've seen that feedback and as I posted here I have just implemented a change to address this problem. Expect to see it on Tribble very soon.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    crypticttc wrote: »
    The "Classic" color schemes were created to help users who had difficult using the color schemes with bright buttons when certain windows are open.

    But yet they don't have Red Alerts.

    And again what of people who are having trouble finding their Health and Shield Bars because of all the colors?
    crypticttc wrote: »
    I've seen that feedback and as I posted here I have just implemented a change to address this problem. Expect to see it on Tribble very soon.

    So why not make a layout similar to the old UI and make it an option?

    But guess this is the reason why there isn't a Klingon or Romulan Themed UIs like in canon.
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    But yet they don't have Red Alerts.

    The fact that they don't have Red Alert mode is in order to offer an option to play without the UI going into Red Alert mode. This is also another feature some users have requested.

    In the future I hope to divorce Red Alert mode from a specific color scheme, but that is up to the programmer's schedule, not mine. So what I'm able to do right now is offer a select group of color schemes for users who both don't like the bright buttons and/or don't like the Red Alert mode.
    And again what of people who are having trouble finding their Health and Shield Bars because of all the colors?

    So why not make a layout similar to the old UI and make it an option?

    The default color schemes use a pretty limited range of colors (the default Fed palette ueses 3 colors not counting the health HP bar or the power level bars, which are designed to stand out). There are schemes with more diverse color selections, like the TNG scheme, which is purely optional. To address your concern, however, the classic color scheme is even more limited, primarily sticking to a value/saturation range of one color.
    But guess this is the reason why there isn't a Klingon or Romulan Themed UIs like in canon.

    First of all, it's important to make the distinction between a UI skin, a UI color scheme and a UI layout.

    We do have different skins for the three factions. You'll notice that window accents and button edges have different treatments when you are playing as a fed character, klingon character or Romulan character.

    Then there are the color schemes, which are also different by default for each faction. If you have gone to the options menu and chosen a color scheme yourself, that choice currently overrides any default color scheme changes, meaning that even when you create a new Romulan or Klingon character it will use whichever color scheme you have chosen. I am hoping that eventually programmers will be able to allow you to specify a color scheme on a per character basis, but that is contingent on them having the time to do so.

    Finally, there is the UI layout, which I'd define as the arrangement of elements on the screen. Even if it were easier to offer different layouts for different factions, I would not want to do this. It should be a seamless transition for someone who is switching from a Romulan character to a Federation character or from a Klingon character to a Romulan character etc etc. It's not desirable for players to re-learn the UI whenever they make a character in a different faction.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • jkirk13jkirk13 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This may have been asked and answered already but will we be able to have different color schemes for all our characters? I have to manually change it every time I switch toons.
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    jkirk13 wrote: »
    This may have been asked and answered a;ready but will we be able to have different color schemes for all our characters? I have to manually change it every time I switch toons.

    I've asked the programmers about it and it's on the list to do when they've got the time to do it. Right now they're focused on squashing bugs though. :)
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    crypticttc wrote: »
    The fact that they don't have Red Alert mode is in order to offer an option to play without the UI going into Red Alert mode. This is also another feature some users have requested.

    In the future I hope to divorce Red Alert mode from a specific color scheme, but that is up to the programmer's schedule, not mine. So what I'm able to do right now is offer a select group of color schemes for users who both don't like the bright buttons and/or don't like the Red Alert mode.

    Okay, but there should be notes telling players this.

    crypticttc wrote: »
    The default color schemes use a pretty limited range of colors (the default Fed palette ueses 3 colors not counting the health HP bar or the power level bars, which are designed to stand out). There are schemes with more diverse color selections, like the TNG scheme, which is purely optional. To address your concern, however, the classic color scheme is even more limited, primarily sticking to a value/saturation range of one color.

    I'm sorry but they don't stand out compared to the old UI and this is what people are commenting on. Because it all blends in with the surrounding UI elements, both on Space and Ground. And frankly it causes unnecessary eye strain in trying to find it.

    I mean it's bad enough already with these small text, still painful trying to read the clock.
    crypticttc wrote: »
    First of all, it's important to make the distinction between a UI skin, a UI color scheme and a UI layout.

    We do have different skins for the three factions. You'll notice that window accents and button edges have different treatments when you are playing as a fed character, klingon character or Romulan character.

    Then there are the color schemes, which are also different by default for each faction. If you have gone to the options menu and chosen a color scheme yourself, that choice currently overrides any default color scheme changes, meaning that even when you create a new Romulan or Klingon character it will use whichever color scheme you have chosen. I am hoping that eventually programmers will be able to allow you to specify a color scheme on a per character basis, but that is contingent on them having the time to do so.

    I'm sorry but i don't see any difference in "window accents", outside the Romulan Icon it's the same UI as my Fed. But it's nice that you are going to talk to the programmers to save UI color settings depending on character, because people are not liking it staying on the one.
    crypticttc wrote: »
    Finally, there is the UI layout, which I'd define as the arrangement of elements on the screen. Even if it were easier to offer different layouts for different factions, I would not want to do this. It should be a seamless transition for someone who is switching from a Romulan character to a Federation character or from a Klingon character to a Romulan character etc etc. It's not desirable for players to re-learn the UI whenever they make a character in a different faction.

    I'm sorry but that's just a straw man argument.

    I bet if you made a true Themed Klingon and Romulan UIs, people would quickly understand them, providing you use similar elements and layouts. Like Chat window on the left, toolbar on the right, minimap on the top right and personal on the left.

    I'll try to make a demonstration model for you later tonight.
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    Okay, but there should be notes telling players this.

    This was indicated in the original patch note, and when you choose the color scheme in the list it indicates clearly that they do not have a red alert mode.
    I'm sorry but i don't see any difference in "window accents", outside the Romulan Icon it's the same UI as my Fed.

    The new UI actually features more thematic differences in the skin than the old one did. Button shapes are distinct, windows have different shapes and large windows like the journal or DOFF window have unique corner shapes for each faction.

    This screenshot has a side-by-side comparison that should make it easy to see the distinction.
    I'm sorry but that's just a straw man argument.

    I bet if you made a true Themed Klingon and Romulan UIs, people would quickly understand them, providing you use similar elements and layouts. Like Chat window on the left, toolbar on the right, minimap on the top right and personal on the left.

    I'll try to make a demonstration model for you later tonight.

    We might be talking past one another, however I have seen old Star Trek games try this with mixed results. Starfleet Command and Birth of the Federation come to mind. Their faction UIs were very stylized and I always had trouble adjusting whenever I picked up a new race. As I said, it's a bit of a moot point because STO's UI is constructed in such a way that demands the same layout across skins. Even so, I don't see it as a limitation because that's how I would want to do it anyway.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • darkmyth77darkmyth77 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like the new UI Interface, glad to see more LCARS style being added to the game. Also the power readouts for weapons, engines, auxiliary and shields is easier to read at a glance. I hear a lot of users saying they hate the new UI, but those same users after playing with it for a bit say they like the new interface.
    "If it doesn't explode, you simply aren't trying hard enough."
  • darkmyth77darkmyth77 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would like to see the UI have more effects such as if systems are damaged parts of the UI HUD does down or blinks like a bridge console failing on a ship in combat. This would work in a similar fashion to the static effects which are caused by some nebula's in game.
    "If it doesn't explode, you simply aren't trying hard enough."
  • kalanikalani Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Would it be possible at some point to use the skin of one factions UI as the skin for another say for example using the Romulans trapezoid buttons and other specific UI elements when we play as a federation character?
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So minor nitpick.

    Science vessels, carriers and now warbirds have a few extra ship based. Add in set and console powers, and fitting everything into a single tray can be difficult. You can add a second tray, but it is vertical. I hate that tray because it doesn't seem to fit anywhere in my setup. It also wouldn't surprise me if some people like the vertical tray and hate the horizontal one.

    Would it be possible to set the orientation of both trays so we can have two horizontal, or two vertical trays rather than one of each. Also, would it be possible to expand each trays to four rows/colums?
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    kalani2 wrote: »
    Would it be possible at some point to use the skin of one factions UI as the skin for another say for example using the Romulans trapezoid buttons and other specific UI elements when we play as a federation character?

    This is not planned currently - we feel that the UI skin is pretty strongly tied to the experience of playing that faction. If it's something enough people ask for then it might be considered, but I have no idea what the technical implications would be or what issues it could cause.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • rcellomanrcelloman Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Please move this to it's correct location if this is the wrong one, Thanks!

    UPDATES! (please read again!)

    Close Beta Invite: Legacy of Romulus
    Legacy of Romulan observations:

    First up: the only problem was starting a Romulan Character! After getting the download/patch I logged in.

    Nice spatial/spacial <downward> flip of the screen after login to start! Many Star Trek opening movie views have done that cool move. Kudos!

    Back to the start problem: First time I logged into Tribble there was a Romulan Icon to the right of the Klingon one, so I clicked on it and I was not taken to a Romulan start character but to the Federation and Klingon choices.

    So I choose a Fed character already on Tribble to see any new fun <2 recommendations>:

    1. The ?cyan? color when viewing yourself and crew by pressing U on the keyboard. That color is not pleasing on my eyes. However the blue color shown on the on-screen map box in the top right corner the slightly deeper blue color is much better looking. If the cyan color is not going to be changed, perhaps then just color the bridge officer name/letters not the whole box - let the background be black with cyan lettering?

    2. The character traits - one must realize NOT to click on the respec traits button! Just add all the traits you can then commit them. For some reason I respec'd first then tried to choose traits from the choices myself. Respec option lost.

    Everything else in the new setup is just beautiful and working perfectly! Screens are easier on the eyes, the newer pop-up boxes give you the feel on a real ST: episode and also makes you read more carefully what the pop-up is saying. Time passes by and you honestly don?t notice with the new views.

    However, while looking around the new views of characters and spatial views and enjoying the new very very impressive graphical views - a closing down for maintenance in 15mins (04-19-13 @ 7:30pm USA east coast time) pop-up shows and I log off. It didn't occur to me that the maintenance was just for Tribble, but I did log back in 30 mins later to the Holodeck. Four (4) hours later I tried again to find the Romulan start button, but no luck.

    After trying several times to find a way to START a Romulan character, I decided to log out, clean up my PC, reboot and try again. After talking to a fleet member, I find out that he just clicked on the blank space to the right of the Klingon icon and THEN he (and myself) was able to start the Romulan character! Strange!

    After getting started everything ran completely smooth. Nice to be able to have a different eyebrow color from one's hair color - am unable to do this for most of my Bridge Officers on Holodeck.

    Nice start to the Romulan Officer from being a civilian first! Again, many kudos to all those who have worked so long and hard on all this!

    Looking around at the ground, sky with clouds moving, plant colors and plants that actually move - very nice touch (reminds me of Second Life views as I was on SL for years before STO came out) windmills, various water views, all just perfect! I was in no hurry to go to the farm!

    Farm: ran perfectly.

    Cave: ran perfectly.

    Warbird: excellent holographic control panels located on the ship as well as the standard panels. Fed ships could use these views! After watching on all Star Trek series and movies how easily officers were able to use most controls of alien ships. It is only now on the Romulan Warbird that I understand and accept the feeling of how they were able to. Years of using controls one fast gets use to others.

    Decided to go to the Bridge before starting the mission to Suliban. Nice touch in the ready room where a holographic screen and console come up out of the desk!

    Engineering! When the door opened to Engineering I didn't want to go near the singularity core! Still am impressed with the holo consoles! You may want to put up better safely glass, so one does not jump/fall into the clockwise/counterclockwise rotating platforms below the core as I did. Looking up from where I landed reminded me of the film Galaxy Quest, where the ship had the Omega 13 device? The view up showed spheres moving about instead of platforms though. A log out and back in was the only way to get out of the bottom of the core.

    Nice Helix mission was cool to see the lights come on at the top of the structure. Again Kudos for the onscreen interaction of characters very realistic feel of being in 4th year TNG and later Trek series of episodes! The small movement of people onscreen give the feeling of being there.

    Legacy of Romulus ran nicely until after one picks up the Centurion ship to then venture into Distress Call - we (meaning several ships at the location of where S.S. Daendle was to be was nowhere to be found, just asteroids. Nothing could be seen above or below the asteroids. I contacted a person in my fleet who says he did all the Legacy missions (as far as he could) and he said when he did Distress Call, it was there and no problem, but some 5-7 ships where there when I was there and none of us could find or get in Bigger Picture/ Answer Freighter Distress Call / Roadside Assistance / Go to S.S. Daendle. Friend in my Fleet was able to share the next mission: The Price Of Neutrality - ran perfectly, but no mission came up after completing it. (See 4/27/13 Update No. 1 below).

    There was a popup reminder to claim your ship before heading out. I already had claimed a new ship, but will go back to claim it again. By the way, after running 'Price' the ships Duty Officer button lit up, but we don't have any duty officers (Duty Officers are given when you reach Level 20-21).



    I found out WHY some of us are not getting the Legacy of Romulus missions - YOU HAVE to REPLAY previous missions of Legacy (not Starbase 24 or others as you will not be able to enter those sectors due to Diplomatic permissions), so click on the Hail button and find a Legacy mission that you enjoyed and REPLAY it to get the points that will rank up! Once do that, more newer Legacy missions will be opened for you to play!

    Wish someone simply told me that instead of spending days trying to figure out if a mission is bugged or not.

    It wasn't until someone reminded me that we had to do the same on the Holodeck in the past (so long ago that I forgot about it) to rank up and get new episode/missions.

    So guys, now you know what to do to continue Legacy of Romulus on Tribble!

    Same date: Update No. 2

    Now that I've 'skipped' the Bigger Picture/Distress Call/ SS Daendle mission, I've continued on to run missions easily.

    It was very sad to see the Civilian Home World where you first started the Legacy of Romulus 'tutorial' after the -- well, you know what (don't want to give it away here in case some read this before encountering Legacy), but the mission there was good, as all the 'working' ones so far. Again, the details of all missions - believe it or not are just a few steps of the actual holodeck of what we see in TNG and after.

    < Don't be surprised if you find some real world emotions coming up while you encounter Legacy of Romulus missions! >

    While I was sampling water for radiation on Dewa III, I saw a flash reflected on the water surface and looked up -- it was a bird flying by! Wow! STO personnel have really stepped it up an incredible notch here. Give them your best for the work they've done and are doing beyond Legacy of Romulus! The Waterfall that you will see when you look up at it really makes you feel you are (almost) there!

    The very colorful Romulus 'wildlife' that runs by as you investigate the planet is also a cool stampede!

    < By the way, be sure to check the 'Hail' icon onscreen top right box - as missions will begin to show up in there - pop-ups seem to stop, but you will see Romulan persons with missions! >

    There are some 'mistakes in spelling' just before the end of 'Inside Job' mission that I bet I am the ONLY one who cared to report. On Drozana Station, after picking up the -package- to meet Drake of Section 31 - after putting in the ear piece given by his '31' operative - the following two (2) sequential pop-ups:


    (Visual of Drake with a scar under his right eye) 'We've been working on getting someone inside the Tal'Shiar. Before we start filling you in on our planes, let me know why you want too.'

    <And again in the very next words from Drake>:

    'I've heard you were at Virinat. Nasty business there. Pretty easy to build a vendetta from something like that. A person in you situation my have some pent up, almost uncontrolable emotions. I can't afford anyone with a grudge taking matters into thier own hands.'


    Those are the exact statements letter for letter word for word, so you see the spelling mistakes. I can only hope there are not too many in my observations here (lol).

    Drozana Station - the new design is perfect and what is currently needed on Holodeck. The openess of the area, new Dabo Table where all can see it and views is very very nice indeed! 'Leeta's outfit is better as well!


    All missions ran smoothly after Drozana Station to Level thru level 21 (but I got Subcommander level 22). As I could not run the Bigger Picture mission - I had to do all missions using the Khelan Warbird! Good thing I'm not just a shooter! (smiling)

    Thanks for the Beta Invite!
    rcelloman / @celloman (Lifetime Subscriber)
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    played till lvl 11, LOVED every bit !
  • kdfrulzfeddroolzkdfrulzfeddroolz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like the additional choice of the classic color schemes a lot - thank you for that CrypticTTC! :D

    However would it be possible to change the enemy/ally colors ? I really dislike the blue color for allies and find it a constant distraction... while the contrast is good the color itself is loathsome. Any chance we can get some options there since you are already focused on the UI? :)
  • crypticttccrypticttc Member Posts: 30 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2013
    I like the additional choice of the classic color schemes a lot - thank you for that CrypticTTC! :D

    However would it be possible to change the enemy/ally colors ? I really dislike the blue color for allies and find it a constant distraction... while the contrast is good the color itself is loathsome. Any chance we can get some options there since you are already focused on the UI? :)

    We want to make sure that it's consistent. I'm not married to the particular shade of blue it's using, though I landed on it because it doesn't feel like a "federation" blue and is easily distinguished from the "enemy" color for colorblind players.
    Star Trek Online - Starship Artist, former UI Artist
    @Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    crypticttc wrote: »
    This is not planned currently - we feel that the UI skin is pretty strongly tied to the experience of playing that faction. If it's something enough people ask for then it might be considered, but I have no idea what the technical implications would be or what issues it could cause.

    People have been asking for a Klingon UI since Beta, and not a Red version of the Federation UI. :rolleyes:
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    crypticttc wrote: »
    With today's TRIBBLE patch we just added 3 new color schemes. Federation Classic, Klingon Classic and Romulan classic. These all use a scheme similar to the UI on Holodeck, which is to say that the backgrounds of the button is darker and the text or icon of the button is brighter.

    Additionally, these schemes do not have a Red Alert mode for those users who find it distracting. Eventually I would like to have the Red Alert mode option independent of what color scheme you use, but that's contingent on programmers having the time to make that possible.

    Please test these schemes out and let us know what you think. Options > Basic > Color Schemes.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I saw the Romulan BOFF ground tray power bug mentioned earlier, that's a known issue and we're looking into it.

    Speaking of which, will it ever be possible to set your color schemes on a per-character basis? Or at least a per-faction basis? Having to switch schemes every time I log into a different faction is rather impractical.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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