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Random Thoughts of an idiot Romulan

banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Tribble - Bug Reports
LEGACY OF ROMULUS PLAYTHROUGH - CLOSED BETA...or....Whoops, Cryptic left the back door open and now there is a crazy girl running around the closed beta.

DAY 1 (April 19th, 2013)


CHARACTER CREATION AND PLAY THROUGH. Not much bug hunting this play through. Mostly concentrated on first impressions etc.

Identified a few problems with the character creation, especially for the female model.

Avatar can be a bit slow keeping up with changes in head/hair using thumbnails to begin with. Might be a buffering issue my end.

Changing heads with thumbnails deletes the scarf on the "rustic costume" on models.

Can we have an undo button please?

Shirt categories and upper not making much sense to my Friday brain? A Romulan Civilian Wrap on female model is a tight jacket and not a vest?

Romulan Civilian Wrap on female model gives four colour options for an outfit that is single coloured.

Sometimes, when selecting colour, the darkest shade of red appears black on colour panel. (m)

Please can we have an undo button?

Not all colour panels seem to be necessary on collar of female model. (Male model only had two).

Lower body reset button reads "Reset all values of eyes" on female model.

Lower body randomise button reads "Randomise all values of eyes" on female model.

I'm no expert on Romulans, but I don't THINK their legs have eyes.

Now hills, they do have eyes.

A useful feature would be to be able to "Drag and drop" colours. So if I want the pattern on my shirt and trousers to match, I can drag and drop the colour scheme from one to the other.

An undo button would also be useful.

Save/Load outfit works. Phew.

Overall, user interface very easy to use and understand here.


Loading screen tutorials are federation specific.

I am a speed/scan reader, and I found the subtitles over the opening video WAY TOO FAST. I assume that they are missing a voice over though.
Also the people of Virinat seem to be messing about with cloaking devices in the video sequence.


Like the idea of making the tutorial popups optional. Difficult to ascertain how effective they are to newbies, but they seem okay.

Chairs don't have "sit down" option :-(

I love the RPG like element of this. With all the different characters to talk to. Makes the world seem very real (And all the more heartbreaking when it is inevitably destroyed I am guessing)

Keeper of Lore is a good idea :-)

Romulan Com Voice (eg "Enemy target on sensors") is Federation?

Nevala's dialogue in "A Day on the Farm- Return to Nevala doesn't 'read' well to me. "It's good you disabled the device, though -- maybe now the Khellids will calm down. However, excellent work disabling these drones and their device".

While it add's atmosphere, the sound effect on D'Vex's equipment is gonna blow speakers and deafen anyone who plays with headphones! Even my cat ran off and she is ALREADY deaf!

Map design/invisible walls seem to be solid. I couldn't break into any of the areas that I tried to break into.

The problem is the Settlement is so beautiful, I dont want to leave. I know what's going to happen.


Entering the market, when Tovan contacts you seemed to reset character (weapons holstered, battle mode disengaged). Bit of a bother in the middle of an invasion!!!

Okay...that mission was pretty awesome :-)

I assume that Tovan Khev's editing options is deliberately disabled, but mentioning it anyway.

There seems to be much more emphasis on "role play", especially when first talking to Romulan Republic Captain, with different response options. I like.

None of the chairs work in Temer's office either :-(


There doesn't APPEAR to be exchange access on the flotila.

Not a biggie, but Dewa 3 is ALREADY called New Romulus on the map. Breaks the story a bit :-/


Not much to say. Solid mission that flowed well.

We finally get to order the bridge officer to put the ship on the screen. It's the little things in life.

What happened to Helix Arm Charlie?

Defeat Tal Shiar feels like a mission objective, but isn't listed as such?

Overall impressions

I was concentrating on just the WOW factor and squeeing at all the pretty scenery rather than actual beta testing/bug hunting with this play through. Overall impression is that the Romulan opening missions, which I am guessing is reflective of campaign as a whole, were very solid with an interesting story to tell. There was an almost episodic/film quality to it, and the game gives players a great opportunity to immerse themselves in the world right from the beginning, making that last shot of the planet Virnat as you leave forever all the more...all the more...no I... :'-{

Next play through I will reset the character and play up to the same point again, this time concentrating on finding bugs rather than the story and pretty scenery. (Will very much be a case of "oooh, game wants me to push this button, but what happens if I press this button).
Post edited by banikslave on


  • banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First up, apologies, I realized after posting last night that I have posted this in the wrong thread :( Is there a Mod that can move it to the correct thread?

    Just played the tutorial again, this time being as rebellious as possible. Ignoring instructions, trying to run through walls, climb scaffolding, etc etc. I have learned that once the game instructs you to go to the farm and talk to Avrak (Right after the optional target practice) there is nothing to stop lost newbies or rebellious beta testers from running all the way to the ends of the map, where the device sits. Couldn't actually interact with the device.

    I was expecting Novala or someone to stop me and direct me back to Avrak, the way that someone directed me back to Tovan when I ran off at the beginning. Might be an idea if possible. (I don't know much about game coding, so don't know what is a big or little change).

    I tried to recreate the log out/log in bug with the pistol that someone mentioned, but was unable. Not sure if this bug was a one off because of the shard update, or that I didn't recreate the settings properly.

    Also, when I deleted my rebellious tutorial character after playthrough, and then tried to load my main character, the game screen crashed something chronic. I don't know if I maybe just went too fast for it, but the UI dissapeared and all I was left with was the character I had just deleted stood on an empty transport pad, with a box telling me "These are the exploits of Location: )

    Only way out was the shut the whole thing down in the task manager. Restart showed that character had deleted as instructed.
  • banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    DAY 2



    Character loading screens. Klingon character has bridge officers stood around her, but Romulan character is all alone :-(

    I know that the storyline has this ship having been abandoned for a bit, but that aquarium in the Romulan Captain's ready room NEEDS to have an alien lizard in it. Maybe it could be an accolade in a future mission?

    CLONE ARMY!!!!


    Don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but you can get trapped under the big sphere thingie in the engine room ;-)

    This might just be because I was in orbit of the Suliban system, but when I called a commodity ship something like three turned up.

    Experimented with going back to Flotilla to see if I could get mission from Tamer in person. You can :-)

    Not really a bug, per say, but Tamer is taller than the top of his chair back on the contact screen, but smaller than it in person. #37-412

    Got stuck in Transporter Logistics for a bit because I was waiting for a Return to Ship interaction similar to what you get on KDF hub transporters.

    Yes I submitted that chair thing as a bug report. It bugged me. Hence bug report.

    Considering that instinct is to look around on a new map, Zden and Veril's initial interaction and establishment can be easily missed.

    FEMALE REMAN!!!!!!!!!

    Oh great, I have gained a rebellious teenager

    Thanks to my incredibly spoilt cat demanding my attention right in the middle of a battle, I was able to test the bridge officer battle AI. It works...Unlike the Reman security net.

    Dammit, it wont let me shoot Slamek!!!

    My mission objective is to Protect Slamek. Never have I wanted to fail a mission objective more...

    Zden's dialogue. After [Mission] We're going to need a plan B. During Plan Evacuation with Zden. "I'll take Slamek will me to help scan for survivors." Universal Translator is broken again. #37-434

    MIGHT be a one off, but The end mission communication came through while I was still fighting the attack drone, and I cancelled it by my still fighting the attack drone.

    What the hell is this com screen suppose to be?


    At completion of optional (Defeat 5 ships) might be worth having a communication or tutorial reminding lost newbies (and experienced players) about Nav Points. Otherwise you might have the odd idiot sat around for ages waiting for a communication screen to load.

    I like the tie in to the Colloseum mission. I sill hate Slamek.
  • banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    DAY 3



    When reaching sector border, bridge officer doesn't pop up to give clearance or refusal to enter. The reason does pop up (I was only level 7) but it can easily be missed, especially if players are used to seeing bridge officers.

    Enemy signal contact not working (again, might be level issue but game doesn't say)

    Sod it, beaten track it is.


    I know that this is really nitpicking, but "You know the drill, right?" just really stood out at very OOC for the romulan Tovan Khev. It is a very VERY human phrase.

    Flashing lights on t'liss light warbird are very pretty, but also look a lot like Nav beacons at the right angle.

    Doesn't APPEAR to be any visible difference between impulse and full impulse. In deep space, can be tricky to see if it is on or not.

    Awfully open and friendly on Gesko station aren't they. Complete stranger, you are clear for docking.

    Bridge officers can follow you behind the green boxes bottom left of the transporter room and get stuck. They DO follow you out, but you have to seriously get them to follow you inch by inch. #37 660


    Colonists don't have "you can talk to me" I symbols over their head.

    In the cut scene, Hakeev talks without moving his lips. #37 662

    In other words...DAMMIT they did a Lando on us.

    Would Romulans clap?

    I CRASHED IT!!! Royally. A type box came up, but disappeared before I could type. I was trying to select a standard away team while stood on the flotilla.

    Ho Hum. Guess I'm doing the washing up then.
  • banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Managed to post the same thing twice and now cant delete the second box, so here is some dummy text. Move along.
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is the best play through review I have ever read.
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    banikslave wrote: »
    DAY 2



    What the hell is this com screen suppose to be?


    I sill hate Slamek.

    I snipped a bit. but this is the part i wanted to comment on.

    Are you having trouble figuring out what he's saying or why its popping up?

    In game it explained that your ship needed to beam some of the remans to your ship since one of the shuttles went boom. since it seems no matter what path i tried taking to avoid it, if one of your BO's attacks the drone (or your npc reman female at the time) does, no matter how far away from the ship it is when it dies, the ship still explodes.

    anyway this popup screen is basically someone telling you we've beamed the remans up and your NPC ship buddy that you rescued in the space portion is needing backup.

    Edit: if your asking about the part that says "ensign" its probably a bug.
  • banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    tenkari wrote: »
    Are you having trouble figuring out what he's saying or why its popping up?

    Edit: if your asking about the part that says "ensign" its probably a bug.

    I didn't understand what the thick blue "Thunderbirds" frame around the speaker was supposed to be. I am guessing it represents a ground communication device but I don't immediately recall seeing it on the other ground mission (Although I was too busy dying to really pay attention...me and ground combat are not the best of friends :D)

    Thanks though. Actually connected a few dots that I hadn't connected yet. For one, I didn't see what blew up the shuttle! I assumed it was Slamek.

    Have I mentioned that I hate Slamek? :rolleyes:
  • banikslavebanikslave Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is the best play through review I have ever read.

    You cant have read that many then :P
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    banikslave wrote: »
    I didn't understand what the thick blue "Thunderbirds" frame around the speaker was supposed to be. I am guessing it represents a ground communication device but I don't immediately recall seeing it on the other ground mission (Although I was too busy dying to really pay attention...me and ground combat are not the best of friends :D)

    Thanks though. Actually connected a few dots that I hadn't connected yet. For one, I didn't see what blew up the shuttle! I assumed it was Slamek.

    Have I mentioned that I hate Slamek? :rolleyes:

    I think its supposed to be implied that the Shuttle gets blow up by you, or at least random weapons fire. When I played this through I got a pop up message saying be careful whare you shoot, just as I shot and the shuttle blew up. I think it preprogrammed no matter what happens, but I'm not sure.

    And yes, I hate him too. Was so pissed off I couldn't feed him to the Tholians to distract them in the temporal mission.

    And I agree, this is an entertaining playthrough review.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    malkarris wrote: »
    I think its supposed to be implied that the Shuttle gets blow up by you, or at least random weapons fire. When I played this through I got a pop up message saying be careful whare you shoot, just as I shot and the shuttle blew up. I think it preprogrammed no matter what happens, but I'm not sure.

    I'm pretty sure it's tied to the drone hovering next to it blowing up. as i said earlier, i specifically went out of my way to go nowhere near that shuttle but the moment it was within weapons range of my female reman, she opened fire on it while my BO's and me just walked by with slamek, and i hear gunfire and turn around and watch her shoot the drone, killing it well away from the shuttle and it just blows up for no reason.

    I also got the popup saying be careful and a "now we need plan b" popup.
  • pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    banikslave wrote: »
    I didn't understand what the thick blue "Thunderbirds" frame around the speaker was supposed to be. I am guessing it represents a ground communication device but I don't immediately recall seeing it ....

    That threw me for a minute as well, but then I remembered it was probably a modernized version of the Romulan PADD (90s iPad prop) as seen on TNG and DS9:


    If I'm correct and it is a Romulan PADD then there needs to be more Romulan NPCs or BOffs using them so players can more easily figure out, "Oh, the Romulans are using FaceTime on their iPads."
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
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