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Vor'cha-R build

hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Hello everyone,

I was looking to make some adjustments to my klink engineer and wanted some advice or suggestions on builds. I am flying him in a Vor'cha-R and have been using beams until now, I would like to switch to DHCs/Turrets.

A few of questions came up as I was planning out the skills for my BOffs.
1) How viable is the DHCs/Turrets setup on the Vor'cha-R?
2) I was thinking about taking the aux2batt build I currently have on my fed cruiser and adapting it to the Vor'cha-R (switching out beam skills for cannon of course). Would this work well on the Vor'cha-R?
3) Lastly what DOffs should I be using? If aux2batt works I may just use the same type I am on my fed cruiser.

Thanks in advance!
Post edited by hapievo on


  • benovidebenovide Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2013
    hapievo wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    I was looking to make some adjustments to my klink engineer and wanted some advice or suggestions on builds. I am flying him in a Vor'cha-R and have been using beams until now, I would like to switch to DHCs/Turrets.

    A few of questions came up as I was planning out the skills for my BOffs.
    1) How viable is the DHCs/Turrets setup on the Vor'cha-R?
    2) I was thinking about taking the aux2batt build I currently have on my fed cruiser and adapting it to the Vor'cha-R (switching out beam skills for cannon of course). Would this work well on the Vor'cha-R?
    3) Lastly what DOffs should I be using? If aux2batt works I may just use the same type I am on my fed cruiser.

    Thanks in advance!

    All versions of the Vorcha work great with DHC/Turrets. You shouldn't have any issues at all on that one.
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    All Vorchas are fine ships for DHCs, and the Vorcha-R works very well as a dual A2B build. One caveat I'd make is if you eventually go up to a fleet ship, I don't think the Fleet Vorcha works as a dual A2B; its bridge layout is different enough to work against that (for a fleet cruiser, I think the Fleet Ktinga has the same boff layout as the Vorcha-R).

    As for which doffs to use, if you go a2b, after those are stationed, well you can't really go wrong with BFI guys, in my opinion.

    Later on,

    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ive had fun with;

    TT1 CSV1 ApO1
    TS1 BO2
    EPTS1 A2D1 A2B2 DEM3
    EPT(A or W)
    HE1 ST2

    (2) DHCs (1) DBB (1) TORP
    (4) TURRETS
    (3) Tech doffs
    (1) WCE doff
    (1) EVM doff

    On my Tac.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    All Vorchas are fine ships for DHCs, and the Vorcha-R works very well as a dual A2B build. One caveat I'd make is if you eventually go up to a fleet ship, I don't think the Fleet Vorcha works as a dual A2B; its bridge layout is different enough to work against that (for a fleet cruiser, I think the Fleet Ktinga has the same boff layout as the Vorcha-R).

    As for which doffs to use, if you go a2b, after those are stationed, well you can't really go wrong with BFI guys, in my opinion.

    Later on,

    The fleet Vorcha can work with two A2B but it will be very weak defensively. Excellent power turn around though.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    The fleet Vorcha can work with two A2B but it will be very weak defensively. Excellent power turn around though.

    Fair enough; I haven't had the opportunity to try a Florcha for myself yet. I'm strongly considering getting one for my Tac, though, so your build posted above is certainly some food for thought. Thanks!

    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    I have since switched her over to DHCs and turrets with a dual aux2batt setup.

    Current build below:

    TT1 CRF1
    ET1 A2B1 A2B2
    HE1 TSS2

    (3) DHCs (1) TORP
    (4) TURRETS
    (3) Tech doffs
    (1) WCE doff
    (1) EVM doff

    Thanks again for the advice/help!
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hapievo wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    I have since switched her over to DHCs and turrets with a dual aux2batt setup.

    Generator88, you mentioned for Doffs the BFI guys. Which ones are those? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with that abbreviation.

    However, I am using the same doff setup as bitemepwe.

    Thanks again for the advice/help!

    Shield Distribution Officers, which I've seen called "BFIs" on account of the buff they give to Brace For Impact (proc of a shield heal when you're hit while BFI is active; check the wiki for more detail).


    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Shield Distribution Officers, which I've seen called "BFIs" on account of the buff they give to Brace For Impact (proc of a shield heal when you're hit while BFI is active; check the wiki for more detail).


    Thanks, after I posted my reply a lightbulb went off over my head and I figured that's what you were referring to :P
  • discloneddiscloned Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    R9 setup for Vor'Cha Fleet Retrofit
    (concieved for tactical but should as well work for engineers)

    deflector, impulse drive, shields:

    assimilated borg set

    forward armament:

    1xDual Plasma Beam Bank (for target shield subsystems frontal arc)
    3xPlasma Dual Heavy Cannons

    rear armament:

    1xPlasma Beam Array (for target shield subsystems rear arc)
    2xPlasma Turret
    1xChroniton Torpedo Launcher (speed debuff)

    engineering consoles:

    1xImpulse Capacitance Cell (universal)
    1xPoint Defence System (universal)
    2xRCS Accelerator

    science consoles:

    2xthreat reduction Emitter Array (+plasma damage, obtainable from fleet embassy shuttle hangar)

    tactical consoles:

    4xPlasma Infuser

    bridge officer setup:

    universal station: Tractor Beam I, Polarize Hull II
    tactical station 1: Target Shield Subsystems I, Rapid Fire I, Torpedo Spread III
    tactical station 2: Tactical Team I, Attack Pattern Beta I
    engineering station 1: Emergency Power to Shields I, Reverse Shield Polarity I, Directed Energy Modulation II, Eject Warp Plasma II
    engineering station 2: Emergency Power to Engines I

    duty officer setup (for ultilizing Brace for Impact as emergency button):

    3xShield Distribution Officer
    2xHazard System Officer


    Built for shield penetrating surprise attack runs - should the target survive when reaching point-blank range the ship is designed to perform a quick U-turn unleashing a hailstorm of chroniton torpedoes and/or warp plasma. Should the target still have shields the rear plasma beam array can try again to disable the victim's shield systems before firing the torpedo barrage. Should that not be sufficient the ship speeds away using any of EPtE, EM, RAM or ICC. Once sufficient distance is gained the ship is to be turned around and then it usually gets interesting. Trust your instincts - Qapla'


    Due to the abundant selection of "afterburner" abilities it is possible to do high speed attack runs to get in an out of an enemy formation to pick them off one by one. Torpedo Spread III and/or Eject Warp Plasma II can hit a large number of enemies in pursuit and can help to slow them down enough to get the cloak up again to reposition for another attack run.

    Torpedo spreads and/or warp plasma can be used defensively to counter projectiles, mines, bording parties and fighter craft. If all fails there is a point defence system, wich can also be used offensively for that little extra damage if neccesary.

    This is a tough ship. This is a fast ship. This is a maneuverable ship. This is a heavily armed ship. Its a pleasure to fly and a challenging opponent to face.

    PVP in-action footage:
  • kirby32kirby32 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hapievo wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    I have since switched her over to DHCs and turrets with a dual aux2batt setup.

    Current build below:

    TT1 CRF1
    ET1 A2B1 A2B2
    HE1 TSS2

    (3) DHCs (1) TORP
    (4) TURRETS
    (3) Tech doffs
    (1) WCE doff
    (1) EVM doff

    Thanks again for the advice/help!

    Would be interested to see your skill build as well.
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Ive had fun with;

    TT1 CSV1 ApO1
    TS1 BO2
    EPTS1 A2D1 A2B2 DEM3
    EPT(A or W)
    HE1 ST2

    (2) DHCs (1) DBB (1) TORP
    (4) TURRETS
    (3) Tech doffs
    (1) WCE doff
    (1) EVM doff

    On my Tac.

    I'd meant to ask about this. How often do A2B & A2D run into timer conflict issues?


    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
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