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new Negh'Var build

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Made BG and got a Negh'Var, I always loved the looks of it.
Fore I have all very rare photon torp, and aft is very rare plasma turrets, everything is ACC x 3.
I had this load out on a raptor and it worked great, but not so well with the Negh'Var.
The photon torpedoes fire about every second and the turrets give a pretty good volley, but I get my tail stomped by the Borg Incursions. I don't do much PvP, but alot of PvE.
Anything I should change?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    That kinda sounds crazy for a weapon loadout.

    But your survival issues have more to do with your BOFF powers and how you use them than your weapons. Since you mostly PVE, try to get a couple copies of emergency power to shields 3, aux to SIF 3 at the very least for your healing, and you definitely want tac team, maybe RSP too.

    With two copies of EPTS 3 you can rotate them back to back for very good shield resistances full time. Aux to SIF 3 is a good hull heal and resist with a very fast cooldown. Those should get you through any solo situation just fine.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the reply!
    Healing powers are more important than I figured. I am playing the Borg STF's and learning very quick.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    This is what I am running on my Negh'Var at the moment...

    *Front: 3x Disruptor Beam Array / 1x Plasma Torp
    *Aft: 3x Disruptor Beam Array / 1x Plasma Torp

    *Tac Lt: Tac Team I / Beam Overload II
    *Eng Ensign: Emergency Power Weapons I(not sure what else to put here)
    *Eng Commander: Emergency Power Shields I / Engineering Team II / Emergency Power Shields III / Eject Warp Plasma III
    *Eng Lt. Commander: Engineering Team I / Aux Inertial Dampeners I / Reverse Shield Polarity II
    *Sci Lt: Hazard Emitters I / Transfer Shield Strength II (may flip flop these 2)

    Consoles to compliment those specific powers.

    I hold my own VERY well, PVE and PVP. I constantly get ganged up on in Ker'rat 2v1 and the occasional 3v1, but it's been 3 days now since I lost one of those engagements. Ofcourse I'm still like 3 lvls shy of Lt. General, so that may all change when I start facing better feds.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    I have a similar arramgement on my Vs Borg Neg. The only differences, and the comment I would make about your build, is that it is very defensively arranged.

    Have you considered swapping out those rear beams for turrets and the front for dual beam? Your rear and side firing will be much reduced but your straight line firing will be radically improved. It also gives you more for your money by forcing the beam overload therough a dual so far as I understand it.

    Same goes for your BOffs... EWP is a fine move that can do lots of damage but the rest of the time your dps is going to be very low. Have you considered boarding party? I cna deal some profound debuffs and is one a tiny number of offensive powers for engineer slots.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    *Tac Lt: Tac Team I / Beam Overload II
    *Eng Ensign: Emergency Power Weapons I(not sure what else to put here)
    *Eng Commander: Emergency Power Shields I / Engineering Team II / Emergency Power Shields III / Eject Warp Plasma III
    *Eng Lt. Commander: Engineering Team I / Aux Inertial Dampeners I / Reverse Shield Polarity II
    *Sci Lt: Hazard Emitters I / Transfer Shield Strength II (may flip flop these 2)

    only use a maximum of 2 abilitys which share the same cooldown.

    erase engineering team II, take AUX to structural integrity instead
    Fire at will is more effective than beam overload with your setup of weapons. it is too weak with beam arrays, it is used better with dual beam banks.
    Use only 2 emergency powers to... and rotate them whenever ready, a third does not fit this rotation. engineering team and tactical team also have shared cooldowns, get rid of the third team, its out of the cooldown rotation.

    run your weapons power lvl high...so that its allways over a hundred, even while fireing all weapons.
    shields low, to keep them over a hundred use the emergency power and your engineer abilitys, if u are an engineer.
    engines minimum, and aux all the rest of the energy that is left. the more power in aux, the better hazard emitters ticks, as does TSS.

    PS: squeze in a aceton field 1, it does no dmg, but 50% less dmg output by the enemy is fantastic.
    PPS: i would actually get rid of the beams and go for turrets in back, and normal cannons in front, and the hit rappid fire! u **** bricks;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    That's some good advice!
    I have toyed with the power levels some. I have added a beam array to the fore and have 2 photons and a hargh'peng. Aft is still plasma turrets, but the more edc's and salvage I get...they will get swapped out. Maybe two beams on the fore with a photon and hargh'peng. Then beams and a photon torpedo aft.
    I know turrets have low DPS but I like the 360 deg radius.

    Adding the beam has helped a bunch. Thank You everyone!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    N5XTR wrote: »
    Made BG and got a Negh'Var, I always loved the looks of it.
    Fore I have all very rare photon torp, and aft is very rare plasma turrets, everything is ACC x 3.
    I had this load out on a raptor and it worked great, but not so well with the Negh'Var.
    The photon torpedoes fire about every second and the turrets give a pretty good volley, but I get my tail stomped by the Borg Incursions. I don't do much PvP, but alot of PvE.
    Anything I should change?

    If you are going to be using an all forward torpedo type one really good method now is either 4 plasma torps or 3 plasma torps and the bio warhead.

    As well though some of us experimented heavily with Negh'Vars a few months back and we came up with a few setups that optimize performance with cannons... 4 turrets on the back for all setups and then for things you can kill quickly using a 3 DHC 1 torp standard setup. For the other options for long term combat where you are turning to keep up defense the 2 options there were using 2 DHC's and 2 single cannons or taking one of those single cannons and replacing with a torpedo.

    Some of the better pilots with the negh var though start out using aux to dampeners 2 which makes the ship once you learn its inertia characteristics can make this ship turn as quickly or better than the fastest turning ships in the game in a lot of ways this ship is like a super giant escort with a lot more survival abilities. Which is great for a tactical officer because you can use tact initiative and keep up those cannons however you use the skills on them.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Klingon battlecruisers are extremely versatile ships, much more than their Federation counterparts. We can set them up for good damage or extreme survivability, or a mix of between.

    The most common sort of Negh'var build is typical of most cruisers; focus your Engineering powers towards survivability. Two copies of Emergency Power (Shields) used back-to-back will harden your shields considerably, even the rank 1 version. I'm a fan of using your science powers for heals, namely Hazard Emitters and Transfer Shield Strength. Both of these can be used on others as well, so they're great for STFs. If you PVP, you may want to switch out one of these for Tractor Beam as its a great focus-fire and survivability tool.

    Negh'var has a decent turn rate, and as mentioned earlier having single cannons and/or dual beam banks is a solid choice for more damage output in PVE. I agree if you're using Beam Overload you shoud have a Dual Beam bank at least, as its terrible inefficient with a beam array. Turrets in the back is preferred for this set up.

    A build for a more advanced player is a damage-heavy focus with dual heavy cannons and using Auxiliary to Inertia Dampeners power to achieve escort-like maneuverability and high speed. I use this personally with my Vor'cha retrofit, but it also works just fine on the Negh'var. If you have any questions about it, you can PM me and I can tell you everything you need to know about such a build.
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    roddy229roddy229 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've used my Negh'var for a long time, and I love it! I've got anti-proton beam arrays as the primary energy weapons, and the quad disruptor cannons from the Ning'tao class BoP on it as well. Quantum torps fore and aft for projectiles, and an RCS console to negate it's slow turn rate. I have a bortas as well, but the Negh'var is my choice for most missions, especially STF's.
    Vice Admiral Thylek Shran- U.S.S. Omega (Odyssey Class Battleship) United Federation Space Command
    Vice Admiral T'vix RRW Talon (Scimitar Drednought)
    General S'tal IKS Q'vat (Bortasq' Battle Cruiser)
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    roddy229 wrote: »
    I've used my Negh'var for a long time, and I love it! I've got anti-proton beam arrays as the primary energy weapons, and the quad disruptor cannons from the Ning'tao class BoP on it as well. Quantum torps fore and aft for projectiles, and an RCS console to negate it's slow turn rate. I have a bortas as well, but the Negh'var is my choice for most missions, especially STF's.

    To have more effective firepower, I suggest consolidating all your Energy Weapons to 1 damage type. Go all-in on either AP or Disruptors.

    Between the two damage types, it seems you put alot more resources into AP weapons. I suggest ditching the Disruptor Quads and get some sort of AP cannon / DHC to replace it.

    Consolidating to only 1 damage type allows you to slot whatever TAC energy damage consoles to the specialized damage type that offer higher damage bonuses. "Antiproton Mag Regulators" in this case. Generic warhead / beam / cannon / mine consoles have lower bonuses than the specialized ones, usually by 1/3 less.

    The Negh'Var doesn't have the most TAC consoles, so you really need to maximize what you get out of them.
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