Hi Captains,
We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, April 18th, at 7AM PDT (click
here to view in your timezone) for maintenance and to apply a new patch. Patch notes can be found
here, and we expect this maintenance to only last for 2 hours. The test server may also be unavailable during this time.
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
- The Star Trek Online Team
LLAP, everyone.
Would it be possible for a in-game timer for when the cooldown on the daily crystal is available please? ^^ (if there is one please direct me where to find it )
Or turn it into a daily mission for the until the event ends?
The atmosphere thing bothers me worse than KDF costumes being broken LOL
Seconded; happy to see that one.
The horror of it all!!!! *pets seeing epohh dog*
uhm, sry but i didnt understand what this means
Brandon =/\=
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
We really didn't need this! It's bad enough the encounter suffers frame horrendous framerate issues! :P
"You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."
There was high chance of skimming through the planetary atmosphere when orbiting the crystal for the first five minutes or so of the encounter.
I honestly kinda looked forward to the rumbling and the white screen.
Haven't got to that particular space fight yet, but I do know running into/around space rocks is a relatively good way to keep the ship alive if you're pushing it a little close, biting off more than you can chew, that whole getting out of sight/obstructing the shot thing... Aside losing track of the planet while in the fight because you're busy trying to kill something. I don't think the various Admirals would approve, but surely Kirk's never misplaced the Enterprise for an entire movie...
Yet, I was in a few of my first few arena/quest things, and /do/ appreciate what seemed to either be perfect timing or the extra two minutes for the matchup to finish up before being booted for the maint. Been a while since I've seen that happen. If it was intentional, appreciate it. If not, appreciate the other players that made it happen. Cheers!
Aside, sparkles and snowflakes, I immediately think of the story of that young girl trying to decide between beastiality and necrophilia... *shudder* Less sparkle. Make it BURN instead
2 Hours, barring any delays.
Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian
Yep it really is just what we need, more server side graphics lag. As if my quantum smoke rings aren't bad enough, now I'm expecting those to disappear also lol. I can't image a full team firing none stop spreads of plasma torps, it's bad enough when 2 or 3 people do that in an stf.
And on the adding sparklies to the CE, I'll never see 'em, had to set graphics to minimum to keep the event from being a slideshow.
40 minutes early actually....
Thank you
Brandon =/\=