I have nothing but 50-level toons on Tribble, to include one I made on tribble, but the character creator still gives the message that I must create and develop a toon to level-25 before I can have access to Romulan (and Klingon) character creator. Is this an intentional block or is the U/I on Tribble requiring me to do another toon development (which seems wrong)?
P.S. Saw the following comment on the release notes up to 12 Apr;
"Neither Klingons nor Romulans are available for new characters."
But the comment is not on 16 Apr; was it "supposedly" fixed, or did the item get dropped from the release note on 16 Apr. The Rom creation is what I want to test, so how about letting us know when we can dot this action.
I am just joking I understand that Devs have access to it just to make sure everything is all set up
And I am really excited until we can play them fresh clean.
Yes it not like this needs tests. After all there only 26 business days till the release.
I would imagine that there is likely a limited (and classified) beta group testing the new romulan content, as well as the devs themselves.
From what I've ready, the LoR release is going to be very plot heavy, so it makes sense they don't want to release any spoilers.
How about now, is it ready now?
They've already said we'll get access to the first five levels worth of content (Or so) before the launch.
This will allow mass testing of the new features which will no doubt be included in any romulan tutorial without spoiling too much of the story.
Be patient.
The weekend before it goes live, amirite?
yes and we all know how great that testing goes. I seen so many bugs make to live that should never been there had cryptic only brother to test there stuff. Seems they never learn to test and fix before release. They rather just release buggy content.
I am still waiting for the season 7 bugs to get fixed.
Definitely incorrect
Brandon =/\=