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Reman Ships = Romulan with blue Shiny? / Romulan Faction Ships

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
This pic is from the Star Trek 11 Countdown Comics:


that is exactly what i would expect Reman Ships to look like.

Reman Ships use the same design as the Scimitar, obviously they are a little smaller, so why do we have Romulan Ships with blue shiny textures in STO?

If you say that the Comic is not Canon, well neither is STO and in every of the 4 Comics were ad's for STO so Cryptic could at least aknowledge the Designs in it.

This is finally something that was not *done to death* by the Series yet and gives Cryptic mostly free will in their design choices ....but what do they deliver? Blue Textures on Birds of Prey and Warbirds.... SRSLY?! that is as CHEAP as it can get!

When the Romulans become a playable Faction (we all know that is the next big thing!) i realy want to see some playable Reman Ships and want to fly the Scimitar in Tier 5!

Also it would make sense to see some smaller and bigger Versions of the Narrada in STO, i can not believe that the Narrada was the only ship that got Borg Tech from that Romulan Outpost the Narrada got it from. Also it would give STO a way to include ST XI a little further.

Star Trek D-A-C allready showed some more variatons of the Narrada's (which was completely illogical for that timeframe)

1:12 forward: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcNYqpDN7Vw

But we could have

- the original Romulan Ships (plus a few missing ones like the Scout from TNG)
- REAL Reman Designs
- Narrada Design Variatons
- and Hirogen Ships

all for the Romulan Faction.

That would even be more variety then the Klingons have to offer right now.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    If you say that the Comic is not Canon, well neither is STO and in every of the 4 Comics were ad's for STO so Cryptic could at least aknowledge the Designs in it.

    What gave you the idea that STO isn't canon? Cryptic has the ST IP licensed from CBS. Any ship designs they want to put in the game have to get approved by CBS. If those reman designs are not canon, then chances are they wouldn't get approved.
    Also it would make sense to see some smaller and bigger Versions of the Narrada in STO, i can not believe that the Narrada was the only ship that got Borg Tech from that Romulan Outpost the Narrada got it from.

    The Narada was a minging ship that was modified with Borg technology. It was the only one of its kind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    License != Canon
    every book and comic has the License but only the Series and Movies do set the rules.

    ...the Narada was the only one of it's kind that we knew of 30 years ago and in the XI Time of course, but that romulan Outpost still existed after the Narrada left, why shouldnt they upgrade more Ships?

    By now the Romulans could have a whole Fleet for all we know.

    For the sake of Gameplay ballance i would not make the variations as big but in line with the Scimitar and add some smaller craft like D-A-C did.
    Maybe make them Ships from the Tal'Shiar or something.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Arkalius80 wrote:
    What gave you the idea that STO isn't canon? Cryptic has the ST IP licensed from CBS. Any ship designs they want to put in the game have to get approved by CBS. If those reman designs are not canon, then chances are they wouldn't get approved.

    The Narada was a minging ship that was modified with Borg technology. It was the only one of its kind.

    Yes. It has been decreed that only the movies and series are canon. Tidbits from other sources do occasionally make their way into the series and movies, and then those tidbits become canon as well, but as a rule, STO is not canon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    This pic is from the Star Trek 11 Countdown Comics:


    that is exactly what i would expect Reman Ships to look like.

    Reman Ships use the same design as the Scimitar, obviously they are a little smaller, so why do we have Romulan Ships with blue shiny textures in STO?

    If you say that the Comic is not Canon, well neither is STO and in every of the 4 Comics were ad's for STO so Cryptic could at least aknowledge the Designs in it.

    This is finally something that was not *done to death* by the Series yet and gives Cryptic mostly free will in their design choices ....but what do they deliver? Blue Textures on Birds of Prey and Warbirds.... SRSLY?! that is as CHEAP as it can get!

    When the Romulans become a playable Faction (we all know that is the next big thing!) i realy want to see some playable Reman Ships and want to fly the Scimitar in Tier 5!

    Also it would make sense to see some smaller and bigger Versions of the Narrada in STO, i can not believe that the Narrada was the only ship that got Borg Tech from that Romulan Outpost the Narrada got it from. Also it would give STO a way to include ST XI a little further.

    Star Trek D-A-C allready showed some more variatons of the Narrada's (which was completely illogical for that timeframe)

    1:12 forward: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcNYqpDN7Vw

    But we could have

    - the original Romulan Ships (plus a few missing ones like the Scout from TNG)
    - REAL Reman Designs
    - Narrada Design Variatons
    - and Hirogen Ships

    all for the Romulan Faction.

    That would even be more variety then the Klingons have to offer right now.


    I fought a Hirrogen ship I thought on some mission....Might have been a patrol mission but it was early in commander. Looked grey and boxy, like a flying refrigerator that had been tipped over with guns mounted on it.

    Am I wrong or did anyone else do this mission>?

    Also agree they went cheap with the reman ships.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think the reason the Remans have Romulan ships is because in the DS9 series and then again in the ST:Nemesis movie it was mentioned that the Remans were used as troops through the Dominion war by the Romulans, so going on that information and the fact that they hadn't been seen before that film, those ships would be the only ones to see using.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Remans wouldn't have many ships of their own. They were pretty much viewed as subspecies until recent 'Trek history. The Scimitar is the only ship we've seen on-screen that we know is primarily of Reman make. Not having read the Countdown comics, myself, does it specifically state they're Reman ships or just ships that happen to be run by Remans?

    Anyway.. that ship aside.. it makes sense they'd mostly be using Romulan technology since it's the Romulans that have maintained a fleet for centuries.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    only good info i can find on Hirogen Ships:

    and yes they are 100% identified as Reman Ships

    and you should get the Countdown and Nero Comics they give good Background Info to the XI movie and what happened in the Primeuniverse before Nero timejumped into the XI Timeline.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Arkalius80 wrote:
    What gave you the idea that STO isn't canon? Cryptic has the ST IP licensed from CBS. Any ship designs they want to put in the game have to get approved by CBS. If those reman designs are not canon, then chances are they wouldn't get approved.

    The Narada was a minging ship that was modified with Borg technology. It was the only one of its kind.

    STO is NOT canon.

    End of story.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Wow 8 months for that insightful reply. Its a good thing you caught it when you did. Folks might of completely forgot about this important topic
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well yeah 8 Months old Thread, but the OP is still valid as it stands ;P

    dont dare to close this down!
    *digs a hole and waits for StormShade*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    This is finally something that was not *done to death* by the Series yet and gives Cryptic mostly free will in their design choices ....but what do they deliver? Blue Textures on Birds of Prey and Warbirds.... SRSLY?! that is as CHEAP as it can get!

    It's the absolute apex of their strategy to shallowly quarter-TRIBBLE as many different enemy factions as possible rather than even half-assedly filling in the rosters of the major ones to give a spectrum of progression against PC ships. It's the same sort of design philosophy that has trashmob-level starter ships solo-killing flagships.
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    Well yeah 8 Months old Thread, but the OP is still valid as it stands ;P

    dont dare to close this down!
    *digs a hole and waits for StormShade*

    *checks* Huh. So it is.

    8 months and have we even gotten any alternate skins for the generic random-silly-name aliens to rotate through yet? :rolleyes:
  • davos2kdavos2k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Personally looking forward to having the old & new warbird's (D'deridex-class and Valdore)but would be really nice if we could get the scimitar too (with original 52 disruptors and 24 torpedo launchers, primary and secondary shielding :D but seriously it would be nice to have this ship as we have the odyssey and bortas )
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    necro, kill it with fire!
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • commandersalvekcommandersalvek Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Are these reman ships from the same comic that is the "offical" backstory to Nero and how he got the narada? If so why would you want anything from that. I still have to find something that badly written for star trek. It does my head in how I'm meant suspend my disbelief and what happens.

    The Remans were used as cannon fodder in the dominion war-We have nothing to say they designed/built (or would be allowed to) their own ships

    The Remans we saw in nemesis were post coup they may have discarded their Romulan equipment out of pride-remember Shinzon got his coup off because he had the backing of the Romulan Fleet

    I would assume by STO time the Remans would have leftover Romulan vessels or third party vessels -in the game (been a while since i did the Reman missions) i do not recall if they had ship manufacturing capability.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    AAAAHH!!! This thread was borgified and regenerated!!!

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