I think they should go ahead and release the romulan faction this would give LoR a whole month on tribble for player testing and feedback.
Sure it wouldnt be perfect and there would be bugs but thats what testing is for and given a whole month of testing by may 21st with player feedback alot of the bugs could be ironed out.
So why not just release the romulans on tribble let us players help you the development team work on this project let us be your guinea pigs
And enough that us folks on holodeck don't get the new visuals yet it's all ruined with someone screen grabs so would rather have something left to get excited about pls
Getting it bug free is important. Neither Cryptic or the players want it buggy on launch.
If your that upset why not join us on tribble be on the fore front of testing
And yes they should release the romulans on tribble there is a little over a month left before launch of LoR.
And there really needs to be alot of testing on it before launch and get some of the bugs that will come with this big expansion resolved.
So i really do hope cryptic releases LoR on tribble soon so we can get the testing started otherwise we can look forward to tons of issues on the holodeck later.
Should be enough to get any new gameplay features associated with Romulans tested, since there will likely be a tutorial of sorts in there to let you learn to use the Singularity Cores and their special features.
Do you really want that happening with the Romulans and the new layout, I say let them put it up for testing so they can Iron out the inevitable bugs (It is still Cryptic we are talking about)
On the one hand, oh god yes test all the things. Test them to destruction. Users will break things coders don't even know could break.
On the other, public testing of buggy beta product assumes that:
A) the bugs will be fixed by launch;
Which path do I have faith in Cryptic to pursue?
After all we've got the following to test:-
New UI
Warp cores
New trait system
I'd also include the new Rep, but I suspect that's connected to the Romulan content in some way.
They did say that some players will get a chance to test the Romulans in closed beta, about a month from their release.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Well let me put it in an automotive sense
I can take a part from one car and test it make sure it works then take another part from a different car test it make sure it works.
But when i bring those two parts together just because they work seperatly does not mean they will work together as a unit.
If cryptic pieces this expansions testing out and does not test it as a whole unit then when it is released may 21st there is going to be alot of major issues with it.
Anyways, we need to wait for the devs to finish coding.
My character Tsin'xing
I hope they finish coding soon because time is running out to give LoR a complete testing phase even though a month is hardly enough time it is all we have.
But if they dont let us testers put LoR through its paces and just release AS IS LoR could be a complete disaster.
I agree krakens are awesome
They could but that would not be a good idea i would rather be able to test LoR from level 1-50 and give it a complete run through.
That way we testers could compile a complete body of work as far as finding bugs breaking things the developers didnt think could be broken and general we llikes and we dont likes about LoR.
I to am anxious to play as a romulan but im more eager to get a full on testing of LoR underway not just this half baked UI test thats going on.
But we must wait till they are done coding and they make the decision to either let us test LoR on tribble or do a small scale beta test which wont find the majority of the problems with LoR.
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