Im considering getting it, im thinking of having 4 polaron dhcs on the front, 2 turrets n borg cutting beam on back, maco deflector with jem hadar mk12 engines n shield (soon to be borg engine and shields) altho i am considerin using the rom engine for attack patterns increase, what do you think of set?
Atm im using on my jrm hadar attack ship
Attack pattern omega 3
Ap beta 1
Tac team 1 x2
Cannon scatter 1
Rapid fire 3
Emergency hull 2
Hazard emitters 2
Cant remember rest are they good for the carrier?
Also i see alot of questions about whats better the ultra rare scorpions or jem hadar advanced as i have access to both
Any advice wud b a great help
the dread carrier is a tank which can do a great dps, but the main roll is tanking. you can tank tactical cubes and gates with no big problems, but you need to turn around to avoid losing your shields entirely.
in my opinion the best build that you can use for the jem'hadar is the plasma beam array with romulan torp in the front and the omega one in back. use 2 tactical consoles for the plasma torp and 2 for plasma energy weap. i think you can find the build somewhere in the fed shipyard forums.
the atack pets i think. they have huge hull first of all and the dps i think is almost the same. but the atack pets have some AI problems and i don't know if they fixed them with the last patch.
the arc for DBB is pretty low(90 i think, like the torp) and the dps is lower then the torp one. but if you don't want to respec you can use all beam array. you can get the romulan beam array that doesn't drawn weap power and the kinetic cutting beam in the aft.
all turrets is nice but the dps overall is lower then all beam arrays.
The Jem'Hadar fighters are awful, avoid them.
How many RCS consoles are you running?
3 x Adv. Fleet Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Acc]x2 [Dam]x2
1 x Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk XII
2 x Adv. Fleet Polaron Turrets Mk XII [Acc]x2 [Dam]x2
Borg Kinetic Cutting Beam
Shield - Jem'Hadar Mk XII
Deflector - Jem'Hadar Mk XII
Engine - Jem'Hadar Mk XII
Engineering Consoles - Assimilated Console, Tachyokinetic Converter, Dominion Command Interface, Dominion Coordination Protocol
Science Consoles - 2 x Field Generator Mk XII (rare)
Tactical Consoles - 4 x Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XII (rare)
Hangar - 2 x Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
Devices - Subspace Field Modulator, Shield Batteries, Weapons Batteries
Active Duty Officers:
1 x VR Attack Pattern Cooldown
1 x VR Evassive Maneuvers Cooldown
2 x VR Deflector Cooldown
1 x Open at this moment (usually a VR Torp doff on my Escorts)
1 x TT, CSV
1 x EptS, RSP, (trying to decide for 3rd power just running another RSP for now)
1 x Eng Team, DEM
1 x HazEm
This gives me max cooldown on TT, CSV, and Attack Patterns (as far as I can tell). If not, I'm sure someone can inform me otherwise. Which I'm always open to thoughts, comments, ideas.....
I don't have any issues keeping the DHC's on target. I will usually throw it in reverse if I need to swing about and if I'm in a serious jam I can use Evassive to reposition quickly. I think as long as your'e familiar with what happens in PvE, you should be fine with DHC's.
The first time I flew it, I tested it in PvP against a Fleetmate. All I could really do was stay alive for a long time. I would definately switch to beams for PvP.
If I did switch to Beams, I would consider removing the Torp since I don't have the Wide Angle launcher. Isn't that on a C-Store ship? I can't recall.
Seems like having a normal Torp would be a hassle trying to weave back and forth in that pig of a ship to bring it forward while keeping as many beams going as possible.
Lots of FAW spam. It does it's job nicely. Turn to the side, and just broadside whatever is nearby.
(Eng captain)
Weapons, fore:
- 1x Polarized Disruptor Dual Beam Bank
- 3x Polarized Disruptor Beam Array
- 3x Polarized Disruptor Beam Array *
- MACO Mk XI set.
- Scorpion Fighters (acquired from The Vault mission)
- Subspace Field Modulator
- Deuterium Surplus (x5)
Engineering consoles:
- RCS Accelerator Mk XII (Rare)
- Neutronium Alloy Mk XII (Uncommon)
- EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI (Rare)
- Universal Assimilated Module
Science consoles:
- Emitter Array Mk XII [-Th] [Pla] (Ultra Rare)
- Field Generator Mk XI (Rare)
Tactical consoles:
- 4x Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI (Common)
- 2x Peregrine Fighters (Rare)
* I will replace one of the aft beam arrays with the Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega reputation) when I acquire it.
Bridge Officer abilities
Lt. Universal (Science)
- HE 1, TSS 2
Commander Tactical:
- FAW 1, APD1, BO3, APB3
Lt. Tactical:
- TT1, BO2
LtCom. Engineering:
- ET1, AtSIF1, EPtS3
Ens. Science:
- ST1
Power levels:
~120 weapons
~70-80 shields
~45 engines
~ 60 auxiliary
(These numbers are highly approximated.)
Q: "Why would you use set X with Y weapons? You could totally be way more efficient with combination Z."
A: I don't have the Lobi for the Jem'hadar Mk XII set, nor the rep to get the Mk XII Omega rep or Romulan rep sets yet. I just the gear I had on hand apart from the weapons and Tac consoles, and I really like the way the MACO set works, particularly as an Engineer. The choice of Polarized Disruptors was a bit of an experiment (never used them before acquiring this ship), but I'm not regretting the choice at all.
Q: "Why are you using cheaper junk? You should get better items, they're all on the exchange."
A: Certain elements of this betray a thrifty build. I just don't have the ECs/Dilithium to buy the top-of-the-line gear right now, and for PvE, it doesn't really matter. Eventually I will upgrade certain components but there's no rush for me.
Q: "Your bridge officer abilities could be more effective when rearranged like this... "
A: Currently the focus (for the heals) is on shield tanking. TT1 + TSS1 works very well at getting shield facings restored quickly without compromising other facings. I can tank a Borg Cube in an elite STF by using all of my heals in the right order.
Q: "How does your build do damage?"
A: It's really simple. Beam Arrays provide good all-round coverage to mitigate the ship's slower turn rate. Select a target, launch the Peregrines when within range, and shoot until their shields are down. Proceed to chain Beam Overload 3/2 until suitably vaporised. When scoring a critical with Beam Overload 3 on the Dual Beam Bank, I think I've hit for as much as 15,000 to 20,000 damage (I don't remember exactly). My captain's abilities aren't even optimised for this ship - you could do more damage with a more refined spec.
Q: "What are your plans to improve this build?"
A: I have a few things in mind. MACO Mk XII set, Ultra-rare Scorpion hangars from the Romulan reputation, better consoles when I can afford them. I'm close to getting the Kinetic Cutting Beam - I hear people quite like it.
Feel free to pick apart build specifics/details, I'm more than happy to discuss them.
you have FAW and two BO. you know they all share a 15 sec coldown right? so it's logical to have only 2.
for exemple:
you use FAW and BO2 and BO3 have 15sec coldown. after that you use BO2 or BO3. after that you can use FAW again. so you don't need two BO.
in additional you have subsystem targeting with the jem'hadar dread carrier and the subsystem targeting shares a 15sec coldown with FAW and BO.
2 TT1 is better than TT1 and TSS 2. you can change the TSS 2 with HE 2 and HE 1 with polarize the hull 1.
the pets are not so great, the scorpions are the best of the best, or at least for pve. but i think you know that allready and you will farm them later after you got your sets and have t5 with romulans.
EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI is useless in my opinion. you have batteries for that and you only need one type of it - weapons battery. you need it after you died and all your power cells are empty.
you should use the isometric charge universal console for some extra damage.
RCS console is good but only one is allmost insignificant and 4 of them take too many console slots.
you said that you don't have the jem'hadar set. you don't need it. the mk xii is almost the same with the mk xi it just costs a lot more. and the maco or the omega sets are much much better.
is not a must have, there are better consoles for that slot.
It suffers from the same terminal disease that most universal consoles have, Long Cooldown Disorder.
Spot on. I tried it for a while and found I wasn't getting enough use out of it.
I threw FAW in there because I ran out of ideas for for an Ens ability, and it could potentially come in handy if I wasn't on beam ability cooldown and needed to clear a high-yield torpedo.
I never use the subsystem targeting that comes integrated with the ship, so conflicting cooldowns is irrelevant there.
The Isometric Charge console isn't too bad, but it is based on Particle Generators which I'm not heavily spec'd into - and only fires in the forward arc, and has a relatively long cooldown. Not enough motivation to fit it on the Dread.
Now, about having 2x TT1... I can see how this would work, but I'm not going to sacrifice TSS, as I like how it works when I use TT/TSS simultaneously either on myself or on a team mate. I would bring this down to personal preference. Polarize Hull I don't find necessary; even when tractored by a Cube I can usually tank it out until the tractor beam deactivates. It'd be a different matter in PvP, though.
I use the EPS console so that I have good recovery aftering the Beam Overloads. It helps keep my weapons power up, providing sustained levels of DPS.
I will admit I don't play my Dread anywhere near as much as my Charal. I mostly get in the Dread when I just don't want to die, ever.
Sounds like starblade7 likes his setup, as do I for mine, and that's good. Drive what you want, fly how you like.
I just enjoy this good back and forth on ideas.