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How to get ?

avengerkid1993avengerkid1993 Member Posts: 323 Arc User
Hi guys, i have a very important question:

How to get Mk XII Purple consoles ?
it's about 1 year i'am playing this game, i played all space STFs arenas, but i never found one of them: why ?

have I to search them in other places ?
Post edited by avengerkid1993 on


  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You have to craft them with strange alien artifacts and your Doffs
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There is the ship assignment where you convert strange artifacts to powered artifacts to consoles. It takes 3 assignments to get the console or you can bypass some by using the exchange. There is the experimental console assignment. Can purchase threat-scaling consoles through the exchange. The last place is as a drop or STF reward.
  • rocknrobot1rocknrobot1 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1. Obtain a "Strange Alien Artifact" (either from exchange, costs about 750k EC atm), or by doing the Doff assignment "Negotiate Delivery Of Rare Commodities", respectively "Negotiate Additional Delivery Of Rare Commodities" (that's the repeatable), which pops up in Cardassian Space once in a while. Your toon needs to be level 40 at least to do this assignment.

    2. Get 1 (One) of each Rare Particle Traces, go to your Ship and talk to your Science department heads contact, do the assignment "Infuse Artifact With Rare Particles". You will get a Powered Alien Artifact (which you also can obtain right from the exchange, costs like 1.3m EC though)

    3. As soon as you have a Powered Alien Artifact, you are ready to start. Go to your Engineering department heads contact on your ship and do the Assignment "Fabricate Prototype Console". You will need some good engineering Doffs to get the best results from this assignment. When you start this assignment, you will see which critical traits are needed. As soon as you have 5 Doffs (who all have the "resolve" trait at least), you can do the assignment.

    Note: the chances with engineers who have resolve plus another crit trait will be 24% (purple), 51% (blue), 24% (green).

    You can, of course, also use other Doffs which just have resolve plus another crit trait, these will also give you a 24% chance to obtain a purple console BUT in this case, the chances of getting a blue one will be lower and the green chance higher. That's why engineers are recommended.

    If you have any further questions about this or other assignments in general, you can also join the "DOFFJOBS" chat channel, there are many helpful people who can help you with anything.
  • buzzoutbuzzout Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1. Buy it on the exchange.
    2. Craft it yourself.

    Good luck!
  • casiopia254casiopia254 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just stick with the MK XI Purples..They are MUCH cheaper and there is very small difference between them.

    The crafting way is a complete waste of time and resources. I do not recommend going through that. The crafting in STO is a joke like any other MMO.

    I have seen MK XII consoles drop from 1st place reward in minefield and Ive been able to sell them for stupid prices to people who most likely wear rubber helmets while watching scooby doo and slapping themselves in the face.

    Bottom line OP, MK XII consoles , more specifically the tactical consoles for certain types of energy damage are a waste of resources and not even worth close to what people are asking. :)
  • mattimeo97mattimeo97 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Bottom line OP, MK XII consoles , more specifically the tactical consoles for certain types of energy damage are a waste of resources and not even worth close to what people are asking. :)

    Actually, they are 'worth' exactly what most people are asking for them, since that's what most people are paying.

    It may not be worth it to you or me to pay that much for a miniscule increase in performance, however.

    To the OP, play your game on Elite settings. High end consoles of any type aren't even in the regular loot tables if you're playing on Normal. Your only chance there are the aforementioned fleet actions and doff missions.
  • glados122glados122 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I have seen MK XII consoles drop from 1st place reward in minefield and Ive been able to sell them for stupid prices to people who most likely wear rubber helmets while watching scooby doo and slapping themselves in the face.
  • avengerkid1993avengerkid1993 Member Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1. Obtain a "Strange Alien Artifact" (either from exchange, costs about 750k EC atm), or by doing the Doff assignment "Negotiate Delivery Of Rare Commodities", respectively "Negotiate Additional Delivery Of Rare Commodities" (that's the repeatable), which pops up in Cardassian Space once in a while. Your toon needs to be level 40 at least to do this assignment.

    2. Get 1 (One) of each Rare Particle Traces, go to your Ship and talk to your Science department heads contact, do the assignment "Infuse Artifact With Rare Particles". You will get a Powered Alien Artifact (which you also can obtain right from the exchange, costs like 1.3m EC though)

    3. As soon as you have a Powered Alien Artifact, you are ready to start. Go to your Engineering department heads contact on your ship and do the Assignment "Fabricate Prototype Console". You will need some good engineering Doffs to get the best results from this assignment. When you start this assignment, you will see which critical traits are needed. As soon as you have 5 Doffs (who all have the "resolve" trait at least), you can do the assignment.

    Note: the chances with engineers who have resolve plus another crit trait will be 24% (purple), 51% (blue), 24% (green).

    You can, of course, also use other Doffs which just have resolve plus another crit trait, these will also give you a 24% chance to obtain a purple console BUT in this case, the chances of getting a blue one will be lower and the green chance higher. That's why engineers are recommended.

    If you have any further questions about this or other assignments in general, you can also join the "DOFFJOBS" chat channel, there are many helpful people who can help you with anything.

    thank you :D
  • alaerickalaerick Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1. Obtain a "Strange Alien Artifact" (either from exchange, costs about 750k EC atm), or by doing the Doff assignment "Negotiate Delivery Of Rare Commodities", respectively "Negotiate Additional Delivery Of Rare Commodities" (that's the repeatable), which pops up in Cardassian Space once in a while. Your toon needs to be level 40 at least to do this assignment.

    2. Get 1 (One) of each Rare Particle Traces, go to your Ship and talk to your Science department heads contact, do the assignment "Infuse Artifact With Rare Particles". You will get a Powered Alien Artifact (which you also can obtain right from the exchange, costs like 1.3m EC though)

    3. As soon as you have a Powered Alien Artifact, you are ready to start. Go to your Engineering department heads contact on your ship and do the Assignment "Fabricate Prototype Console". You will need some good engineering Doffs to get the best results from this assignment. When you start this assignment, you will see which critical traits are needed. As soon as you have 5 Doffs (who all have the "resolve" trait at least), you can do the assignment.

    Note: the chances with engineers who have resolve plus another crit trait will be 24% (purple), 51% (blue), 24% (green).

    You can, of course, also use other Doffs which just have resolve plus another crit trait, these will also give you a 24% chance to obtain a purple console BUT in this case, the chances of getting a blue one will be lower and the green chance higher. That's why engineers are recommended.

    If you have any further questions about this or other assignments in general, you can also join the "DOFFJOBS" chat channel, there are many helpful people who can help you with anything.
    Great post thanks.
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