I was wondering if anyone has any information regarding new sectors to explore in the LOR expansion. Anything like delta quadrant stuff perhaps or additions to other blocks? I'm assuming there will be some new Romulan sectors...
I was wondering if anyone has any information regarding new sectors to explore in the LOR expansion. Anything like delta quadrant stuff perhaps or additions to other blocks? I'm assuming there will be some new Romulan sectors...
Stahl said that they will be adding Betazed and the Alpha Quadrant part of the Federation, soon. Which includes Fereingar. And these will be mostly Foundry zones.
But so far nothing to confirm or deny that these sectors will be added for LoR.
hope they change the explorable zones they have now so that aid the planets occur much more frequently then they do now! especially ones that need medical supplies. We need explores with decent commendations to offset what is missing in tier3 and tier4 commendation doff missions and until the foundry for STO is like the foundry for NWO I'm not touching the thing, I should not have to know code to put together a functional STO episode.
Stahl said that they will be adding Betazed and the Alpha Quadrant part of the Federation, soon. Which includes Fereingar. And these will be mostly Foundry zones.
But so far nothing to confirm or deny that these sectors will be added for LoR.
That doesn't mean we won't see lots of new maps, just that they'll probably be in systems already on the map.
I'm not so sure. There's an awful lot of space in the north east and northwest on the galactic map that looks very empty at the moment.
Almost begging for a sector or two to be added.
Again, Stahl said those sectors are coming and going to be Foundry-related maps.