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Concerning Escorts...

doaga1doaga1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Federation Discussion
Lately I've been noticing, at least around the people I tend to see, that escorts seem to be on the decline....

I see more and more Tac officers in cruisers and in a few baffling cases in Science ships. I often hear people saying escorts are OP... Colossally OP in some cases. which brings me to my question.... Why do tac officers seem to COMPLETELY waste so much damage potential by flying something other then an escort?
Post edited by doaga1 on


  • sasheriasasheria Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sometimes you need a tank? How do you come to this hypothesis that there is a decline in escort usage?
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
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  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    For a few reasons.
    • Even with superior damage potential, and "adequate" tanking, an escort's still flimsier than a cruiser.
    • This is Star Trek, not Star Wars. I want to use the Enterprise, not a fighter.
    • My reflexes aren't the best (see previous point).
    • I prefer the cruiser playstyle.
    • I already play an engineer on another toon - playing an engineer in a cruiser and a tac in a cruiser are different experiences for me.
    • Unless you play exclusively with hyper-optimized players (many of whom often berate anyone who does not follow their plans for the One True Build - not all or even most of them, but enough to grate on nerves), you're probably going to do alright in a cruiser with a tac.
    • I like having diversity in my options for both offense and defense.

    As such, while I have purchased and occasionally use escorts, my tac is going to be remaining in his fleet assault cruiser for the foreseeable future.
  • doaga1doaga1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sasheria wrote: »
    sometimes you need a tank? How do you come to this hypothesis that there is a decline in escort usage?

    the problem with that statement is that there's no such thing as "Tanking" in STO. I just seems to be seeing ALOT of tacs in things other then escorts. I may be totally off base I'm just having trouble understanding why a tac would squander Damage potential. I mean you play a tac officer to do damage. I'm a firm believer that if you'd like to fly cruisers you should be an engineer. I just use to running with people that expect NOTHING less then the ABSOLUTE best and putting a tac officer in a cruiser just seems silly to me.
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    They could just be doing it for that elusive experience called "fun".
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • ussfuryussfury Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's why I do it. Fun.

    Sure, my Defiant will always be my main ship, but not for the "leet DPS" but because it my absolute favorite ship from my favorite series.

    I can take out enemies just fine in an Armitage, a cruiser, even a science ship. Sometimes it's fun to play in a different way.

    Not everyone in the game is a min-maxer.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My Fleet Vor'cha thinks its an escort.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Heh, my Kamarag crew remembers when I flew an escort, but they have more fun with the increased challenge of a cruiser.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    doaga1 wrote: »
    the problem with that statement is that there's no such thing as "Tanking" in STO. I just seems to be seeing ALOT of tacs in things other then escorts. I may be totally off base I'm just having trouble understanding why a tac would squander Damage potential. I mean you play a tac officer to do damage. I'm a firm believer that if you'd like to fly cruisers you should be an engineer. I just use to running with people that expect NOTHING less then the ABSOLUTE best and putting a tac officer in a cruiser just seems silly to me.

    Find a mirror. Look at the surface. Notice yourself.

    Answer a question - why are our Captains stratified between "Tactical", "Science", and "Engineering" when there is no evidence within the fiction to suggest that such divergence exists, let alone in the manner and to the extent it does in this game?
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    doaga1 wrote: »
    Lately I've been noticing, at least around the people I tend to see, that escorts seem to be on the decline....

    I see more and more Tac officers in cruisers and in a few baffling cases in Science ships. I often hear people saying escorts are OP... Colossally OP in some cases. which brings me to my question.... Why do tac officers seem to COMPLETELY waste so much damage potential by flying something other then an escort?

    Why do tac/sci captains put points into threat control?
  • fleetadmcassityfleetadmcassity Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    doaga1 wrote: »
    Lately I've been noticing, at least around the people I tend to see, that escorts seem to be on the decline....

    I see more and more Tac officers in cruisers and in a few baffling cases in Science ships. I often hear people saying escorts are OP... Colossally OP in some cases. which brings me to my question.... Why do tac officers seem to COMPLETELY waste so much damage potential by flying something other then an escort?

    More often than not ... these Tac Officers are Expanding or Redefining their play-style to utilize the qualities of the Cruisers and Sci ships, and Boffs abilities.

    Sci Ship = free Sub-system targeting -- more Sci Boff abilities (Viral Matrix, Tyken's Rift, Photonic Shockwave, )

    Cruisers= Greater Hull -- more Eng Boff abilities (Aceton Beam, Boarding Party, Eject Warp Plasma, Engineer Team)
    Fleet Admiral Cassity
    Delta Fleet
  • theodrimtheodrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ...when there is no evidence within the fiction to suggest that such divergence exists, let alone in the manner and to the extent it does in this game?

    That depends what you accept as "evidence", here. Sisko was an engineer before he was put on command track, and Janeway was a science officer prior. Archer, while being a test pilot, also had an engineering background. Kirk has the quintessential tactical officer background, and I suppose you could say the same of Picard considering he was a conn officer before being brevetted to Captain aboard the Stargazer. I always understood the class distinction as what academic background your character had prior to becoming an acting captain, that informs each character's command style and approach.

    As for me, I play a science officer in an advanced escort. Why? Because I freaking feel like it. I play the game for fun, not to obsess over logs and parses and min-max stats to the teeth as if the game were a second job. If I wanted to do that, I'd go back to school to be a seasonal accountant and actually get paid for it.
    Somebody getting uppity about canon? No problem! Just take a deep breath, and repeat after me:

    Spock's Brain.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    theodrim wrote: »
    and I suppose you could say the same of Picard considering he was a conn officer before being brevetted to Captain aboard the Stargazer.
    I always figured him to be more sciencey, given that we see him as a science officer in an alternate timeline.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    well I'm not seeing the change, did a large number of STF's yesterday and almost all of them were escorts or escort carriers only.
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    graleron wrote: »
    They could just be doing it for that elusive experience called "fun".

    Pretty sure this is tanking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h3irnf8yDw
    Plus my current ship/build is far more effective, I'll have videos up of it in a few days.
    Delirium Tremens
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  • therealmaddmatttherealmaddmatt Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Some time ago, my fleetmates and I, just for schnitz-n-giggles, decided to run an STF using shuttles. Infected/normal, mind you, and we were decked-out fittys, with an assortment of different small-class craft, but shuttles in an STF nonetheless.

    And we held our own.

    What resulted was that we could wear down the nodes, and hold off the ships coming through the gate about as fast as they could spawn. We wound up deciding to abandon the instance most of the way through, since our progress was way too slow to come anywhere near beating the mission timer. But it still amazed us that were were able to do so well in a low-level STF with the wimpiest ships in the game.

    And I have a few other stories about getting caught in missions with the wrong ship equipped, but I'll spare you the boring details. ;)

    My point is that one does not need to min/max at all to enjoy this game, not at all, with the exception of PvP and elite STFs. The vast majority of STO is really quite easy, especially after 50 (and leveling is no hard feat in this MMO). So while good equipment helps, knowing your skillset and playing smart winds up being far more important to successful gameplay.

    Of which leaves lots of wiggle room to customize your charater to your liking, simply to have, um, what did those earlier posts call it... "Fun"? :rolleyes:
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Tacs can fly anything as there is no declinne in escorts.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
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  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    the damage resistance works in pvp

    It's a pretty expensive skillgrab considering how high it is in the TAC skilltrees, as well as half the reason for that skillbox existing, being useless in PVP.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    To answer the OP's question another way: Some people drive Chevys. Some people drive Fords. Why? Because they want to. Do the Chevy guys give the Ford guys grief and do the Ford guys give the Chevy guys grief? Yes. Because they want to.

    Do I really really care my Klink Tac is not achieving that last 0.001 DPS in an Elite STF? Nope. I reckon if the previous 10,500 DPS aren't gittin' 'er done, then there are a bunch of other things I'm probably not doing correctly either.

    I play this game to entertain myself. No other reasons are required or needed. And I'll walk my own path while playing, TYVM. If my ship or play style doesn't meet the quals of the One True Build, I may just have to lose five or six seconds of sleep over this. Someday.

    BTW, when I have an opinion about how someone else kits out their ship or what they're flying currently, I normally keep it to myself. Too many people around here already pointing out how incorrectly everyone else is doing things. I've no need to add to that number.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I am Tac and I rock with a dreadnought. Sure, I have a Fleet Defiant for hard-on STF pve and Armitage + Danubes when I'm serious about pvp, but a dreadnought just looks cooler.

    Also, I can tank shards pounding away on my hull, healing with impunity. Tac buff + DEM doff+ LAAAAAANCE gets me kills or the burst DPS I need. The only ship I managed to get consistently top spot for Fed side. And not to mention I am both healer and dps in Fleet events when flying a dread.

    Most versatile ship in my dock, so you see me in it often.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

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    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • dontphasemedontphaseme Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I fly a Kar'fi carrier as a tac... which puts out a ridiculous amount of damage. And a BoP in pvp.

    My other toon, also a tac flies a Breen Warship plasma boat. Technically a cruiser. But more like an escort that can take a beating and not die.
  • voxinvictusvoxinvictus Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2013
    doaga1 wrote: »
    Lately I've been noticing, at least around the people I tend to see, that escorts seem to be on the decline....

    I see more and more Tac officers in cruisers and in a few baffling cases in Science ships. I often hear people saying escorts are OP... Colossally OP in some cases. which brings me to my question.... Why do tac officers seem to COMPLETELY waste so much damage potential by flying something other then an escort?

    In some cases the reports of escorts being "OP" are exaggerated. Don't get me wrong, Escorts do more damage than Cruisers or Science ships, no doubt, but the margin isn't as great as some people want to believe.

    A Tac in a properly built cruiser, carrier, science ship etc can still do remarkable damage, because a lot of the power in the Tac/Escort combo is the Tac.

    APA makes everything hit hard, not just cannons.
  • scacchetti210scacchetti210 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think most people just want a change of pace, i play as a tac officer, and i'll occasionally hop into the free ambassador just to mix it up.
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