But they didn't look like Fed or KDF ships when Romulans used them?
Ie. all escorts get recostumed as mogais, all cruisers get recostumed as D'deridexes, all Destroyers and Dreadnaughts become Scimitar.
The tricky thing is probably rigging the Mogai for MVAM, the D'Deridex for saucer sep, and the Scimitar for spinal lance, Siege mode, and Tactical Mode.
But the idea is that Romulans use Fed and KDF ships but get Romulan models swapped in, editable at the tailor, etc.
And then if you want a more unique Romulan model, you could get actual Romulan ships.
This. I'm tired of this entitlement garbage, and the misleading belief that homogenization brings in more money. Romulan ships for romulans, federation ships for starfleet, and klingon ships for klingons. No more of this watered down, seizure inducing, grand stretches to repeatedly justify non-faction ships being in a governments navy. These are governments, not pirate confederations. There are doctrines, standardizations, and so on involved. There should have never been a non faction lockbox ship.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
Agreed, the only situation in which a Navy would use a foreign warship is limited and the only ships you could possibly make one of those arguments for is the Tholian ships and even then they would have simply seized the ship and redesigned or retrofitted an existing ship to utilize the unique tech.
This. I'm tired of this entitlement garbage, and the misleading belief that homogenization brings in more money. Romulan ships for romulans, federation ships for starfleet, and klingon ships for klingons. No more of this watered down, seizure inducing, grand stretches to repeatedly justify non-faction ships being in a governments navy. These are governments, not pirate confederations. There are doctrines, standardizations, and so on involved. There should have never been a non faction lockbox ship.
Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
It seems pretty much confirmed that Romulans will be flying Federation and Klingon ships. I doubt that's up for discussion. That part is the foregone conclusion, not my suggestion.
My suggestion is to make those ships look like Romulan ship classes when a Romulan flies them.
I doubt any amount of forum discussion at this point will deter Cryptic from letting Romulans command Excelsiors. My suggestion is to sub the model out for a Romulan ship rather than simply have Romulans commanding Excelsiors.
Your idea only takes care of the aesthetic problem, and while i appreciate your concern for not wanting me to tear my eyes out if i see a Romulan in a Defiant, it doesn't actually solve the problem of THE ROMULANS SHOULDN"T BE FLYING OUR DAMN SHIPS!
And as someone else mentioned it would be about the same amount of work as building an all new ship... Hell thats HOW they make new ships:
1. Take a premade ship
2. Create new skin
3. Put new skin on old ship
4. Sell "new" ship
I personally look very much forward to the Romulans faction i never found the kdf interesting past the first mission and look forward to making a second character (im a pretty simple guy) Tho if you knew how long it takes me to make up as name you would understand why i have only played ONE character over the last 3 yrs
"When people ask stupid questions I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers."
Keltoi Class... fan design. You KNOW you want one In-game!
I really don't see a problem at all. In all reality, any nation would love to get its hands on the vessels and vehicles of another nation. And capturing of other nation's vessels and vehicles is practiced even in modern times.
They should logically be flying our ships, if only because they shot one up just enough to keep it in a salvageable state suitable for capture.
I really don't see a problem at all. In all reality, any nation would love to get its hands on the vessels and vehicles of another nation. And capturing of other nation's vessels and vehicles is practiced even in modern times.
They should logically be flying our ships, if only because they shot one up just enough to keep it in a salvageable state suitable for capture.
And a lot of nations fly fighter jets originally designed for NATO or Russia...
I really don't see a problem at all. In all reality, any nation would love to get its hands on the vessels and vehicles of another The United States. And capturing of other nation's vessels and vehicles is practiced even in modern times.
I want a source on a first world nations navy using another nations captured vessel.
oh, and FTFY
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
I want a source on a first world nations navy using another nations captured vessel.
oh, and FTFY
It is a semi bogus comparison. Feds, Klingons and Romulans are(or where) the superpowers of the galaxy. DS9 referred to them this way repeadetely. The other powers are 2nd or 3rd rate at best. 2nd rate powers would be the equivalent of Britain, Korea and Japan (for example Breen). The Romulans suffered a huge disaster, like the Soviet Union collapsing (although fewer deaths ) which would affect their rating. But they are still a lot closer to Feds / Klinks rather than the Breen.
As to the argument of countries flying other countries planes it does not hold. You don't see Russia flying US jets or the US flying Russian or Chinese jets. They on occasionally "evaluate" appropriated (stolen) equipment but they don't make it part of their fleets. There would be huge issues with doing this ... logistics alone ... The Brits/Koreans/TRIBBLE fly US aircraft while others like India fly Russian. Sometimes they develop their own stuff in house although it is usually derived or very limited in scope (think Harrier Jump jet for the latter).
What you do see is the Chinese using/improving on Russian technology to leapfrog in the tech race. This is somewhat analogous to the KDF / Romulan alliance in TOS (which was inspired by this relationship I think). We could have a similar alliance again between the 2 if we gave up on the silly notion of a democratic Romulan government and went back to the roots. But that would make too much sense and fly completely over the heads of most the teens playing this game.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
As to the argument of countries flying other countries planes it does not hold.
I seemed to have left out a critical point in my post that I didn't catch in my post-typing glance over; Typically salvaged stuff has its guts reused or reverse engineered, but gets a different form factor. And just 100 years ago, capturing other vessels would be very desirable. But as was pointed out, the current technology imbalance (and global political climate) has curtailed that practice. But the Fed, KE, and RSE all seem to be on an even footing, with evenly powerful, but counter technology. Acquiring your opponents counter technology could/would give you and advantage.
That makes a lot more sense. but that still; doesn't require the ships of the opponant to be used. Least of all in the numbers they're showing up in.
The Dominion was more advanced than the Federation in many respects, but I doubt R&D would allow the ships to fly off with little to no understanding of what's going on inside.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
Frankly I don't think there should be any kind of ship sharing, if Romulans join Fed or KDF fleets they get access to Romulan variants of Fed or KDF technology but not FED or KDF specific ships, they get Romulan ships with compatible specs.
What the hell is the point of having Romulans if we're going to water it down to end up with Romulans in FED or KDF ships or vice versa?
Sure there have been examples of nations using captured enemy equipment but only as a temporary expedient mainly due a lack of allied resources or as a tactical ploy to get within enemy lines, but are usually dispensed with as quickly as possible for the simple reason they are extremely vulnerable to being mistaken as an enemy target by their own forces. It simply makes no sense for KDF or FEDs to operating Romulan ships when their own ships are available and like wise for Romulans.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I want a source on a first world nations navy using another nations captured vessel.
oh, and FTFY
It's an old naval wartime tradition. Nowadays not too many navy vessels get boarded and captured, though. Also, for a time leading up to WWII naval powers were only allowed to have a limited number of warships.
I seemed to have left out a critical point in my post that I didn't catch in my post-typing glance over; Typically salvaged stuff has its guts reused or reverse engineered, but gets a different form factor. And just 100 years ago, capturing other vessels would be very desirable. But as was pointed out, the current technology imbalance (and global political climate) has curtailed that practice. But the Fed, KE, and RSE all seem to be on an even footing, with evenly powerful, but counter technology. Acquiring your opponents counter technology could/would give you and advantage.
Captured and then used. I don't believe that's happened for over a century.
Also, only a few powers were actually under the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty, and one of them went to great lengths to conceal their breaking of it.
But that doesn't matter in a state of war. If it were common practice to board and capture enemy ships, and then use them, it would have happened at some point. When France surrendered, their navy was sunk, rather than captured.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
It seems pretty much confirmed that Romulans will be flying Federation and Klingon ships. I doubt that's up for discussion. That part is the foregone conclusion, not my suggestion.
My suggestion is to make those ships look like Romulan ship classes when a Romulan flies them.
I doubt any amount of forum discussion at this point will deter Cryptic from letting Romulans command Excelsiors. My suggestion is to sub the model out for a Romulan ship rather than simply have Romulans commanding Excelsiors.
And how would that be different then making entirely new ships?
And how would that be different then making entirely new ships?
Quite a few actually. Also this. Depends on whether you consider North Korea a first world nation or not. :D:D
I'll tell you why:
Entirely different ships wouldn't sell. Same way Klingon ships haven't sold.
But if buying a Fed or Klingon ship unlocks that ship for Romulans (and that is what dev posts would lead me to believe) then Cryptic at least benefits from increased sales of the Fed and Klingon ships. And they may slide in a small price hike at the same time.
As in, say, all ships cost 500 ZEN more but now unlock ships with identical consoles/stats for allied Romulans.
That will almost certainly sell better than dedicated Romulan ships. I'm pretty confident that's a dedicated minority and that Cryptic is hoping KDF sales will go up when people start rolling KDF-allied Romulans.
Quite a few actually. Also this. Depends on whether you consider North Korea a first world nation or not.
Centersolace, all of those are over 150 years ago, and none of them are from the age of armored artillary ships. The modern ships with long range missiles/artillary weren't captured, much less used by a 1st world power.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
Entirely different ships wouldn't sell. Same way Klingon ships haven't sold.(Snip).
Klingon ships haven't sold because the Klingon faction has been ignored and incomplete for such a long time, come May, hopefully, that will no longer be a valid statement. As the Klingon faction grows so will it's sales.
That said, one of the primary reasons why players were clamoring for Romulans was so they could get their hands on Romulan ships, if Cryptic takes a shortcut by making FED or KDF ships available as a substitute for creating a Romulan fleet they will have made a colossal blunder that will doom the faction to becoming an ignored minority and a virtual waste of coding time. Players are already chafing at the notion of having to ally with FED or KDF, being forced to fly their ships, I can just about guarantee, will spark a community wide rage fest of biblical proportions.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I don't think it's much of an issue, personally. How many people will roll a Romulan character and then fly him/her around in an Odyssey or a Bortasqu'? Not too many.
In regards to the OP's suggestion, I think just giving the ships different aesthetics (hull material, nacelle coloration, etc) when Romulans are flying them would be enough to aid immersion.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
And also pretty much this:
This. I'm tired of this entitlement garbage, and the misleading belief that homogenization brings in more money. Romulan ships for romulans, federation ships for starfleet, and klingon ships for klingons. No more of this watered down, seizure inducing, grand stretches to repeatedly justify non-faction ships being in a governments navy. These are governments, not pirate confederations. There are doctrines, standardizations, and so on involved. There should have never been a non faction lockbox ship.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
new model = almost the same amount of work to be done, but as you are proposing = NO PAYMENTS for the people which already unlocked them
better to create and sell whole new ships.
My suggestion is to make those ships look like Romulan ship classes when a Romulan flies them.
I doubt any amount of forum discussion at this point will deter Cryptic from letting Romulans command Excelsiors. My suggestion is to sub the model out for a Romulan ship rather than simply have Romulans commanding Excelsiors.
And as someone else mentioned it would be about the same amount of work as building an all new ship... Hell thats HOW they make new ships:
1. Take a premade ship
2. Create new skin
3. Put new skin on old ship
4. Sell "new" ship
I personally look very much forward to the Romulans faction i never found the kdf interesting past the first mission and look forward to making a second character (im a pretty simple guy) Tho if you knew how long it takes me to make up as name you would understand why i have only played ONE character over the last 3 yrs
Keltoi Class... fan design. You KNOW you want one In-game!
They should logically be flying our ships, if only because they shot one up just enough to keep it in a salvageable state suitable for capture.
And a lot of nations fly fighter jets originally designed for NATO or Russia...
I want a source on a first world nations navy using another nations captured vessel.
oh, and FTFY
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
It is a semi bogus comparison. Feds, Klingons and Romulans are(or where) the superpowers of the galaxy. DS9 referred to them this way repeadetely. The other powers are 2nd or 3rd rate at best. 2nd rate powers would be the equivalent of Britain, Korea and Japan (for example Breen). The Romulans suffered a huge disaster, like the Soviet Union collapsing (although fewer deaths
As to the argument of countries flying other countries planes it does not hold. You don't see Russia flying US jets or the US flying Russian or Chinese jets. They on occasionally "evaluate" appropriated (stolen) equipment but they don't make it part of their fleets. There would be huge issues with doing this ... logistics alone ... The Brits/Koreans/TRIBBLE fly US aircraft while others like India fly Russian. Sometimes they develop their own stuff in house although it is usually derived or very limited in scope (think Harrier Jump jet for the latter).
What you do see is the Chinese using/improving on Russian technology to leapfrog in the tech race. This is somewhat analogous to the KDF / Romulan alliance in TOS (which was inspired by this relationship I think). We could have a similar alliance again between the 2 if we gave up on the silly notion of a democratic Romulan government and went back to the roots. But that would make too much sense and fly completely over the heads of most the teens playing this game.
- Judge Aaron Satie
The Dominion was more advanced than the Federation in many respects, but I doubt R&D would allow the ships to fly off with little to no understanding of what's going on inside.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
What the hell is the point of having Romulans if we're going to water it down to end up with Romulans in FED or KDF ships or vice versa?
Sure there have been examples of nations using captured enemy equipment but only as a temporary expedient mainly due a lack of allied resources or as a tactical ploy to get within enemy lines, but are usually dispensed with as quickly as possible for the simple reason they are extremely vulnerable to being mistaken as an enemy target by their own forces. It simply makes no sense for KDF or FEDs to operating Romulan ships when their own ships are available and like wise for Romulans.
Captured and then used. I don't believe that's happened for over a century.
Also, only a few powers were actually under the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty, and one of them went to great lengths to conceal their breaking of it.
But that doesn't matter in a state of war. If it were common practice to board and capture enemy ships, and then use them, it would have happened at some point. When France surrendered, their navy was sunk, rather than captured.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
Im all in support of this.
And how would that be different then making entirely new ships?
Quite a few actually. Also this. Depends on whether you consider North Korea a first world nation or not.
I'll tell you why:
Entirely different ships wouldn't sell. Same way Klingon ships haven't sold.
But if buying a Fed or Klingon ship unlocks that ship for Romulans (and that is what dev posts would lead me to believe) then Cryptic at least benefits from increased sales of the Fed and Klingon ships. And they may slide in a small price hike at the same time.
As in, say, all ships cost 500 ZEN more but now unlock ships with identical consoles/stats for allied Romulans.
That will almost certainly sell better than dedicated Romulan ships. I'm pretty confident that's a dedicated minority and that Cryptic is hoping KDF sales will go up when people start rolling KDF-allied Romulans.
Centersolace, all of those are over 150 years ago, and none of them are from the age of armored artillary ships. The modern ships with long range missiles/artillary weren't captured, much less used by a 1st world power.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
That said, one of the primary reasons why players were clamoring for Romulans was so they could get their hands on Romulan ships, if Cryptic takes a shortcut by making FED or KDF ships available as a substitute for creating a Romulan fleet they will have made a colossal blunder that will doom the faction to becoming an ignored minority and a virtual waste of coding time. Players are already chafing at the notion of having to ally with FED or KDF, being forced to fly their ships, I can just about guarantee, will spark a community wide rage fest of biblical proportions.
In regards to the OP's suggestion, I think just giving the ships different aesthetics (hull material, nacelle coloration, etc) when Romulans are flying them would be enough to aid immersion.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone