Star Trek Online is a very stat based game, particularly when it comes to PvP. This means that most ability consoles (and therefore ships) go unused and unpurchased outside of a handful of universally used ones.
This isn't good for Cryptic, because again, since they are't used, they aren't bought, and there's little incentive for the players to buy and experiment with them.
But we can't just go slinging tons of nice stats on them because that could lead to a
very unpleasant place. So while we could slap stats on
some consoles, we couldn't do it for all of them. For those, a lot of them would work better as
devices rather than consoles.
The problem with switching them from consoles to devices is this: With universal consoles, you're giving up precious console space somewhere to use it. If I want to use an Impulse Capacitance Cell on my Hegh'ta BoP, I have to give up a science or engineering console spot. Some form of 'sacrifice' is implied. With devices. . .some choices have to be made, but not as many.
I feel it would unbalance things further if we turned universal ability consoles into devices.
This change would also help drive C-store sales as well, since people would want to fill out thier device slots with useful activatable consoles, and as such would need to buy the ships that have them ;-)
I do use a few of the "gimmick" consoles. Mainly PDS but sometimes others too. the Nadeon Detonator console is GREAT in shuttle missions.
My character Tsin'xing
There is one that is needed for canon ships and that is : subspace jumper and theta whatchamacallit
There is a few that are needed for the 3/3 weapon slot ships: Isometric Charge and Point Defence
There is IMHO only one type of ship that can take at the very max 5 special consoles and not feel cheated and that is the marauder and the corsair.
Kumari set : 3 consoles (also with Vesta or Ody).
Using cutting beam and 2 pieces set : +1console
That's 4 consoles. Just using the romulan weapon set and the cutting beam 2 set bonus is already 2 consoles.
And it's not even an exotic build, it's fairly common.
Also the Cloaking Device on the Federation side should be a device after it is has Device in its name. Manheim Device as well.
i just like the normal consoles powers better
The Oberth console
Transwarp computer
Grappler (Both sides have the graviton pulse now, the grappler is beyond meh in comparison)
That's the short list, I'm in a hurry, things to do... but I'm sure there are a couple others.
Some of those consoles are bad. Hell, I might not slot them even if they were devices, I'd have to give up a useful device...
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
How about no, if you want to cloak with your precious defiant you use a console slot, same with the manheim powerful to be a device slot item.
Even the universal consoles such as the Zero Point energy harness and a Taychokinetic converter are more popular because they boost stats.
Suggestion??? Apply some small but basic stat boost to the ability consoles. Such as a plus phaser damage for the Quantum focus field. OR Plus Starship Shield Emitters to the Ferimon generator. Something that would make sense for that power, and would boost other abilities along side it. Lower the base stats of the ability, so that the boost applies to it.
So, Minus X from the base stats, and then add X as a general stat boost. Same power. Same ability, but some universal boost as well.
The X you switch over does NOT have to be a full MkXII purple console. Even if it was more the same stats as a MkXI Blue, it would help. You still have an opportunity cost, but it would appeal more to the general PVP community. And it would allow those three console Zen Ships you guys are pushing out would actually be used as a set ship.