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Kumari? Not for me

magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Klingon Discussion
I've seen a lot of these ships in the past several weeks and was wondering why folks on this side would want one, seeing how in the elite STF's they spend most of their time respawning, they explode in very vibrant colors though. They're like flying paper mache with guns. They're just targets that annoy the spheres & cubes and it only takes one swat to get rid of them. I have yet to see one not explode and even in a normal Hive Onslaught run their survivability is nil.

Seriuosly this thing needs to be a lot faster than it is to have a better chance of surviving. It as well as the BoP should be the 2 fastest ships in the game since with their low hull points and shield strength makes their main tactic hit and run. At least the BoP has battle cloak to help it but sometimes even that isn't enough. Speed would help both ships with the Kumari being faster to compensate for not having battle cloak.

As the Kumari is now the Feds can have it.
Post edited by magnumstar on


  • wolfpack12cwolfpack12c Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's one of those ships that is kinda hard to get it right in lol I'm flying one right now and just got it right where I want it. I fly with a buddy in one and damn me and him just rappe with that ship. When we both crit all we see is stuff blowing up at random. And I mean holy cow. You have just ended up with players that can't fly it all that good. But it's not a ship for everyone
    -"There is no such thing as an I win button!" "Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited March 2013
    5 fore/5 tactical consoles 16 turn rate and 0.9 shield mod

    wing cannon=hybrid between cannon and DBB,can do hit's ~95k
    tachyon burst console =aka bye bye target shields

    Yes I would like a similar ship for kdf .

    Kumari was built for spike damage ( "stupid amount of damage" )(i love that phrase btw)
    I meet poor kumari builds and very good kumari builds and I can tell you that a good build with a good pilot it is a killer ship.
    Probably bops can have a chance against them by hitting them and then runing away or maybe kdf battlecruiser could kill them due to bigger hull and shields .
    Jhas can kill kumari because it has better turn rate than kumari and close firepower.

    I personally I am flying a raptor (4 tactical consoles 4 fore and 15 turn rate 0.88 shield mod) and I would like to have a similar kdf raptor available.The best raptor that kdf can have in this moment has 4 fore/4 tactical 16 turn rate and 0.9 shield mod. I proposed in many threads that it should be enhanced with 5 fore and 5 tactical consoles.(having a cloak will compensate the lack of 95k hitting wing cannon and for shield stripping console)
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with the wing cannons and the OVERLOAD phaser console i have hit 110k crit a couple times in ESTFs...the thing is a tank if you know how to manage boff power rotations and using the borg space set (im using mk 11 as i dont have t5 omega yet) and i still survive unless i get invisa-torped or getting mobbed by 10 spheres exploding lol

    im running the wing cannon, phaser quad cannon, and phaser DHC [crtH][crtd]x3 (I think Ill have to double check) with the KCB and VR mk11 ohaser turret (cant remember the mods :()

    running 4 blue mk 11 phaser consoles and assimilated console in tac. embassy mk 10 shield emitter [pla] and shield regen mk 11 rare (dont recall the actual name) in sci, cannon overload console in eng with rare mk 11 nuet and the team fortress console fom the steamrunner pack (again cant remember the actual name).

    I can post more detail once im in game and not sitting in my tuffli.
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Is it possible that the ones you encountered are the tactical variation of the Kumari? That one has the inviting 5 tac. consoles, but it's Boff layout is just suicidal.

    On the other hand, the Charal class is suposed to be quite durable in the hands of a capable captain. It's basically a partrol escort with additional firepower to the front and nice bonuses if you have the whole set. That thing can hold on it's own.
  • magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ya there's no doubting the Kumari does insane amounts of dmg. The ones I see that survive a bit longer are the ones who are smart enough to wait for the bigger ships to grab aggro and then come in behind them and unleash hell. But they better be buggering out after that because with the dmg they cause they get noticed real quick and while they can dish it out they can't take the punishment themselves.

    I typically buff any Kumari that's on my team with shield and hull heals giving them time to evade after they strike. The Kumari no matter what the build isn't designed to go toe to toe with an enemy and slug it out, just like the BoP if they stick around too long they're toast. More than one opponent shooting at these ships will take them out quick, there just isn't enough hull points and shield strength there to take the punishment. I still think that more speed would benefit these ships so they can get away faster.

    I would rather see a BoP with this setup than a Raptor
  • joshjpeter2joshjpeter2 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I fly a Charal class (alternating with a tac escort retrofit) and while it is fragile I don't die too often on ISE. (Only once or twice, with a good team I can go with no deaths, unless the team is bad then all bets are off. Of course any ship and build would do badly in that situation.)

    I did fly the kumari before but it was too fragile so I switched to the Charal. Now unless I get mobbed by more than three spheres or invisatorped by the gate or tac cube, its pretty tough.
    Hazard Emitters, EPtS and TT are a definite must though.

    Also I do have the full Kumari set so that definitely helps.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've seen a lot of these ships in the past several weeks and was wondering why folks on this side would want one, seeing how in the elite STF's they spend most of their time respawning, they explode in very vibrant colors though. They're like flying paper mache with guns. They're just targets that annoy the spheres & cubes and it only takes one swat to get rid of them. I have yet to see one not explode and even in a normal Hive Onslaught run their survivability is nil.

    I don't know what inept kumari captains you have seen, but it is is far, far from being brittle. I'm currently using the Charal-type on one of my Fed chars (bought it primarily for RP reasons: andorian char, all andorian boff and doff crew) and I'm surprised that it is quite sturdy. when I read all the things about it being made out of paper and being a glass-cannon, I really feared for the worst and that I'd be taking a ship with defensive values of a T3-ship or a basic Aquarius into STFs.

    Surprisingly, I was pretty much en par with my Fleet Defiant regarding hitpoints and shield values, while having an additional, defensive boff skill (considering the ensign slot isn't a useless third tac ensign).

    Afterwards I looked at the raw stats for each Fed escort and started comparing:

    On paper, the Kumari has the same shield mod and more hull than the basic fed escorts and basic raptors (who have more hull, but worse shields) and is on the same level as the c-store Armitage and just slightly worse than the Fleet Defiant, who is burdened with a third Tac-Ensign.

    Fleet Defiant: 33.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod
    Armitage: 32.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod
    Kumari: 32.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod
    Basic Fedscort*: 30-31.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod

    *MVAE, Advanced, Patrol, Mirror Patrol, Mirror Advanced, Tactical Refit,
  • lirdeklirdek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    you're right kumari class is a joke.

    Now you can have a bet on throwing huge cash onto zen and opening lockboxes for jhec and duty packs for a jhas since this is what cryptic wants from its customers.

    Why do you think Kumari is such a TRIBBLE ship compared?
  • magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don't know what inept kumari captains you have seen, but it is is far, far from being brittle. I'm currently using the Charal-type on one of my Fed chars (bought it primarily for RP reasons: andorian char, all andorian boff and doff crew) and I'm surprised that it is quite sturdy. when I read all the things about it being made out of paper and being a glass-cannon, I really feared for the worst and that I'd be taking a ship with defensive values of a T3-ship or a basic Aquarius into STFs.

    Surprisingly, I was pretty much en par with my Fleet Defiant regarding hitpoints and shield values, while having an additional, defensive boff skill (considering the ensign slot isn't a useless third tac ensign).

    Afterwards I looked at the raw stats for each Fed escort and started comparing:

    On paper, the Kumari has the same shield mod and more hull than the basic fed escorts and basic raptors (who have more hull, but worse shields) and is on the same level as the c-store Armitage and just slightly worse than the Fleet Defiant, who is burdened with a third Tac-Ensign.

    Fleet Defiant: 33.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod
    Armitage: 32.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod
    Kumari: 32.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod
    Basic Fedscort*: 30-31.000 Hull, 0.9 Shield Mod

    *MVAE, Advanced, Patrol, Mirror Patrol, Mirror Advanced, Tactical Refit,

    The Charal looks to be the best out of the bunch and on par with other escorts. Its probably the other versions I see going boom habitually but I can't be sure since I don't ask and can't tell the difference just by looking. Speed would definitely help the other versions as well as the Birds of Prey.
  • brataccasbrataccas Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've been dogfighting them in my B'rel (Eng) and generally they're having a tough time in PvP - 4 x Elite Disruptors chews through anything pretty quickly and even the Eng Kumari (with an Eng flying it) is quickly blasted into dust by 2 or 3 BoPs working in tandem.

    That said, there's a lot of new really awful Fed Bug pilots in game at the moment too so it's not like it's purely down to the deficiencies of the Kumari line.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OMG why is it that the second a faction gets something interesting and unique there's a group of people from the other faction who immediately want that interesting/unique/exclusive benefit.

    The Federation has the best non-cloaking glass-cannon in the game. Use your own advantages to counter unless you want the game homogenized into a big gloopy pudding of boredom!

    This has been 'recycling arguments used against Federation suggestions.'
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jermbot wrote: »
    OMG why is it that the second a faction gets something interesting and unique there's a group of people from the other faction who immediately want that interesting/unique/exclusive benefit.'

    Since when KDF got it's last thing? That's right. Last unique thing KDF got was from season 6. Whine about bortasqu(=oddy), breen, timeships, jemmy ships, kamarag(=amby), but those things are not unique to the factions because feds got them as well!
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
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  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    saxfire wrote: »
    Since when KDF got it's last thing? That's right. Last unique thing KDF got was from season 6. Whine about bortasqu(=oddy), breen, timeships, jemmy ships, kamarag(=amby), but those things are not unique to the factions because feds got them as well!

    So... the last unique thing the KDF got was last season.

    Holy TRIBBLE. You've totally made me reconsider my entire position. I now agree, the KDF should have versions of every Federation Ship because they don't get something unique every season.
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jermbot wrote: »
    So... the last unique thing the KDF got was last season.

    And that was 10 months ago.
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
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