Passive ability: Has separate duty officer active space slots exclusively reserved for engineering doffs. This ship will have the standard 5 active space duty officers plus 4 extra engineering-only duty officers.
Science Ships (does not include carriers)
4 native abilities: Subsystem targeting as it is now with one of two changes:
#1- make the native subsystem attacks have full training equivalent timers. Currently they are too long.
#2- retain current long timers on subsystem attacks but remove the shared timer between them. That is, the sci ship can fire subs-shld and then subsys-eng with no delay.
Passive ability: Sensor Analysis : Slight change to sensor analysis: It does not instantly vanish if player changes target. Instead it 'degrades' at the same rate it builds up. This is needed because a sci ship switching target to a friendly ship to heal it will lose SA debuff on its original target. 2 additional doff slots exclusive to science.
These minor changes enable the sci ship to better perform its debuffer role.
Escorts (does not include bird of prey raiders, includes raptors)
4 native abilities: Emg to Engines 1, Aux to Dampeners 1, Transfer shield strength 1, mask energy signature 1.
Passive Ability: bonus to inertial dampener skill (reduce effect of holds on the ship),2 additional doff slots exclusive to tactical.
These abilities and passive enable the escort ships to play on their primary hull class strength: mobility with some minor self-healing and utility skills. resistance bonus to holds enable the escort to prevent being completely immobilized by tractor beams or other hold abilities.
Carriers (excludes VoQuv class)
4 Native abilities: Subsystem targeting with same changes as science ship
Passive ability: Similar extra doff slots like cruisers except these will be for operations doffs (enables use of flight deck officers on top of the normal 5-doff assignments)
Benefits are self explanatory.
Dreadnaughts (includes VoQuv carrier and Galaxy Dreadnaught)
4 Native abilities: Same as cruisers
Passive Ability: Additional 4 active space doff slots. No restriction on doff type.
Benefits are self explanatory. VoQuv is included in this category due to its dreadnaught design.
Raiders (Bird of Prey)
4 Native Abilities: Emg to Engines 1, Polarize Hull 1, Aux to Dampeners 1, Hazard 1
Passive ability: 2 additional doff slots, no restriction on type and new ability that is similar to sensory analysis in its 'build up' sense: Threat Modification : Ship emits a 10km aoe threat reduction proc that builds up over time. Based on AUX power. This enables the bird of prey to not become the target of enemies the very instant they decloak dependent on how long the bird of prey has been building up the -threat. Usually should take about 1 minute to clean all threat to itself.
While we're at it lets have a button labelled God mode and make you invincible for 10 seconds.
The idea of giving each ship innate abilities is alright but 4 is way too many especially as they are mostly all good abilities that every captain in those ships would want and not need to use boff slots for. This would just raise heals and durability to stupid levels that even 5 on 1 would end in a stalemate.
So i read the whole thing and here is what I translated from it.
When I dedicate everything I have to DPS I can't get enough officers to do things like defense and heal. When I have a cruiser I don't get the same DPS I get out of my escort. My science ship doesn't do enough damage with the way I have it set up.
Please just add all the things I don't want to deal with so I can focus more on DPS.
I read that as, I want all these skills on my ship but I don't want to train the bridge officers in them.
The reason sci ships get the (sh*tty) subsystem targeting is because they only get six weapon slots and this allegedly makes up for it. Although to get full use out of it, you need maxed flow caps and consoles as well as subspace decompiler in order to make it effective and even then it can be easily negated. The cooldown can be reduced if you use Energy Weapons Officers particularly purple ones.
I think Science ships should gain a bonus with their Science abilities by either making Science powers automatically stronger when use with a Science ship or have the cooldown for Science powers reduced when used with Science ships.
Escorts already have their special thing. It's high agility and the ability to carry dual cannons.
Science ships already have their special thing. It's built in sub-targeting capability and sensor analysis. It could be argued strongly that these aren't very STRONG abilities as they are currently implemented, but fact is that they exist and we should try tweaking their performance before we bolt on entirely new parts.
Cruisers have... well, kind of nothing. They come with more hull strength than the others, but given that 90% of your survivability comes from keeping your shields between your hull and incoming fire this really doesn't matter much. Even if you give cruisers an extra 25K hitpoints, that's only a 50/50 chance of surviving one heavy borg torpedo that another ship would not. So.
If the crew system was fixed, cruisers would have their special thing by merit of having thousands of crew members all working on fixing holes. Or give them faster shield balancing. Or more active doff slots (cool idea). Lots of things that could be done. But they really only need One Of The Above. Adding all of these new innate things to every ship would just complicate an already precarious mix of imbalances.
you mean one more power drain from your weapon subsystem ?
And how bad is that if you use turrets, single cannons or torpedoes? Yes power drain is an issue with cruisers and beams, but the extra damage is still there helping you to blow things up.
True and an extra weapon adds a lot more DPS than an extra 2 tactical slots even if it is firing at slightly less power.
Also you say having an extra 25k hull wouldn't make much difference but a tanking cruiser usually has 40% resists before boff abilities. Most carry something that will boost it to 50-60%. So when you factor that in they have more like 40k extra hull on top of how much they already have. Then again most ship classes can get to 40% resistance easily so it hardly puts them leagues above the rest.
True and an extra weapon adds a lot more DPS than an extra 2 tactical slots even if it is firing at slightly less power.
Based on my last combat results, removing a turret would have reduced my total damage output by a theoretical 10.25%. (This ignores the power benefits of removing an energy weapon which would make all the others hit slightly harder).
The difference between 1 tactical console and 3, meanwhile, is about 12%.
So, in reality a free turret is roughly somewhere between 1 and 2 tactical console's worth of improvement, not "a lot more" than 2.
Not every class of ships should get some special abilitys. I was noted, that they allready have. And we have taccruisers (Breen), sciescorts (Vesta), scicruisers (Atrox, Ambassador to some point). When i write taccruiser i don't think that it is a ship for a tac but that its role is more the one of a escorts with many things a cruiser can do.
So, it would be better to have som passive and maybe active abilitys for every single ship.
For example.
The Intrepid (and all Intrepid style ships) get subsystem disable 2 because of the gelpacks. And maybe a buff to the sensor scan.
And some disadvantage.
Sensor buff could go to the Trident too for example.
All Defaint type vessels get a special hull armor. The first direct to hull hits won't do much damage because of the special armor. But when its gone it is gone (until the next respawn or mapchange). So after some amount of dmg you will lose it and possible one of your subsystems might loose energy or fail.
One of the cruisers could get the special to redirect more energy to all subsystems but that is the reserveenergy, so after a use power on all subsystems will drop below normal for some time (possible the sovvi, i remeber Nemesis). And the ship could be more woundable to subsystem attack.
You could even make a ship hitting harder depending on shipspeed (one for fast one for slow). Or a cruiser that got a special shield desing that absorbs 10% more damage from pulse, 7,5% more from beam and 5% more damage from kinetic weapons without loosing more power then normal.
You could even combine this with the range you are fire from. Some ships are more resilent to fire from a short range while some take more damage from that.
And i would give all kling ship some base damage resistence, because they have stronger armor then feds. As a trade Feds get a little higher shieldmod.
Possible on the low level variants there are less mods and with a higher baselevel there are more.
Good luck with that.
Your idea does have potential though.
Smack that guy for me.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
The idea of giving each ship innate abilities is alright but 4 is way too many especially as they are mostly all good abilities that every captain in those ships would want and not need to use boff slots for. This would just raise heals and durability to stupid levels that even 5 on 1 would end in a stalemate.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
When I dedicate everything I have to DPS I can't get enough officers to do things like defense and heal. When I have a cruiser I don't get the same DPS I get out of my escort. My science ship doesn't do enough damage with the way I have it set up.
Please just add all the things I don't want to deal with so I can focus more on DPS.
Did anyone else read that as well?
It would help to make the other classes more tolerable of the Mages in STO.
Want an IWIN Button? Play a Sci Captain.
The reason sci ships get the (sh*tty) subsystem targeting is because they only get six weapon slots and this allegedly makes up for it. Although to get full use out of it, you need maxed flow caps and consoles as well as subspace decompiler in order to make it effective and even then it can be easily negated. The cooldown can be reduced if you use Energy Weapons Officers particularly purple ones.
Science ships already have their special thing. It's built in sub-targeting capability and sensor analysis. It could be argued strongly that these aren't very STRONG abilities as they are currently implemented, but fact is that they exist and we should try tweaking their performance before we bolt on entirely new parts.
Cruisers have... well, kind of nothing. They come with more hull strength than the others, but given that 90% of your survivability comes from keeping your shields between your hull and incoming fire this really doesn't matter much. Even if you give cruisers an extra 25K hitpoints, that's only a 50/50 chance of surviving one heavy borg torpedo that another ship would not. So.
If the crew system was fixed, cruisers would have their special thing by merit of having thousands of crew members all working on fixing holes. Or give them faster shield balancing. Or more active doff slots (cool idea). Lots of things that could be done. But they really only need One Of The Above. Adding all of these new innate things to every ship would just complicate an already precarious mix of imbalances.
One more weapon slot than any other ship class.
True enough. The fact that I forgot this feature entirely should indicate how highly I value it.
you mean one more power drain from your weapon subsystem ?
And how bad is that if you use turrets, single cannons or torpedoes? Yes power drain is an issue with cruisers and beams, but the extra damage is still there helping you to blow things up.
Also you say having an extra 25k hull wouldn't make much difference but a tanking cruiser usually has 40% resists before boff abilities. Most carry something that will boost it to 50-60%. So when you factor that in they have more like 40k extra hull on top of how much they already have. Then again most ship classes can get to 40% resistance easily so it hardly puts them leagues above the rest.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Based on my last combat results, removing a turret would have reduced my total damage output by a theoretical 10.25%. (This ignores the power benefits of removing an energy weapon which would make all the others hit slightly harder).
The difference between 1 tactical console and 3, meanwhile, is about 12%.
So, in reality a free turret is roughly somewhere between 1 and 2 tactical console's worth of improvement, not "a lot more" than 2.
Where it leads to is.
Not every class of ships should get some special abilitys. I was noted, that they allready have. And we have taccruisers (Breen), sciescorts (Vesta), scicruisers (Atrox, Ambassador to some point). When i write taccruiser i don't think that it is a ship for a tac but that its role is more the one of a escorts with many things a cruiser can do.
So, it would be better to have som passive and maybe active abilitys for every single ship.
For example.
The Intrepid (and all Intrepid style ships) get subsystem disable 2 because of the gelpacks. And maybe a buff to the sensor scan.
And some disadvantage.
Sensor buff could go to the Trident too for example.
All Defaint type vessels get a special hull armor. The first direct to hull hits won't do much damage because of the special armor. But when its gone it is gone (until the next respawn or mapchange). So after some amount of dmg you will lose it and possible one of your subsystems might loose energy or fail.
One of the cruisers could get the special to redirect more energy to all subsystems but that is the reserveenergy, so after a use power on all subsystems will drop below normal for some time (possible the sovvi, i remeber Nemesis). And the ship could be more woundable to subsystem attack.
You could even make a ship hitting harder depending on shipspeed (one for fast one for slow). Or a cruiser that got a special shield desing that absorbs 10% more damage from pulse, 7,5% more from beam and 5% more damage from kinetic weapons without loosing more power then normal.
You could even combine this with the range you are fire from. Some ships are more resilent to fire from a short range while some take more damage from that.
And i would give all kling ship some base damage resistence, because they have stronger armor then feds. As a trade Feds get a little higher shieldmod.
Possible on the low level variants there are less mods and with a higher baselevel there are more.
And yes i got my inspiration from somewhere else.
The defs could look into that one too for some rom ships. I want to see the Shrike and the Griffin at last in May. They are from Armada 2.