Running dual Aux2Bat, your HE and especially TSS are going to be severely limited by the lack of Auxiliary power unless you're constantly popping batteries. Dropping to a single A2B would help as it would still take 30% off all the cooldowns (dropping the important ones to global), and give you functioning aux power 75% of the time. If you really want to stay dual A2B, adding Science Team may actually be useful (even with the shared cooldown) as its a big flash shield heal that doesn't depend on aux power and has a shorter cooldown besides.
If you intend to specifically tank, and since you aren't using MACO shields with their extra resistance, a higher level of EPTS may also be beneficial, maybe swap with the ET.
I'm going to disagree here.. its all wrong, scrap it and start again, check out other cruiser threads. You are sacrificing ally our tank abilities to do minimal damage, and wasting your best damage abilities on a low performing torp spread? There is nothing right about this build, the aux 2 bat x 2 is perhaps the worst.
The best tanks are the ones that are doing the best damage to hold agro, so this ship isn't really it.
High EPtS, Aux2SIF3 are crucial tank build components, the borg set tanks better than a super low regen set, especially since you have nothing else keeping your shields up.
Consider either a higher BFaW and a HYT1 for those weapons, or changing the TS2 to APB1.. TS2 isn't doing squat. DEM and beams are meh. PWOs work well with the torps, but the firing arc is going to kill your dps if you try and use them too often.
Please don't listen to the person above me. I run two tanking builds myself (on two different characters) and have been pretty successful with it so far. If you want to tank, you have two ways of going about it:
The traditional way is to stack threat control, resistances, and then have at least 2 x EPtS and Aux2SIF running, along with as many other healing abilities as you can.
However, what it looks like you're doing is you're trying for an Aux2Bat build. When doing so, you need to keep a few things in mind:
1: The vast majority of your healing is going to come from the 2-piece borg set bonus. More specifically, you need the borg deflector and engines. Doesn't matter which Mk, you're in it for the set bonus, and the actual stats on the items change very little from Mk X to Mk XII.
2: You need as strong of a shield as you can get... as long as it's NOT Adapted MACO. The placate proc effect on that shield will drop you to the bottom of an aggro list faster than you can blink, no matter how much threat you're doing. Go with regular MACO or fleet shields if you can get them.
3: You need to have 3 blue technicians. Purple if you can get it, for getting as much cooldown as possible.
4: If you have access to the +threat consoles from the fleet embassy, you don't need to spec into threat control at all - Those points can be spent on making your ship tougher, hitting harder, etc. If you don't have access, then 3 or 6 ranks in threat control should suffice. The bonus resistance from this skill is really not worth mentioning, and not necessary.
5: Drop the torpedo spread in favor of Attack Pattern Delta. It is a good debuff that also adds threat. Combine it with the duty officer that boosts the threat output, and you have a solid way of getting aggro back, should you lose it.
6: Drop Engineering Team - it will interfere with Tactical Team which should take precedence here. Remember, you won't have much active healing, but you will be getting plenty of passive healing from your borg 2-piece set. Instead of Engineering Team, I would pick up Eject Warp Plasma. It won't do any extra damage or anything, but it's a good situational crowd control skill to have, especially as a tank if your targets are running away from you.
7: Carry engine batteries. You can't tank if you can't get to the target fast enough. Drop the shield batteries in favor of these.
8: Get the subspace field modulator, which is an episode reward. It will boost your resistances for when you need it. Drop the weapon batteries in favor of this. You really shouldn't need them as an engineer running aux2bat.
9: Have human bridge officers. Their passive hull heal bonus from Leadership is invaluable on a tanking build like this.
10: If you can afford it, get the duty officer that affects Directed Energy Modulation. He will make it so that you get weapon energy drain resistance while DEM is active, which in turn will help keep your power levels high.
11: Consider getting polarize hull instead of Transfer Shield Strength. TSS won't do much with no aux power, and polarize hull will let you keep moving (which you need to be) and thus help you keep your defense bonus up. This is an optional though, and won't make or break your build.
12: Consider replacing EPtW with EPtAux instead. You can rotate two EP powers, and the extra boost to aux power will help your overall power levels if you follow up with Aux2Bat. Again, not build breaking if you don't, but I would recommend it.
Dual Aux2Bat is a special build that requires you have the DOFFs that recharge all BOFF powers on Aux2Bat. The idea is that you keep high power levels and can carry a single copy of some skills instead of 2, or simply have higher uptime on them.
If you don't have those DOFFs (blue or purple), don't run Aux2Bat.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
5: Drop the torpedo spread in favor of Attack Pattern Delta. It is a good debuff that also adds threat. Combine it with the duty officer that boosts the threat output, and you have a solid way of getting aggro back, should you lose it.
The only time Attack Pattern Delta adds threat is when the duty officer is added, otherwise it adds none.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
Auxiliary to Battery builds are not good for tanking, they are good for offense.
Nonsense. They allow great versatility. Your build can change wildly according to whatever skills you have complementing Aux2Bat. Couple it with EptS, TSS and RSP and you have yourself a tank.
Now, I will say that tanking in an Aux to Batts build is completely doable (I do it all the time). It is going to have some swings where you're a bit less survivable than a traditional tank.
I'll also say that I'm not convinced the Mirror AC is the ship for it as you have such low level Tac slots to work with and that's one of the best uses of Aux to batts > to make an offense focused cruiser that actually has some teeth.
Regardless, let's go over some of my non-obvious choices as well as alternate powers.
1) Skills: Basically as I said above, I spread a lot of things around. If you have any questions as to why I did any particular thing, ask me. Why did I take Attack patterns skills? Read below.
2) Powers: OMFG Aceton? Lol. Yeah, actually. Aceton normally is a terrible choice, with 2x Aux to Batts its up alot. At the least, try it out. My other favorite for a build like this is EWP it adds control, damage straight to hull and eats torpedos for you.
3) DOFFs & Powers: Obviously 3x Purple technicians. 1x Attack Pattern Delta DOFF (On the market now, grab him!!) for 100% threat generation every time you use APD. Guess how often you use APD on an A2B build? (Hint: lots and lots :P). Every time you use APD, I want you to scream "Attack Pattern Ultimatum!!!" (Ok, this is actually optional).
This is where you ask yourself, do I take 5% more Threat Skill by going 6 to 9, costing 7500 points or do I spend 6k points worth in Attack patterns, take APD which is a force multiplier, a bigger overall resistance boost, is castable on allies and slot a doff that gives me 100% threat on demand?
I'll take "Threat on Demand for $1000, Alex". (I don't personally mind "losing" the DOFF slot, because it means my Tank will not lose aggro.)
I shaved points off of maneuvers losing you 2.2% points of defense. An amount you will never notice, or miss, nor will it ever really help you. If you were a PvP escort, I'd say max it. You're a PvE tank, so it's a waste to max it IMO (most NPC enemies are going to hit you anyway).
Nonsense. They allow great versatility. Your build can change wildly according to whatever skills you have complementing Aux2Bat. Couple it with EptS, TSS and RSP and you have yourself a tank.
I do use EPtS, TSS, and RSP in my Aux to Batt build. It still is not as good as a tank as my regular tank build.
Now, I will say that tanking in an Aux to Batts build is completely doable (I do it all the time). It is going to have some swings where you're a bit less survivable than a traditional tank.
Here is someone that (further) proves that individual playstyle has an effect on a build. Not being sarcastic, being honest. Works for him and his playstyle.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
Here is someone that (further) proves that individual playstyle has an effect on a build. Not being sarcastic, being honest. Works for him and his playstyle.
Absolutely, playstyle is definitely a consideration.
As are usage of keybinds.
I would say a dual aux to batts build is going to function much better with a very good keybind set up, than it would if you attempted to do it manually.
One piece of speculation on my part, is that Aux to batts tank builds are most likely going to see something of a drop in survivability in May.
Right now on tribble, Human leadership has taken a fairly sizable nerf.
Human boffs have singlehanded almost made Hull repair powers obsolete in PvE (there are times I never even touch HE, my only hull heal), repair powers like aux to SIF, a power which Aux to batts builds can't reliably ever use.
So there will probably be a little change in the popularity for aux to batts tank builds come May in my opinion.
ET 3 will still be a monster heal, backed up by HE - but now you need to choose between ET or TT and deal with the shared cooldown a bit more than you do now.
If you intend to specifically tank, and since you aren't using MACO shields with their extra resistance, a higher level of EPTS may also be beneficial, maybe swap with the ET.
Overall though looks pretty solid.
The best tanks are the ones that are doing the best damage to hold agro, so this ship isn't really it.
High EPtS, Aux2SIF3 are crucial tank build components, the borg set tanks better than a super low regen set, especially since you have nothing else keeping your shields up.
Consider either a higher BFaW and a HYT1 for those weapons, or changing the TS2 to APB1.. TS2 isn't doing squat. DEM and beams are meh. PWOs work well with the torps, but the firing arc is going to kill your dps if you try and use them too often.
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The traditional way is to stack threat control, resistances, and then have at least 2 x EPtS and Aux2SIF running, along with as many other healing abilities as you can.
However, what it looks like you're doing is you're trying for an Aux2Bat build. When doing so, you need to keep a few things in mind:
1: The vast majority of your healing is going to come from the 2-piece borg set bonus. More specifically, you need the borg deflector and engines. Doesn't matter which Mk, you're in it for the set bonus, and the actual stats on the items change very little from Mk X to Mk XII.
2: You need as strong of a shield as you can get... as long as it's NOT Adapted MACO. The placate proc effect on that shield will drop you to the bottom of an aggro list faster than you can blink, no matter how much threat you're doing. Go with regular MACO or fleet shields if you can get them.
3: You need to have 3 blue technicians. Purple if you can get it, for getting as much cooldown as possible.
4: If you have access to the +threat consoles from the fleet embassy, you don't need to spec into threat control at all - Those points can be spent on making your ship tougher, hitting harder, etc. If you don't have access, then 3 or 6 ranks in threat control should suffice. The bonus resistance from this skill is really not worth mentioning, and not necessary.
5: Drop the torpedo spread in favor of Attack Pattern Delta. It is a good debuff that also adds threat. Combine it with the duty officer that boosts the threat output, and you have a solid way of getting aggro back, should you lose it.
6: Drop Engineering Team - it will interfere with Tactical Team which should take precedence here. Remember, you won't have much active healing, but you will be getting plenty of passive healing from your borg 2-piece set. Instead of Engineering Team, I would pick up Eject Warp Plasma. It won't do any extra damage or anything, but it's a good situational crowd control skill to have, especially as a tank if your targets are running away from you.
7: Carry engine batteries. You can't tank if you can't get to the target fast enough. Drop the shield batteries in favor of these.
8: Get the subspace field modulator, which is an episode reward. It will boost your resistances for when you need it. Drop the weapon batteries in favor of this. You really shouldn't need them as an engineer running aux2bat.
9: Have human bridge officers. Their passive hull heal bonus from Leadership is invaluable on a tanking build like this.
10: If you can afford it, get the duty officer that affects Directed Energy Modulation. He will make it so that you get weapon energy drain resistance while DEM is active, which in turn will help keep your power levels high.
11: Consider getting polarize hull instead of Transfer Shield Strength. TSS won't do much with no aux power, and polarize hull will let you keep moving (which you need to be) and thus help you keep your defense bonus up. This is an optional though, and won't make or break your build.
12: Consider replacing EPtW with EPtAux instead. You can rotate two EP powers, and the extra boost to aux power will help your overall power levels if you follow up with Aux2Bat. Again, not build breaking if you don't, but I would recommend it.
If you don't have those DOFFs (blue or purple), don't run Aux2Bat.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
Auxiliary to Battery builds are not good for tanking, they are good for offense.
The only time Attack Pattern Delta adds threat is when the duty officer is added, otherwise it adds none.
Nonsense. They allow great versatility. Your build can change wildly according to whatever skills you have complementing Aux2Bat. Couple it with EptS, TSS and RSP and you have yourself a tank.
Some people prefer specialization, I prefer to avoid diminishing returns. (I do specialize some builds heavily, but that's for PvP)
You're going to hit those diminishing returns on things like hull (and personal ground armor) resistances just by slotting extra gear.
Better to be a bit more well rounded.
Now, I will say that tanking in an Aux to Batts build is completely doable (I do it all the time). It is going to have some swings where you're a bit less survivable than a traditional tank.
I'll also say that I'm not convinced the Mirror AC is the ship for it as you have such low level Tac slots to work with and that's one of the best uses of Aux to batts > to make an offense focused cruiser that actually has some teeth.
Regardless, let's go over some of my non-obvious choices as well as alternate powers.
1) Skills: Basically as I said above, I spread a lot of things around. If you have any questions as to why I did any particular thing, ask me. Why did I take Attack patterns skills? Read below.
2) Powers: OMFG Aceton? Lol. Yeah, actually. Aceton normally is a terrible choice, with 2x Aux to Batts its up alot. At the least, try it out. My other favorite for a build like this is EWP it adds control, damage straight to hull and eats torpedos for you.
3) DOFFs & Powers: Obviously 3x Purple technicians. 1x Attack Pattern Delta DOFF (On the market now, grab him!!) for 100% threat generation every time you use APD. Guess how often you use APD on an A2B build? (Hint: lots and lots :P). Every time you use APD, I want you to scream "Attack Pattern Ultimatum!!!" (Ok, this is actually optional).
This is where you ask yourself, do I take 5% more Threat Skill by going 6 to 9, costing 7500 points or do I spend 6k points worth in Attack patterns, take APD which is a force multiplier, a bigger overall resistance boost, is castable on allies and slot a doff that gives me 100% threat on demand?
I'll take "Threat on Demand for $1000, Alex". (I don't personally mind "losing" the DOFF slot, because it means my Tank will not lose aggro.)
I shaved points off of maneuvers losing you 2.2% points of defense. An amount you will never notice, or miss, nor will it ever really help you. If you were a PvP escort, I'd say max it. You're a PvE tank, so it's a waste to max it IMO (most NPC enemies are going to hit you anyway).
I do use EPtS, TSS, and RSP in my Aux to Batt build. It still is not as good as a tank as my regular tank build.
Here is someone that (further) proves that individual playstyle has an effect on a build. Not being sarcastic, being honest. Works for him and his playstyle.
Absolutely, playstyle is definitely a consideration.
As are usage of keybinds.
I would say a dual aux to batts build is going to function much better with a very good keybind set up, than it would if you attempted to do it manually.
One piece of speculation on my part, is that Aux to batts tank builds are most likely going to see something of a drop in survivability in May.
Right now on tribble, Human leadership has taken a fairly sizable nerf.
Human boffs have singlehanded almost made Hull repair powers obsolete in PvE (there are times I never even touch HE, my only hull heal), repair powers like aux to SIF, a power which Aux to batts builds can't reliably ever use.
So there will probably be a little change in the popularity for aux to batts tank builds come May in my opinion.
ET 3 will still be a monster heal, backed up by HE - but now you need to choose between ET or TT and deal with the shared cooldown a bit more than you do now.