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Expanding The Fleet Rank Structure.

kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
Greetings all,

I'd like to open a discussion on the advantanges of expanding the ranks a fleet is allowed to grant to it's members. Currently in-game we are only able to ulitize 5 ranks out of 7 (Fleet leader and new recruits I am not counting) Thus limiting the fleet's ability to promote upward mobilty within the fleet structure. I know that this can be achieved through a fleet website but it would be nice to log on to the game and have a more structured community. I propose expanding the 7 rank system to a 21 rank system to better utilize the 20 permissions that a fleet can grant to a member. I believe that this will enhance the fleet experience by giving fleet leadership more options in keeping players involved and rewarded for their contributions to the group. I am looking forward to hear more ideas and comments about this topic and hopefully together as a community we achieve this for I believe will help all fleets in STO. Thank you for this time and again look forward to working on this with all of you.
Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
Post edited by kryptonianbadboy on


  • jacenjacen24jacenjacen24 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    20 seems a bit ridiculous. The larger fleets thats all the admin would be doing.

    Even the real armed forces only have 10

    Lt jg
    Lt cmdr
    4 admirals

    The fleet rank structure seems pretty solid.
  • xxwal1acexxxxwal1acexx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    for all our efforts and all of our deeds,to salute the man with ambition,to offer him a hat that looks like all the rest,i totaly agree and spoke in game with stahl about it once directly,he told me to send him an email on th eissue to his cryptic email,i never did.dont know why but good thread mooey,you are on to something that i think alot of folks would benifit from so i salute.xx
  • evendzharevendzhar Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I can see why some would like more ranks for roleplaying purposes, but seven ranks ought to be enough for managing permissions within the fleet.
  • xxwal1acexxxxwal1acexx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    7 ranks for five hundred peaple is simply not effective,you have a leader role taken and a new recruit level taken leaving 5 ranks for all the rest.not effecient or logical.we need this as a tool to continue to grow peaple into the game instead of grow them out of it.
  • kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    20 seems a bit ridiculous. The larger fleets thats all the admin would be doing.

    Even the real armed forces only have 10

    Lt jg
    Lt cmdr
    4 admirals

    The fleet rank structure seems pretty solid.

    Ok I see you point, but the Armed Forces has more than 10 ranks your forgetting about Non-Commissioned Officers and other enlisted personal which would benefit an in game fleet.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
  • kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    By all meams I am not suggesting that 20 slots for ranks is for every fleet, but have that option there in case a fleet wants to have more than 5 slots to work with. Case in point Fleet uniforms. Why have 8 slots for uniforms in the fleet but it is there in case you decide to use it. Just because your fleet would not use it others could to improve structure.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree that an increase would be beneficial, but I think 10 ranks would be more than enough.

    A corresponding increase in the number of fleet bank tabs would also be beneficial. The fleet system requires us to store a lot more stuff than ever before.
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  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Would certainly support the above, the 5 meaningful ranks to the general fleet members is seriously deficient, at least double that would be far more useful. But I suspect just like the deficiencies in the fleet bank that we have been asking for years this will not be changed.

    It is a great idea to give fleet options to increase cap ranking levels. Even if you have to do a project to open it...I wouldnt mind instead of the useless starbase projects they come up with.

    However, it something its LOGICAL and makes perfect sense DEVs won't touch it with even with a pole. It its an EXPLOIT or players are happy then they fix to make playing harder or having them grind some more...dont think they will ever fix it :mad:

  • wan5wan5 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    +1 for more fleet ranks!

    And while your doing that cryptic, can you fix it so we can set an allocated amounts of reqs per user or something along those lines?

    Sometimes its a pain for lower ranks within a fleet who may want to buy from fleet stores when there is no one online to give them permissions. It would be cool if we could say for example allocate 3 or 4 reqs to a user group before they have to ask for more. Maybes another dropdown on the roster page to show info?

    Great thread
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  • kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I feel doing this will help a fleet in drumming up interest in the fleet by putting community involvement within the fleet. especially when the fleet starbase hits tier 5 a separate rank could yield permissions to purchase without opening up a whole group having permission.
    There is alot that could be done especially within an active fleet community. I invision a structure that fleet with different task base structure with a clear organization with the fleet (have a recruiter and then two recruiter in training to teach recruiting. a separate PvP wing of the fleet that based on level of game play can be rewarded within the fleet ) the structure would be dictated by the fleet and molded to what that fleet wants and needs at that time. This by no means should be pushed on other fleets then could still use the rank system thats in place, if it works for them thats great but for other fleets who like to experiment and see different structures if will work we should truely embrace this change and ask for a chance to experience this. This is just an idea and not a demand if the devs could do this it would be greatly appriecated among the community.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why would you need more? :confused:

    If your fleet members are really concerned with upward mobility I'd have to ask: why?

    From where I stand keeping it at simple as possible with as few ranks as possible works best in a game like STO. Fearless Leader/Officers/Memebers/noobs. Why would you need more unless its an RP issue, in which case having more RP related tittles and ranks are certainly worth looking at.
  • xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My fleet has been asking for more ranks for a long time now, especially since the fleet advancement system. Still no change though.
  • gibbsptgibbspt Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well i agree with plus 3/4 ranks so we get like 10/11 ranks total but 21 seems a little excessive
    Federation :: Fleetless :: Klingon
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  • wolve1975wolve1975 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I totally agree there should be more rank. i am part of a guild that has turned into a aliiance across multipule games and all this was originally orchistrated by 1 man now with so many ppl in the guild/alliancewe nned the ranks for this i mean we are not talking of just a few minor small fleets getting togeather im talking a total of like 10-14 fleets with numbers of like 3-4 hundred ppl inthese fleets and we are limited to the ranks we have? that just dioesnt work wenne more ranks adnneed ways to link all the fleets that are in the alliance togeather in this game

    Admiral wolve 75
  • xxwal1acexxxxwal1acexx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    often, i have wondered of how to get more peaple involved into a branch of the empire they could call there own.a hat, and uniform that demostrated earned status of orginizational aptitude and awarness.these men are in fews, stock that take it apon them selves to insure other's attempts at fun and teamship, with in the confines of this game mechanic. an endeaver, to resemble any measure of success, could never be reached alone,strength in numbers is how we achieve the goals we reach for.we are a network of individuals playing a game at differnt speeds meassured by playtime,the ranking system in a fleet of hundreds, all unpursed from any measure of orginizational offer, from the game of sto.to achieve this out of the box understanding out side influences have been installed.even that said,our game could take a look at the future of game releases, and ponder, will they offer this feature or will they not,i fear we may have to look else where for cutting edge game mechanics that make it better for larger fleets to conduct them selves with proper means of title and status,measured inside the box.we love all things trek,helping us grow inturn helps the bottom line.
  • deyvaddeyvad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Only if we can have less ranks,

    we basically only need 4 ranks, recruits, fleet members, fleet officers and fleet owner.

    Anything else is just fluff.
  • xxwal1acexxxxwal1acexx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    we need more ranks,if your not aware of this perhaps your not a fleet leader,those of us that know what is up understand we have needed this feature for years and now more than ever before,i urge you to consider other suggestions besides opinion of likeing how it currently is,to increase the rate of both in converstaion
  • christianmacchristianmac Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree with wallace. As a member of a large fleet community the lack of ranks makes a clear chain of command difficult. The alliance im in needs these ranks to enjoy STO to a larger degree.
  • rfzanderrfzander Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Greetings all,

    I'd like to open a discussion on the advantanges of expanding the ranks a fleet is allowed to grant to it's members. Currently in-game we are only able to ulitize 5 ranks out of 7 (Fleet leader and new recruits I am not counting) Thus limiting the fleet's ability to promote upward mobilty within the fleet structure. I know that this can be achieved through a fleet website but it would be nice to log on to the game and have a more structured community. I propose expanding the 7 rank system to a 21 rank system to better utilize the 20 permissions that a fleet can grant to a member. I believe that this will enhance the fleet experience by giving fleet leadership more options in keeping players involved and rewarded for their contributions to the group. I am looking forward to hear more ideas and comments about this topic and hopefully together as a community we achieve this for I believe will help all fleets in STO. Thank you for this time and again look forward to working on this with all of you.

    I agree 1,000,000% fleets need to be able to have a deeper control of thier structure and the current system obviously can not handle it. Cryptic please look into this.
  • kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If 21 ranks is excessive then you don t use all 21 ranks what can't be disputed is the need for more ranks. Most fleets don t use all 8 fleet uniforms so why have them. if that was the case why not have only one tab for fleet banks. why does every player have 2-3 uniform slots why have that. I don t care if there is 21 ranks in game all I care about is more fleet ranks offered 21 ranks was put out there as an example. If there is a fleet out there with only using 4 ranks more power to you and your fleet. Myself I like to reward members for contributing to the fleet, helping new members, recruiting, and being active member in our community but what do I know I only help run a fleet with over 400 members.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
  • fleetsolvanguardfleetsolvanguard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If 21 ranks is excessive then you don t use all 21 ranks what can't be disputed is the need for more ranks. Most fleets don t use all 8 fleet uniforms so why have them. if that was the case why not have only one tab for fleet banks. why does every player have 2-3 uniform slots why have that. I don t care if there is 21 ranks in game all I care about is more fleet ranks offered 21 ranks was put out there as an example. If there is a fleet out there with only using 4 ranks more power to you and your fleet. Myself I like to reward members for contributing to the fleet, helping new members, recruiting, and being active member in our community but what do I know I only help run a fleet with over 400 members.

    I agree with you, there is nothing wrong with expanding the rank system. You do not have to use the added feature. And no disrespect to others weighing in on this but if you are not in fleet leadership why do you have a opinion on this. As a fleet leader myself I think I, and my fleet would love this lets keep this alive.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    rfzander wrote: »
    I agree 1,000,000% fleets need to be able to have a deeper control of thier structure and the current system obviously can not handle it. Cryptic please look into this.

    No doubt. The system is far to limiting. Hell I would not mind being able to assign specific abilities to members directly if there is some lame reason given for not easily being able to expand the current system.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
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  • xequisxxequisx Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I belive the best way to manage fleet its not only by ranks, if not by individuals

    If they allow us (fleet leaders) to give individual permisions to people same than we a re able to give now to any rank, plus seven or more Bank permision levels (like they are now for not messing a lot wiht the bank) and also to give Each person a like 50 caracter Title, so no need for specific rank, fleet leaders can designate any Title for that person.

    That would solve many of the fleet managing stuff and give lot of more structure and personality to each fleet member and fleets in general.

    Guess it not much database space if you considere that fleet permisions are only bits on or off, and 50 caracters for the Title intead of cheking fleet rank, the one varible now than decides how the other permisions are, you go straigt to each individual permisions and aply same rules just get the variables from a diferen source.

    I would also propuse to create like fleet accolades, than give titles like "Recluiter" or "Contributor" , or "Teacher" (if they help lower fleet members on Episode missions or like that for level up) it would be great and provide members with fleet status etc.

  • razorstar117razorstar117 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I to am with Wallace on this one. Larger fleets like ours need more structure so that chains of command stay open. We have over 400 members in my branch of the 77th alone.... needles to say, more ranks would help to add some much need structure to the command lines. It would also provide those with ambition the ability to earn their own places of authority and accomplishment. IMHO
  • rfzanderrfzander Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I to am with Wallace on this one. Larger fleets like ours need more structure so that chains of command stay open. We have over 400 members in my branch of the 77th alone.... needles to say, more ranks would help to add some much need structure to the command lines. It would also provide those with ambition the ability to earn their own places of authority and accomplishment. IMHO

    I second that.
  • fleetsolvanguardfleetsolvanguard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Even if they do not give us more ranks individual permissions would go a long way.
  • dreglorkdreglork Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    While individual permissions would be a rather detailed change to how the game currently functions, adding the option to create a range between 5-10 ranks wouldn't be that difficult to setup.
  • jakkethepiratejakkethepirate Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    20 seems a bit ridiculous. The larger fleets thats all the admin would be doing.

    Even the real armed forces only have 10

    Lt jg
    Lt cmdr
    4 admirals

    The fleet rank structure seems pretty solid.

    Starting off a bit picky, I know, but this is clearly Navy, not "armed forces" in general. That aside, you are ONLY accounting for officer ranks. So, real armed forces, 10 ranks? Not in the least. When you account for enlisted AND officers, you're closer to 20 ranks. If we talk about those branches who have warrant officers also, that adds up to another 5. This also, is only the US, each country operates a little different. Kind of like each fleet. I think the point is, they'd like to have the option to manage things their way. If you only want 10 ranks, only use the top 10, upon entry, you instantly get 10 promotions to the bottom used rank. That aside...

    Yes, your toon is officially an officer in the STO universe, however, as we all know, guild/fleet structure doesn't work this way. I think the point is that it would be nice to have more than 4 ranks for non-officer members and more than 3 for officers / fleet administration. (or however the individual fleet currently has it broken down) When it comes to command and control, having additional ranks is better for fine tuning permissions and rank structure. It would help to have a few extra ranks for people to have to work through given the rise of bank thieves and such or simply as an option for those who have a different idea of how they want to run their fleet and manage things.
  • kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Starting off a bit picky, I know, but this is clearly Navy, not "armed forces" in general. That aside, you are ONLY accounting for officer ranks. So, real armed forces, 10 ranks? Not in the least. When you account for enlisted AND officers, you're closer to 20 ranks. If we talk about those branches who have warrant officers also, that adds up to another 5. This also, is only the US, each country operates a little different. Kind of like each fleet. I think the point is, they'd like to have the option to manage things their way. If you only want 10 ranks, only use the top 10, upon entry, you instantly get 10 promotions to the bottom used rank. That aside...

    Yes, your toon is officially an officer in the STO universe, however, as we all know, guild/fleet structure doesn't work this way. I think the point is that it would be nice to have more than 4 ranks for non-officer members and more than 3 for officers / fleet administration. (or however the individual fleet currently has it broken down) When it comes to command and control, having additional ranks is better for fine tuning permissions and rank structure. It would help to have a few extra ranks for people to have to work through given the rise of bank thieves and such or simply as an option for those who have a different idea of how they want to run their fleet and manage things.

    I Could not have said it better than that.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
  • lietollietol Member Posts: 0
    edited March 2013
    for all our efforts and all of our deeds,to salute the man with ambition,to offer him a hat that looks like all the rest,i totaly agree and spoke in game with stahl about it once directly,he told me to send him an email on th eissue to his cryptic email,i never did.dont know why but good thread mooey,you are on to something that i think alot of folks would benifit from so i salute.xx

    That only counts commissioned officers. There are crewmen and non commissioned personnel to consider. There are ways around this with what is available, however it doesn't allow for much detail at a glance. I do not think what the OP is asking for is asking for a whole lot.
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