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Devs: Request for interface tools for improved gameplay

cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User

It would be great if the game could have some better functionality via interface as well as more 'trek-like' features.

Weapon Select:

Currently the game has a problem where we are not allowed to indicate which weapon we want to be the one that uses a particular boff ability.

For example, if I have 5 beam arrays and 1 dual beam I would like the dual beam to be the only one that uses beam overload. However in combat I have no means of telling the system this.. it just fires the next available beam with the BO attack.

Same with torpedoes.. if I want only the tricobalt torp to fire with high yield and not the photon torpedo next to it I should be able to have some way to tell the game what I want.

So... how about adding a 'weapon select' interface tool?

It would be relatively simple: Just like we can right-click to select autofire on, why not make the right click pop up a small menu list?

That list would be the current boff abilities the player has available for that weapon. A 'None' option should be included as well (so the weapon does not consume a boff ability when it fires). One can select more than 1 ability (it marks options selected with a check mark or a different color).

Example of 'weapon select' menu listing for a beam array and a dual beam:

Beam Array:
Autofire (check)
Fire at Will 1 (Check)
Fire at Will 2 (Check)
Beam Overload 3 (not selected)

Dual Beam:
Autofire (check)
Fire at Will 1 (not selected)
Fire at Will 2 (not selected)
Beam Overload 3 (Check)

When applied to cannons, beams and projectiles, this would enable a much smoother control of ship's weapons and removes the need for horrendously complicated macros.


Sure we fly the ships ourselves... but would it not be much cooler to simply give your helmsman orders and have him fly the thing? After all, admirals and captains are supposed to be giving orders not driving the ship.

A helm option in the interface would have simple helm orders:

Follow (keeps distance of 2km and matches target speed)

Engage (flies to 5km of target and attempts to remain at this range while circling the target)

Disengage (ship flies to 10km from target and tries to remain there circling)

Defensive Maneuvers (attempts to remain at 8km range while constantly shifting the side of the ship that faces the enemy...this is to help shield damage even out rather than just keep one side to the enemy)

Attack Run (flies directly towards target until 1km range then breaks off turning 180. order ends when ship flies past 8km range on the exit run)

Clear (disables any given helm order).

The order given to the helm will apply to the target the ship had when the order is given. It will not apply to any new target the player shifts target to. This would enable captains to actually focus on defensive and offensive abilities ..healing or crowd control ...flying in formation... etc etc. rather than having to constantly be flying the ship.
Post edited by cmdrskyfaller on


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    carrisracarrisra Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    love the helmsman idea that would be amazing but as for the power select we can do this already providing u don't have ur weaps on autofire
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    cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    carrisra wrote: »
    love the helmsman idea that would be amazing but as for the power select we can do this already providing u don't have ur weaps on autofire

    Sadly the weapon select you can only do currently if you micromanage every little step and thats just not possible in combat.

    Helmsman does sound a lil bit like eve but lets face it, any type of automated flight command will look like eve no matter what game you're in. Eve's flight options were introduced in early beta precisely because people could not micromanage flying and clicking all over the damn screen.

    This opens a new type of boff type too.

    I mean.. imagine it. Operations Boff: Helmsman

    It could have a flight pattern as a 'boff ability' if you will.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    the other thing I'd love to see happen is the attack patterns and the evasive patterns to be two separate skills. They shouldn't all be in one skill. Multiple times all of the captains have issued orders for evasive patterns that didn't give a bonus to damage. I think this should be the case for the skills in the boffs.

    I also agree about the ship helm. I'd love some kind of small bar for ship maneuvers (that aren't skill related) just maneuvers to get me into position, most of my fights require I turn the ship or get the darned thing to start going again after a huge phaser attack that I've just done. It would be nice to get it to move out to a certain distance turn around itself while I'm concentrating on skills I'm using in PVE.
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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "For example, if I have 5 beam arrays and 1 dual beam I would like the dual beam to be the only one that uses beam overload. However in combat I have no means of telling the system this.. it just fires the next available beam with the BO attack. "

    ...not exactly true

    90% of the time, if on autofire all weapons hold fire until all weapons are ready to fire after you press an ability like Beam Overload / Rapid Fire / High Yield etc.
    and then the first weapon in the left slot fires the beam overload....

    works about 90% of the time, unless the Dual Beam Bank just fired, or a rear weapon just moves into the firing arc.

    slot your DBB all the way top left slot and see how that works out for you.

    i'm using an armitage with 2 DBB's and it works pretty good for me like that.

    other than that i agree with the general Request
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    qinnuxqinnux Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    thats something to learn from EVE online - weapon groups.

    I do use autofire alot soemtimes - manually makign sure i shoot each weapon optimally once they are ready just doesnt work for me (unless i want to use beam overload).

    So why not give us a option to group up weapons - so lets say i can have beam arrays in one group and turrets in another - so i can manually shoot them all with a single button (yest there is the /bind stuff etc - but it gets messy and complicated for most).
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    qinnux wrote: »
    thats something to learn from EVE online - weapon groups.

    I do use autofire alot soemtimes - manually makign sure i shoot each weapon optimally once they are ready just doesnt work for me (unless i want to use beam overload).

    So why not give us a option to group up weapons - so lets say i can have beam arrays in one group and turrets in another - so i can manually shoot them all with a single button (yest there is the /bind stuff etc - but it gets messy and complicated for most).

    Yes this would be a useful addition, but as it makes them no money. Not going to happen.
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    vactuskasunvactuskasun Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For PvE? No. It's fairly simple as is... I mean for something specific like hyt or bo then maybe, but otherwise it's just more screen clutter. The helm just seems lazy. Cruiser or escort... it isn't that hard to fly in this game. I'll keep complete control thank you. That's why I play this game; space combat.
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    cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For PvE? No. It's fairly simple as is... I mean for something specific like hyt or bo then maybe, but otherwise it's just more screen clutter. The helm just seems lazy. Cruiser or escort... it isn't that hard to fly in this game. I'll keep complete control thank you. That's why I play this game; space combat.

    umm... you can still do that. Its not replacing manual flight.
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