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Andorian Escorts Vs Armitage heavy escort carrier

nich573nich573 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Federation Discussion
Which is the better ship?????

I currently fly an armitage and ive never flewn the andorian ships, but with the 5 fore weapons and the 5 tactical consoles and the bonus tactical boff ability is the andorian ship better than the armitage? From the stats the andorian ships look far better but ive never really tried it in game. Which is best?????
Post edited by nich573 on


  • arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Of course the Kumari is better, it's a 10 console ship. The more interesting question is, is the Fleet Armitage better than the Kumari?
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    the Andorian Tac is worser but the other 2 Variants of it can be better if you do it right
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
    Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Would you like some apples and pears to go with that comparison?

    Define best and describe what you enjoy doing, then maybe we can get somewhere.

    I'll give you a hint: the Kumari is not very good at launching fighter wings.
  • ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Each has its strengths.

    Andorian Escort (I only own Kumari)
    Very Fast and Maneuverable
    5 Fore weapons
    5 Tac consoles
    High Damage/ Power boost
    Unique Consoles

    Heavy Escort Carriers (I have both C-store and fleet)
    Hangar Bay (2 would be a lot better... thanks Cryptic)
    Slightly better hull (in Fleet variant)
    Torp point defense console - excellent in a pinch (c-store)
    Power bonuses to weapons and aux
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ajma420 wrote: »
    Each has its strengths.

    Andorian Escort (I only own Kumari)
    Very Fast and Maneuverable
    5 Fore weapons
    5 Tac consoles
    High Damage/ Power boost
    Unique Consoles

    Heavy Escort Carriers (I have both C-store and fleet)
    Hangar Bay (2 would be a lot better... thanks Cryptic)
    Slightly better hull (in Fleet variant)
    Torp point defense console - excellent in a pinch (c-store)
    Power bonuses to weapons and aux

    Since you only own the one, shouldn't that read "Unique Console" ? Singular?
  • kelshandokelshando Member Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    That really depends on if you are getting the 3 pack or only 1 andorian as well as can you get the fleet version of the hec or not.

    If you get the 3 pack then the andorian is the better ship / ships

    If you can only get one andorian vs the fleet hec then the HEC with ultra rare scorp fighters would most likely be better.

    Also it depends on if you are looking for a more pvp or pve ship.
  • jarheardjarheard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    u are forgetting the andorian doesn't just have the 5 fron DHC spots

    if u got all 3 it also has two extra cannon platforms which will participate in any CRF or CSV ull do

    the andorian can do some massive dmg with all those cannons against the armitage ....thats life...or cryptic .
  • erockererocker Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ajma420 wrote: »
    Each has its strengths.

    Andorian Escort (I only own Kumari)
    Very Fast and Maneuverable

    That certainly isn't one of them.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've been shot down a lot more by an armitage housing danubes than those Andorran kalamaris their more of a click auto fire and watch sort of thing

    Not saying the andorion ship isn't capable of some nasty spike but that's all it's got
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • jacenjacen24jacenjacen24 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I just picked up the charal(spelling).
    It has 4 tac 4 eng 2 sci console. Comes with the platform console.

    I didnt like the kumari's boff set up. At all. With commander ltcmdr and lt tac spots. The charal has cmdr lt cmdr tac. Ensign and lt eng. and lt uni. So i put sci there.

    I use phasers so the win cannons are awesome. It is basically non stop CRF. And with the charal class the survivability is close to the HEC

    On mine hull is 44k shields 13k

    Its something new. So it seems more fun right now. I have the wing cannons, quad cannon, 2 fleet DHC and a fleet quantum torp up front.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've been shot down a lot more by an armitage housing danubes than those Andorran kalamaris their more of a click auto fire and watch sort of thing

    Not saying the andorion ship isn't capable of some nasty spike but that's all it's got

    I've never once, ever, been shot down by a Andorian Kalmari.

    If I do ever encounter one, I bet it uses its ink jet cloak to escape my wrath. While firing from its 8 ARMaments.

  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ajma420 wrote: »
    Each has its strengths.

    Andorian Escort (I only own Kumari)
    Very Fast and Maneuverable
    5 Fore weapons
    5 Tac consoles
    High Damage/ Power boost
    Unique Consoles

    Heavy Escort Carriers (I have both C-store and fleet)
    Hangar Bay (2 would be a lot better... thanks Cryptic)
    Slightly better hull (in Fleet variant)
    Torp point defense console - excellent in a pinch (c-store)
    Power bonuses to weapons and aux

    What would be the point of flying any of the other carriers if the Armitage had two hangers? "sighs"
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is like compaing apples to oranges both are different and have different purposes.I prefer the Armitage because it is a Starfleet design which is what I only fly.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • novathelegendnovathelegend Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've also been debating with this myself.

    I have the three pack for the andorian ship.

    I also have the fleet HEC.

    I currently fly the breen ship for most things.

    I do ship hop a lot. I have never really settled on a ship. My main is a tac captain and I own pretty much every end-game ship.

    For the breen and the Fleet HEC, I use a plasma build, and for the andorian I would use phasers. Though I have yet to use all three consoles.

    I like to do damage. But I also like to survive and be able to do a bit of crowd control when needed. The thing is, with the andorian ships damage is pretty much it's survival and control.
    Commanding Officer of Task Force Midnight
  • ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    erocker wrote: »
    That certainly isn't one of them.

    my Kumari's turn after modifiers: 27.2 deg/sec at 75% impulse
    impulse speed: 29.3

    I have Elite Fleet Efficient Hyper-Impulse Engines XII [spd]x2 [turn][pow]

    Kumari base turn: 16 Armitage: 15
    both have the same impulse modifier: 0.2

    If you say its not fast and maneuverable its probably your build
    Granted the Kumari is not a BoP, but the HEC definitely feels more sluggish

    And btw, will you guys stop complaining about the little things. The statements I made are generalizations and are just my opinions from playing each ship.
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
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