It seems like my shields are down as they dissappear faster then any other mission I have been on before this, and I can only take on one ship at a time and even that is really difficult.
I took out two of the turretts pretty fast then when I head into the base area there are few more turretts and ships there so in about a minute, maybe less I am waiting for the respawn to be clickable.
I am only level 18, do I need to be higher level? What am I doing wrong?
(UFP) Ragnar
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Ok well I have not spent any money on the game so far, just trying it out because I was testing another Cryptic game and when I found out they also did STO I decided to try it in off times when testing was not taking place. Can't really say much else about that as I am under an NDA agreement.
So all I have is the free ship you get at level 10, its a science vessel and all I have for crew are the ones given to me for free. The ship itself is equipped with the best things I could find as I did the various missions, patrols, etc leading up to the Briar Patch mission.
I really like STO so far but this one mission seems a bit frustrationg when they take out my shields so fast there is no possible way to keep them up for more then a minute or two. In fact the only way I can destroy any ship in that nebulae is if I run away from it and launch mines as fast as I can and the enemy ship runs into them because they are chasing me. That way at least I only need to keep my rear shield up and it seems like that is somewhat manageable.
so you play neverwinter. and wanted to try out Star trek stuff.
What Mark is your equipment? by level 10 you can equip upto upto Mk IV stuff. also, what other equipment (consoles) are you using and what power settings do you have?
different types of shields work better for different enemies. especially if they got energy damage mitigators on them. like klingons if i recall, thats mainly disruptor based energy. so try to find a mk IV shield with the [Dis] modifier on it. for a sci ship, i'd recommend a Covariant shield mainly since sciense ships have higher shield modifiers thus bigger numbers.
Also, another factor is your bridge officer poiwers. also you can find cheap rare bridge officers on the exchange which means if your ships missing spots you can easily and cheaply fill them.
having skills like hazard emitters, engineering team, emergency power to shields, trasfer shield strength and sci team all heal your hull or shields, which means you survive longer. polarize hulls pretty good too since it boosts your hull's resistance so when your shields are down you'll take a little less damage.
Now I need to find the ship consumable vendors...
But you shouldn't need to rely on those. Your bridge officers should be able to heal your shields. At your level, you should have at least 3 officers. A tactical, an engineer, and a science officer. In a science ship, you should have 2 science abilities, 1 engineer, and 1 tactical. You should train them in some defensive skills. The skill trainer is found in earth space dock right outside sick bay in the NorthEast section of the ESD map.
I recommend:
Emergency power to Shields 1 for your engineer.
Hazard emiiters 1 for your science (ensign ability)
Transfer shield strength 2 (Lieutenant ability)
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You are not under an NDA agreement unles you played closed beta.You have agreed to the Eula or ToS.You can list your prof,rank and what ship you are using.Personally this mission is easy.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
So here's what I'd do with it:
Ens Tac: Tactical Team 1
Ens Engi: Emergency Power to Shields 1
Ens Sci: Tractor Beam 1
Lt Sci: Transfer Shield Strength 1, Energy Siphon 1
Also I would recommend either beam arrays or dual beam banks. You can keep the mine on your rear, and can add on a turret. Also, you have subsystem targeting. If you're having trouble with the klingon ships, shoot their weapons offline. If you fail, you'll at least weaken them. Also keep using Energy siphon to lower their power levels. You can also disable their engines and shields, so do so. Makes that mission a LOT easier. Lastly, just fly carefully. Tractor beam will enable to you freeze ships in place for short periods of time, so use it.
Hopefully that helps.
See if you put skill points in your BOFFs and Captain. You gain in powers that way. And keep the icons/keys updated as you add new moves.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The technique I've developed for that is to go in slowly, target the metreon gas whenever I'm within 10 km, and hit it with the beam weapons. The only danger then is that I might have missed another pocket or two, and they might go up in a chain reaction...
The attack power level preset configuration will give you 100 power to weapons, 50 to shields and 25 to engines and auxiliary. At these levels your shields will be unaffected but your energy weapons will deal twice the damage. You may find that part of your problem is taking too long to destroy the NPCs, allowing them an opportunity to deal significant damage to you. By increasing your weapons power, you will shorten the duration of the engagement, reducing the amount of damage you'll take.
You might also need a better shield. At level 11+ you should have access to the "skirmish" mission, which upon replay has a good covariant shield as a reward. It's not required but it'd make things easier.
Tactical team and emergency power to shields are very handy. I'd also recommend taking hazard emitters and transfer shield strength.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Just wanted to thank everyone for all the posts, they all really helped me out.
The thing I am having trouble with now is I have one empty slot on my bridge crew and I can't seem to figure out how to get someone to fill that slot...hummn But hey thats why I like this game I have to figure a lot of stuff out and that can be fun too
Oh and I guess I need to go read up on duty officers because I have all these duty officers, and so far I have never done a thing with them at all...not really sure what all of that is about need to go do some reading and research I guess ...
As you level you gain new officers to choose from. If not hit the "Explore Clusters" for the dil reward for doing 3 systems. Then use that to buy one from the vendor at the ESD. Or use the Duty Officers to gather dil for you to do it. Sometimes you might find one on the exchange as well. At times a special Bridge Officer mission shows up in the Duty list. I have got a couple from that as well.
There is several ways to gain new Bridge Officers.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I personally just go buy them off the exchange. The prices range from 1 EC to "A Lot of EC" depending on the quality, traits, and species desireability.
Female Trill go fast for reasons I really don't want to think about...
But the differences don't matter unless you're doing PvP or need a bigger e-peen, OP. Just go and get the class that you need. It won't cost much at all and this way you will have more dilithium to spend on more useful stuff instead of spending it at the Boff vendor.