I was just looking at my accolades, and I realized that I have personally killed over 1000 Romulans, and destroyed at least 200 of their ships. Assuming that their average ship has at least 100 people aboard, that means I've killed at a minimum, 21000 Romulans myself.
There are over 2 millions captains in STO right now. Assuming that at least 10% of them have killed as many Romulans as I have, that's 4.2 Billion dead Romulans.
This is all coming about one generation after the destruction of their homeworld. How is this species surviving!?
Incredibly misleading number is misleading.
It's just a joke.
IMHO I have done more damage than a q could have done
Well, when a mommy Romulan and a Daddy Romulan really love each other...
But seriously, population has to be in the billions. Futhermore, there are several known planets that were Romulan colonies. Genocide would be a near-impossibility on a galactic scale, particularly for a civilization of this size. Don't forget...just because you destroyed the ship it doesn't mean that some of them didn't get away in escape pods - Romulans are sneaky that way!
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I guess it's because it's a video game.
The number of chosen ones isn't just limited, it's pretty much explicitly just one.
Every one of those two million captains is in command the *only* ship that was in range to rescue the SS Azura. Every one - the ones who quit before they even got that far, the ones that didn't bother with the mission, the ones that did the mission in a group of five - all five of them were the only ones in range.
Not only that, but there's a lot of Final Fantasy style dialog/gameplay disconnect. After the penultimate acts of awesomery you commit in several missions, dialog regularly dictates that you then retreat from one ship that you could destroy in your sleep. Among other things that means that not only are you the only one (as is everyone else you fight alongside - from there point of view you're just another mundane captain with a much less interesting career than them), you only saved the IKS Kang once, not the 683 times your omega marks suggest. This sort of thing is pretty much required in MMOs when the same momentous event is repeated many times by thousands of groups.
How many times did you kill the exact same Romulans though? You're caught in a temporal causality loop.
qft 10 character.. whatever, 15
I however disagree with the books in the Beta memory that this is something they shrug off. It would seem to me the Typhon Pact is more necessity than want from being dead empire. It is really matter how many Romulans died during the 2387 and after will determine how slow they recover.
ALIENS. (or tourists who look like romulans, if continuing the vice city theme)
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
That's how !
The same way we survive, clicking the respawn button
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
Aggressive procreation. :cool:
Actually it can go as high as 3,000 if the person is flying a carrier, and as low as 50 if like in a Defiant.