A set of DOFF missions which refine dilithium would be more likely and sensible. Vets already get one mission but it is 1,000 every 2 days which is really redundant.
Personally, I would rather see a single Doff mission which takes a full week to compete but refines a weeks worth of dilithium.
Since Cryptic have a financial intrest in keeping Refined Dilithium as scarce as possible. Good luck with them changing that.
Although, one wonders what the hell is the difference in mandating people to push a refine button rather than offering an option for someone to refine the same amount over a week with one button push.
Sounds great. Which is why it will never happen.
Besides which, a weekly event where EVERYONE has a doubled Dilithium refining cap? Their servers will never be able to handle the load...
Personally, I would rather see a single Doff mission which takes a full week to compete but refines a weeks worth of dilithium.
Since Cryptic have a financial intrest in keeping Refined Dilithium as scarce as possible. Good luck with them changing that.
Although, one wonders what the hell is the difference in mandating people to push a refine button rather than offering an option for someone to refine the same amount over a week with one button push.
Sure, let's see if they run with the suggestion.
So you refine 4,000 and it only counts 3,000 against your daily total. It's not double, but if it's in rotation it comes up often enough.
Just buy 2 Character slots and make 2 more characters:
Suddenly Your refinement caps is 4x8000... every day.