So, at the minute, i have a massive influx of EC coming through. My Dil is going on ZEN for my B'rel, and everything is looking rosy.
I'm opening maybe 2-3 lockboxes a day with the EC i'm getting, and because of this, i'm quickly gathering Lobi Crystals.
The first item i bought with my Lobi, is the Ferengi Energy Whip. I couldn't resist! If you have one, use it against the Salt Vamps, its awesome! Standard hits are between 120-150 each, and a good flank can knock 260 off your opponent in one go! Also, the stun works very well at countering their mind altering effects.
Anyhoo, i've already amassed 38 crystals, and with my current opening rate, i'm looking (worst case scenario) of getting between 8-12 a day. So i'm wondering what to buy next. Do i go for another cool sidearm like the stasis pistol, or the Tholian sword? Or shall i save up for something a bit more extravagant like the Rapid fire missile launcher?
Saving 800 for a ship seems very far away, besides with all the lockboxes im opening, i'll probably get one before long, besides, i'm only interested in the B'rel at the moment.
So if you were actively saving up for something, what would you get?
I would also love to hear from other lobi shoppers about things to buy, and things to avoid
(UFP) Ragnar
A turret is more effective.
Console - Rule 62 Multipurpose Combat Console - Wow, this does look interesting, and for only 200 lobi? Defo looks like it may have to be the next thing to buy!
I wouldnt buy a skirt, as my fem bridge officers all have their legs covered, even the Orion fems. They do practically have their t*ts on display already, i don't need them bearing any more flesh! lol
Is there much in the way of good clothing for Klingons? Not sure how my character would look in a temporal Jumpsuit, rather camp i'd imagine!
You have given me food for thought though. Is there an item in the lobi shop (apart from the ships) which sells for a ridiculous amount on the exchange? If there is then maybe i might look at a purchase for investment perhaps?
Ah you should, you will find many treats inside! Besides its nice when you get a more "common" ship like i did on my 11th box. I got a Qin Raptor, and put it straight on the exchange. got another lock box key from the proceeds.
I just wish they put the Nanopulse Bat'leth into the consortium. I missed the christmas event and have been kicking myself ever since!
Its a shame about the missiles being pants. It sounded so retro, i thought it would be a cool weapon to have. nevermind.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I have to say, the Jem Dread is really awesome! I've watched vids on youtube, and i am thoroughly jealous of those who fly it!
I do say that out of all the playable ships, I would happily have all of the Jem'hadar ships!
I'm hoping that with all my manic box opening that i get the holy grail - the bug ship.
Even though i love it, i would have to sell it, as then i could buy the Dread, and still have 300 mill EC left over!
I have a tiny amount of patience though, and with the low amounts of lobi i get 9 out of ten times i only get 4 crystals in a box, and i open 2-3 per day, so thats 8-12 crystals (worst case) per day. so it would take me at the most 800 days to save up for it, thats just over 2 years!! There would be playable Borg cubes by the time I get the Dread from the Lobi store! lol
The best method is with EC. I currently get 3-5 mill EC per day. thats much easier to save up for a dreadnought. it would just take me a little over a month to get it, besides the rate that the dread's price is dropping, you should be able to pick one up if you save 3 mil each day, in the space of 3-4 weeks. I would do this myself, but as i said, i have my eyes on the B'rel at this moment.
I also looked at the concentrated tachyon mine launcher. On a Torp boat, i can see this being very handy in a supporting role with a team, especially against the borg. Has anyone tried this out? would love to know if its worth it.
lol, i know what you mean! Though they can keep their rules of aquisition!
I wouldn't mind getting one of those for my female Klingon Sci Boff.
I agree on buying the keys from the exchange. I will look into that as well.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
You do realize that the bug is NOT in the dominion lockbox, right?
Isn't it? oh. lolz!
Well i'll have to prey for an escort or a dreadnought then!
Sounds like it might be quite the thing for KDF battlecruisers too!
I'm usually saving up Lobis for any "bound" items. 3-part set for my D'kora, 3-part set for the Wells, the energy whip etc...
As for any unbound items (costumes, shuttles, ships, pets), they are usually earned faster when grinding EC and buying them on the exchange.