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The Bortasqu'

scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Dear all,

I may need your further help concerning a competent Bortasqu' build for my tactical Ltd. General in PvE.

I thought about the following setup for my Bortasqu' Tactical Cruiser. Please advise if you have any other suggestions.

Fore weapons: 4x Mk XII Disruptor Beam Array OR 3x Mk XII Disruptor Beam Array and 1x Mk XII Photon Torpedo

Aft weapons: 4x Mk XII Disruptor Beam Array OR 3x Mk XII Disruptor Beam Array and 1x Mk XII Photon Torpedo


5x Disruptor Console Mk XI blue
1x Borg
4x Neutronium Alloy OR 3x Neutronium Alloy and 1x HoH'SuS BoP


PH1, HE1
TT1, Beam Overload, Beam Fire at Will OR (if I use Torps) TT1, THY1, Fire at Will
TT1, Beam Overload
EPS1, RSP1, AuxSiF, Aceton

So, opinions please. I just tried to use my tactical bortasqu' as classic siege engine, only with DHC+Turrets+Autocannon....awfull. Using this heavy baby a s siege engine means that you must! change your position to always face ur enemy....no fun at all.
Post edited by scytek on


  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I know that flying a Bortasqu' is...let's say slightly different than any other ship, that's absolutely clear. My goal is to master the Bortasqu', therefore I would appreciate some senior opinions from other users who already use this flying cathedral.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My Eng. has been flying the Tac Bortasqu' for a while now. I bought him the whol set, started with the command variant, and then switched over to tactical for extra tac consoles.

    I equip the entire console set (buff weapons damage, accuracy, turn rate, and reduced cooldown on console abilities) in my engineering slots, and pack 1x neutronium, 1x emitter amp, 2x disruptor induction coils, 2x polaron phase modulators and 1x transphasic compressor. (or for PvP 1x DIC, 1x PPM, 2x TPC, plasmonic leech)

    Weapon-wise I load polarized disruptors and transphasics. Typical loadout is single cannon, beam array, rapid-fire tp launcher and cluster torp forward, turret, beam array, rapid-fire launcher and mines aft.

    I also equip either the KHG set or the Breen Absolute Zero set.

    I mix and match my BOffs depending on the mission but I never enter PvP without Aceton Beam III, and I don't go anywhere without Aux to Dampeners. Usually my tac skills will include some combination of Tac Team, Torpedo High Yield, Beam Overload, Cannon Rapid Fire and either Mine Dispersal Beta or Torpedo Spread.

    My combat strategy couldn't be simpler. Charge the enemy, guns blazing. Imobilize them as you pass with either Eject Warp Plasma or Tractor Beam, park some mines, fire aft torpedoes, and if necessary hit Aux to Dampeners and Evasive Maneuvers and throttle back to reverse to pull a (relatively) quick 180.

    Usually I destroy NPCs in a single pass, or at least beat them up badly enough that the HoH'SuS can finish them off. Players take a few more hits, but the Subspace Snare comes in handy there. With Aceton Beam debuff I can out-DPS any tacscort (for the first thirty seconds of the duel, anyway) and I can take even more abuse than I can dish out.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Interesting...for an engi.

    Any other opinions on my build and the tact. variant?
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    scytek wrote: »
    Interesting...for an engi.

    Any other opinions on my build and the tact. variant?

    In my opinion, the Bortasqu' is not the ideal ship to build a beam boat around. A Fleet Vor'cha would serve better. In the Bortasqu' its actually fairly diffult to hold that fairly narrow broadside arc to hit the enemy with all eight beams, unless your fighting something equally immobile like a Borg Cube, in which case you may as well frontload your firepower.

    With my build you get decent firepower from all angles but especially the front arc. You use your mass and inertia to your advantage by pulling flat-spins to keep the enemy in your sights (as a tac captain you have an extra maneuverability buff to help with this, but even just cutting the throttle from full forward to reverse makes this thing swing around fairly easily.)

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sander233 wrote: »
    My Eng. has been flying the Tac Bortasqu' for a while now. I bought him the whol set, started with the command variant, and then switched over to tactical for extra tac consoles.

    I equip the entire console set (buff weapons damage, accuracy, turn rate, and reduced cooldown on console abilities) in my engineering slots, and pack 1x neutronium, 1x emitter amp, 2x disruptor induction coils, 2x polaron phase modulators and 1x transphasic compressor. (or for PvP 1x DIC, 1x PPM, 2x TPC, plasmonic leech)

    Weapon-wise I load polarized disruptors and transphasics. Typical loadout is single cannon, beam array, rapid-fire tp launcher and cluster torp forward, turret, beam array, rapid-fire launcher and mines aft.

    I also equip either the KHG set or the Breen Absolute Zero set.

    I mix and match my BOffs depending on the mission but I never enter PvP without Aceton Beam III, and I don't go anywhere without Aux to Dampeners. Usually my tac skills will include some combination of Tac Team, Torpedo High Yield, Beam Overload, Cannon Rapid Fire and either Mine Dispersal Beta or Torpedo Spread.

    My combat strategy couldn't be simpler. Charge the enemy, guns blazing. Imobilize them as you pass with either Eject Warp Plasma or Tractor Beam, park some mines, fire aft torpedoes, and if necessary hit Aux to Dampeners and Evasive Maneuvers and throttle back to reverse to pull a (relatively) quick 180.

    Usually I destroy NPCs in a single pass, or at least beat them up badly enough that the HoH'SuS can finish them off. Players take a few more hits, but the Subspace Snare comes in handy there. With Aceton Beam debuff I can out-DPS any tacscort (for the first thirty seconds of the duel, anyway) and I can take even more abuse than I can dish out.

    Your consoles don't make sense you only use one tactical boosting type and you don't use a torpedo tac console that's Star Trek 101

    Aceton beam is useless even more so in pvp it's effects negligible you'll get much more bang for your buck with demIII especially if using single cannons

    The most efficient way of running one of these is with beams as far as I have seen pvp side

    Pve you can run dhc because stuff doesn't move and when it does its all scripted so you know where it's going to shimmy to

    Search on YouTube for "bargain bortas" check out thisslers vid he uses MK XI uncommon gear to squish some Borg and to good effect plus if will show you the best way to manoeuvre her into position
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok guys, I think I'll try it with this setup:


    looks quite strong to me.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Your consoles don't make sense you only use one tactical boosting type and you don't use a torpedo tac console that's Star Trek 101
    Sorry, but I've seen my tp cluster torps cut too many tacscorts in half to buy that common opion that torpedo consoles are worthless. I run a mix of weapons, so I run a mix of consoles. It seems to work.
    Aceton beam is useless even more so in pvp it's effects negligible you'll get much more bang for your buck with demIII especially if using single cannons

    I'd hardly call a 75% reduction in incoming energy weapon damage "negligible." Again, I've experienced this first-hand. I've pulled the teeth of too many Defiants to ever consider aceton beam "useless."

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    scytek wrote: »
    Ok guys, I think I'll try it with this setup:


    looks quite strong to me.

    Yeah, dual beam banks and a Hargh'peng up front will turn a Cube inside out quite nicely. That's very similar to the weapons loadout I have on my Kamarag.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sander233 wrote: »
    Yeah, dual beam banks and a Hargh'peng up front will turn a Cube inside out quite nicely. That's very similar to the weapons loadout I have on my Kamarag.

    That's what I thought. The setup looks good. And consider the 3 dual beam banks, the Hargh'Peng and the autocannon under 3 attack patterns firing on a cube with EPtW on....that should hurt!
  • gmarcqgmarcq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am using the free one from the event a while back, so not sure which version that is. Here is my build has yet to fail an optional in elites (though it came close a few time in elite cure when everyone went nanite happy). Not to mention it is actually very fun to fly the ship with this build as there is little to no frustration due to the slow turn rate.

    6-8 turrets, i went with phased polaron (I prefer 8 some people like 7 with a cutting beam or 6 with a for and aft torp, to me no point thing turns to damn slow to make use of torps)

    Shield, engine and deflector:
    I use either a jem hadar set or borg set depending if i want more staying power or a cool looking purple bort.

    4 Neutrino alloys

    1 shield cap console

    4 rare or very rare dmg types for you current weapons

    I put my tactical guy in the universal position, am I can cycle two cannon rapid fires, tactical team 1's and one attack pattern fairly regular, the rest of my boff abilities are shield and hull heals and a emergency power to weapons for added dmg against big targets.

    This build works very well on the bort as she is a slow turning beast of a ship. the 360 attack pattern turrets allow for maximal dps on target at all times (remember always shoot at ships fellow allies are shooting at!). Add in my tactical officers dmg buffs and the bridge officers skills the damage out put is actually pretty damn good as well. Another side note to this ship is you generate a little less threat spamming turrets even with dmg buffs, so your heals can more frequently be used to keep more squishy members of the stf alive and well.

    Hope this helped ya make a build for the big and slow turning bort.

    Side note: I rarely pvp in it but it has held its own when I do but be warned with this build it is not a solo killer beast mode ship.

  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You shouldn't be using beams on the Bortasqu or Fleet Torhkat in PVE, you should be using either 4 DHC and 4 turrets, or 3 DHC, 1 torp and 4 turrets on either ship.

    Using DHC on the Bortasqu in pve is so easy and its the only way to really take advantage of the Bortasqu's 5 tac consoles and Lt Cmdr and Lt Tac stations if you run the universals that way.

    Just make sure to max out impulse thrusters skill, have at least 6 ranks or max engine performance, use honor guard engines, and run 1 or 2 movement buffs like attack pattern omega or Aux to dampers. PVE is very easy to plan ahead 30 secs to a min in advance to when you need to make large turns, and you just have to make sure you have evasive maneuvers or one of the other movement buffs ready for when you know you do need to make a large turn like from 1 transformer to the other in Khitomer space. Also try to run at least 50 engine power most of time or pop an eng battery when turning if you don't do this.

    If you do all this DHC Bortasqu should be manageble in most PVE like STFs, patrols, and Azure nebula and will make it super easy as you will have more firepower then most escorts and more survivablilty. If you can't manage DHC on the Bortasqu, get the Fleet Torhkat and use DHC on it, that will still do almost as much DPS as DHC Bortasqu.

    Here was my last build, I run 3 damage control doffs with it ( must have 1 or 2 purples at least, other can be rare) to keep EPTS3 up full time. Other doffs can be whatever, I use 2 purple evasive doffs with it to lower that cooldown to help with turning.

    Lt Cmdr Uni- TT1, CRF1, APO1 (both romulan tac boffs)
    Lt Tac- TT1, CSV1

    Cmdr Eng-EPTW1, RSP1, EPTS3, Aux2SIF3

    Lt Sci- HE1, TSS2
    Ensign uni- TB1


    4 DHC
    4 Turrets or 3 and cutting beam

    HG deflector
    HG engines
    Elite Fleet shields

    eng consoles- Tachyonetic converter, Assmilated module, Zero point conduit, Neutronium

    Sci console- field generator

    tac console- 5 dispruptor induction coils

    Sometimes I switch the 3 universal consoles I have for the 3 pack consoles for fun, both are good options.

    Anyway this build will easily out dps the other builds listed here in elite stfs and will destroy them in seconds 1 on 1.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As I've said before, the turn rate on a Bortasqu' is not that big of an issue if you use your throttle and abilities right.

    If you trigger APO1+Aux2Dampeners1+Evasive Maneuvers, you can make the Barge of the Dead turn like figure skater.

    Don't be afraid to load up on torps, cannons and DBBs. Any NPC big enough to hurt you is slow enough that you can keep it your sights if you just shift into reverse.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sander233 wrote: »
    Sorry, but I've seen my tp cluster torps cut too many tacscorts in half to buy that common opion that torpedo consoles are worthless. I run a mix of weapons, so I run a mix of consoles. It seems to work.

    I'd hardly call a 75% reduction in incoming energy weapon damage "negligible." Again, I've experienced this first-hand. I've pulled the teeth of too many Defiants to ever consider aceton beam "useless."

    The fact you need to reduce the defiants damage in order to put it down shows how wrong you are it is 75% from base that's not taking into account the "defiants" APA APO FOMM TACFLEET and 5 tactical boosting consoles

    The cluster torp would be one weapon firing every 45 seconds that means if you put a tactical console on that your other 7 weapons, which if we're energy would be firing approximately at a rate of 10x that of the cluster torp you do the simple mathematics hence Star Trek 101

    But hey I was just trying to help why don't you get yourself on the exchange buy 1 tetryon beam 1 disruptor beam 1 anti proton beam 1 polaron beam 1 phaser beam a photon a quantum a tricobalt and let's all have us some rainbow fun oh an don't forget to bring yourself your aceton beam
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    scytek wrote: »
    Ok guys, I think I'll try it with this setup:


    looks quite strong to me.

    Look at this vid it is not mine and that is not my ship.


    I would go with all cannons and turrets being a Tac.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Sci BortasQ can be nice even in PvP - at least in 1on1 situations.

    7 disruptor turrets
    1 borg cutting beam
    Borg set

    in combination with CRF and DEM
    as well as
    - romulan console with plasma proc
    - plasmonic leech
    - borg console

    The tactic is to hold a defensive energy setting and wait until sensor analysis gets up, then hit some tac buffs and DEM.

    The build was quite not perfect but I could bring escorts down. With some optimiziation it would be quite deadly.
  • benj2293benj2293 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Bortasqu's Designation should be changed, it is not a Battlecruiser: It is a Battleship. If you want manueverability then get a Tor'kaht or a Vor'cha, but if you want something with more teeth go with the Tactical Bortasqu'

    Fore: 4 x Disruptor DHCs
    Aft: 4 Disruptor Turrets

    Assimilated Set
    Weapons and Engine batteries are a must have

    5 Induction Coils
    1 Field Generator
    3 x Bortasqu' Consoles and a Neutronium (Or Borg Console)

    Cmdr Eng: EPtW1, RSP1, EPtS3, AuxtSIF 3
    Ens Uni: EPtS1
    Lt Cmdr Tac: TT1, C:RF1, APO1
    Lt Tac: TT1, C:RF1
    Lt Sci: HE1, TSS2

    Decloak after stacking all tac buffs, hold an enemy in place with the borg tractor beam and let rip. They'll never know what hit 'em. This is similar to my build which i use in PvP on a daily basis.

    Hope this helps :P
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