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TAW-Omega, a division of TAW.net

rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Earth Spacedock
TAW Omega is now accepting applications to join our fleet.

We represent TAW.net in STO.

TAW.net is one of the largest gaming organisations in the world, currently boasting over 2500 members spread across tens of games.

We have our own TS3 server and host regular meetings, events and training sessions across all our games.

If you are looking for a mature, stable, honest gaming organisation please check us out on TAW.net.

Then, if you think we are what you're looking for hit me up ingame for a fleet invite.


I look forward to meeting you......
Post edited by rinkster on


  • syscokid83syscokid83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    TAW Omega is now accepting applications to join our fleet.

    We represent TAW.net in STO.

    TAW.net is one of the largest gaming organizations in the world, currently boasting over 2500 members spread across tens of games.

    We have our own TS3 server and host regular meetings, events and training sessions across all our games.

    If you are looking for a mature, stable, honest gaming organization please check us out on TAW.net.

    Have questions or need more info contact me
    Then, if you think we are what you're looking for hit me up in game for a fleet invite.


    I look forward to meeting you
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We're stil recruiting, although we're also picky :p

    Fleet and Embassy is moving along nicely and we now have a sister Klingon fleet, House of TAW.

    Whatever your STO gaming needs, if you're a mature player looking for some organised people to grow a fleet with, check us out at TAW.net or message me rinko@rinkster

    so sayeth the gecko.......
  • solrac77solrac77 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For a game we all love, you sure do beat down the staff. takes work to keep it going, constantly updating with so many people online at a time all those different internet connections to take care of and it still works. Just a little set back here and there. I may be wrong but there might be other games out there,maybe, i am not sure about that so don't hold me to it.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    solrac77 wrote: »
    For a game we all love, you sure do beat down the staff. takes work to keep it going, constantly updating with so many people online at a time all those different internet connections to take care of and it still works. Just a little set back here and there. I may be wrong but there might be other games out there,maybe, i am not sure about that so don't hold me to it.

    Indeed there are many, many other games out there. and if you join TAW.net you can play many of them with us.

    However, I do reserve the right to respectfully use these august fora to express any issues i have with the game or the way it is being run. I try to do so in a constructive way, as merely raging gets nobody anywhere. So, if in another thread, i have upset you with a criticism of staff I do apologise.

    That said, come join TAW Omega or House of TAW!

    We're friendly, honest. Even if we occasionally point out things we don't like.
  • phalanx2pt0phalanx2pt0 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I am Phalanx2pt0, I am the executive officer of the STO Division of TAW. I have been in TAW for less than a year and it is the best CLAN I have ever been a member of.
    I am proud to admit that I have 4 Lvl 50 characters, as well as several that I am currently lvling up. I am a lifetime subscriber and have been a part of STO since the beginning.

    If you are at all interested to join a committed fleet and CLAN with over 2000 gamers please do not hesitate to contact me at Phalanx@taw.net, or PM me in game @Phalanx2pt0.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We will soon be welcoming Romulans to our fleets, as will others.

    We do not discriminate on the basis of warp cores.......
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still happy to accept mature players from any part of the world to our merry band.

    Our federation starbase is close to tier 3 (and has most of the cosmetic improvements in place, for all you disco dancers and bar flies out there)

    Our federation embassy is fairly hurtling along, being graced with all the cosmetic improvements and right on top of tier 2.

    Klingon side is a bit behind but that just means there are many opportunities to shape the fleet to your tastes.

    Check out TAW.net, and if you like what you see get in touch!
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Come to TAW.net...you know you want to.....
  • jackokasonjackokason Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    added you all to a list shown here:


    let me know if anything is wrong.
    Michel "Mic" Nardy
    Fleet Admiral
    Task Force Omega
    United Federation of Planets
  • jedi77jedi77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bumpin this back up!
  • cayllcayll Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This fleet is full of awesome people, the whole community is awesome! If you're looking for a solid fleet of mature and respectful people this is the place for you! They even have a 200 year old monkey that wears the Michael Jackson Thriller suit!

  • billabong23billabong23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What is The Art of Warfare?

    The Art of Warfare is a premier online gaming community organized back in 2001. We offer a variety of games ranging from RTS to FPS and more. Currently we offer Age of Conan, Battlefield 3, Counter Strike Global Offensive, DOTA 2, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, League of Legends, Natural Selection 2, Planetside 2, Quake Wars, Star Wars, Starcraft, Team Fortress, Tribes Ascend, World of Tanks, World of ********, Arma 2 Combined Operations, Arma 3, Defiance, Hawken, Horizon Division, Mechwarrior, Neverwinter, Smite, and above all, Star Trek Online. Each game consistently maintains at least 50 players and/or members in each. We also run our own servers in games such as Battlefield 3 and Arma. The Art of Warfare, soon to be incorporated, has membership of over 2,200 players. Each game is well-funded and offers a great experience to anyone and everyone.

    How Can I Join TAW?

    We ask that all applicants adhere to the following:
    Be at least 15 years of age
    Be mature and interested in team play
    Have a working microphone
    Set up a Teamspeak 3 client from here
    Speak English
    Be willing to commit to two match nights per week (real life comes first, so occasional misses are fine)
    Sign up via the application page here

    Our Teamspeak 3 server ranks in the 100th percentile and the address is ts.taw.net

    What Can TAW's Star Trek Online Division Achieve for Me?

    TAW Gives You:
    A unique gaming experience
    Specialized training to improve your skills
    Fellowship and diversity --- we are a large organization from all times zones, there are always games being played
    Opportunities to play against and compete with other competitive teams or clans
    A user friendly website here
    Teamspeak 3 for all members to use and communicate
    Steam, X-fire, Facebook, and Twitter groups
    Merchandise shop for T-shirts, hats, pins, posters, etc. by our Media and Graphics Division
    Monthly newsletters on what is happening around TAW
    Interesting and insightful Wikis for strategy tips and information about each game

    Other Information

    GAME Match Nights are Wednesdays at 9pm EST for North America
    GAME Match Nights are Sundays at 8pm GMT for Europe

    Do not forget to check us out and join now!
    Teamspeak 3 Download
    Gametracker Teamspeak 3
    TAW Code of Ethics

    My In Game Name is Sren@dingdongtaw

    See You Soon

    The Art of Warfare
  • dingdongtawdingdongtaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What is The Art of Warfare?

    The Art of Warfare is a premier online gaming community organized back in 2001. We offer a variety of games ranging from RTS to FPS and more. Currently we offer Age of Conan, Battlefield 3, Counter Strike Global Offensive, DOTA 2, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, League of Legends, Natural Selection 2, Planetside 2, Quake Wars, Star Wars, Starcraft, Team Fortress, Tribes Ascend, World of Tanks, World of ********, Arma 2 Combined Operations, Arma 3, Defiance, Hawken, Horizon Division, Mechwarrior, Neverwinter, Smite, and above all, Star Trek Online. Each game consistently maintains at least 50 players and/or members in each. We also run our own servers in games such as Battlefield 3 and Arma. The Art of Warfare, soon to be incorporated, has membership of over 2,200 players. Each game is well-funded and offers a great experience to anyone and everyone.

    How Can I Join TAW?

    We ask that all applicants adhere to the following:
    Be at least 15 years of age
    Be mature and interested in team play
    Have a working microphone
    Set up a Teamspeak 3 client from here
    Speak English
    Be willing to commit to two match nights per week (real life comes first, so occasional misses are fine)
    Sign up via the application page here

    Our Teamspeak 3 server ranks in the 100th percentile and the address is ts.taw.net

    What Can TAW's Star Trek Online Division Achieve for Me?

    TAW Gives You:
    A unique gaming experience
    Specialized training to improve your skills
    Fellowship and diversity --- we are a large organization from all times zones, there are always games being played
    Opportunities to play against and compete with other competitive teams or clans
    A user friendly website here
    Teamspeak 3 for all members to use and communicate
    Steam, X-fire, Facebook, and Twitter groups
    Merchandise shop for T-shirts, hats, pins, posters, etc. by our Media and Graphics Division
    Monthly newsletters on what is happening around TAW
    Interesting and insightful Wikis for strategy tips and information about each game

    Other Information

    GAME Match Nights are Wednesdays at 9pm EST for North America
    GAME Match Nights are Sundays at 8pm GMT for Europe

    Do not forget to check us out and join now!
    Teamspeak 3 Download
    Gametracker Teamspeak 3
    TAW Code of Ethics

    My In Game Name is Sren@dingdongtaw

    See You Soon

    The Art of Warfare

    Ignore the username billabong23

    Actual username is dingdongtaw
  • cayllcayll Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Running an event this Wednesday, 9PM EST, if you're interested please contact us, everyone is welcome, come check us out.

  • jedi77jedi77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Can't wait until Tier I Dilithium Mine and Tier II Embassy finish cookin... Seeing some great progress... Next up is our Tier III Shipyard... and my fleet Defiant!!!!!:cool:
  • cayllcayll Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sounds like you have it all planned out! :)
  • jedi77jedi77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tier II Embassy is finished, including the discount commodity broker! Work on the inter fleet shuttle has begun!

    Dilithium Mine is now also Tier 1, with access to fleet Warp Cores!

    Working hard on getting Tier III Tactical on the Starbase to get the Tier III Shipyard!
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Things are ticking along nicely with progress on both our Fed and Klingon dilithium mines.

    We're not the biggest, or the most advanced....but join us and you join the entire TAW community, and all the games we play.

    Chances are, with over 2500 members, one of us will be online when you want to play.......
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    TAW.net is our other home, check us out to see if we're the droids you're looking for.......er......who put that anomaly there?
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