Omega Force includes Starfleet and the KDF. The KDF has fewer ship options on the C-Store and there are some niches in demand, including Destroyers and more Science ships.
So here's the idea:
Add Omega Force ships that are a clear hybrid of Starfleet and Klingon ship sensibilities and focus them on hybrid ship styles.
In particular, I'm thinking:
A Destroyer (First non-lockbox, non-vet destroyer, I believe.)
A Science Bird of Prey (BoPs are popular and demanded on both sides while a sci focus fills that need for Klingons. The combo focus also speaks to the mixture of Starfleet Science and Klingon mobility.)
A Heavy Dreadnaught (Think combo carrier-dreadnaught. Heavy beams, engineering focus, 1-2 hangar slots.)
The ships would all have a hybrid focus. For powers, I'm thinking it would also be cool if the ships included hybrid phaser-disruptor/disruptor-phaser weapons. Additionally, the ships might have a decidedly anti-Borg flavor.
My thinking there is for the Destroyer to have an Anti-Borg Cutting Quad Cannon, the Dreadnaught to have Omega Force Bird of Preys as a carrier pet, and the BoP to have an Anti-Matter Torpedo that combines torpedo damage with a proc for an Anti-Matter spread type effect.
Additionally, I'd suggest these each include an Omega Force bridge officer who wears a hybrid of M.A.C.O. and Honor Guard costumes. The BOs have a unique trait "Omega Force Specialist" which deals extra damage and improves resistance against Borg. They also have a trait that reduces remodulation time by 33% on the ground. The traits all stack. The BOs also break the mold because their stock commander level ability (ground and space) is normally the commander level ability of another class.
Getting all three unlocks the Omega Force ground costumes, which may be mixed and matched with either your other M.A.C.O. gear or Honor Guard Gear. It also unlocks the ability to buy Omega Force gear sets from the Omega Force vendor for EDC and dilithium. This gear shares all stats with Adapted M.A.C.O. and Adapted Honor Guard and the visual for the gear is the costume.
The ships come with the titles Omega Force Tactician, Omega Force Researcher, and Omega Force Administrator.
Just don't see the devs going for a way to bypass Omega Reputation. Not sure how you are going to be able to purchase them with EDC since those don't exist any more. Guess it could be possible with BNPs.
Just don't see the devs going for a way to bypass Omega Reputation. Not sure how you are going to be able to purchase them with EDC since those don't exist any more. Guess it could be possible with BNPs.
I wouldn't include anything that would bypass. If anything, the idea would be to PROMOTE earning Omega rep.
The core idea is:
Klingons need more ships.
Fed ships sell better.
Omega is where you could have hybrid ships.
As for the BoP, the idea is a high turn, flexible sci ship. It fills the KDF sci ship void. It fills the Fed sci ship with a cloak void (as that's currently cruisers and escorts). It's fundamentally more like a small, vaguely BoP-shaped Vesta in my mind than a true Fed BoP.
You combine Fed sensibilities with the BoP and you get a maneuverable little sci ship with cannons, not really a TRUE BoP except in name and overall shape. I think the BO loadout is what would make it clear that it's a sci ship.
This is either a really good idea that could forward teamplay, and finally end the Klingon-Fed war.....
....or it could destroy everything that makes all current and future factions unique, and therefore render them completely null and void.
I think of it mostly as a one off thing that fills in some gaps, using a story rationale.
Although the next step might be 3 Klingon/Romulan hybrid ships assuming there's a story rationale for that and then 3 Federation/Romulan hybrid ships.
If you limit it like that, it's kinda gated by how many factions Cryptic adds and the story rationales in place.
So then you have Cardassians added, right? And you get 1 Fed/Card, 1 Kli/Card, 1 Rom/Card.
And from there, it may be more each time but it's still only at the rate factions get added and you might limit these to faction appropriate hull patterns. It could be due to alliances or espionage... and would not preclude other kinds of development.
Temporarily putting aside differences to take down a common enemy is one thing.
Co-developing macro-scale military technology from the ground up is something else entirely. Remember, hybrid ships isn't something these factions did while they were allies. Why would they do it while they're enemies?
I would love to see a Galaxy carrier of some sort. Galaxy ships were the largest ship the federation ever made, although I suspect that the non-canon Odyssey has surpassed it in volume and mass. They had three shuttlebays, multiple hangers, and a huge number of cargo bays and unused interior volume that could be converted to launch and retrieve small craft via the transporter.
They were designed for scientific exploration, with some of the most sophisticated scientific labs, instruments, and sensors available to starfleet.
I would love for some kind of reputation reward allowing to buy a Science variant of the Galaxy carrier for ship modules.
Temporarily putting aside differences to take down a common enemy is one thing.
Co-developing macro-scale military technology from the ground up is something else entirely. Remember, hybrid ships isn't something these factions did while they were allies. Why would they do it while they're enemies?
Because Admiral D'vak told off both sides, found some like-minded engineers, and contracted a 3rd party shipyard? Ferengi, Cardassian, whoever builds ships for mercenaries and Maquis, all are outside the normal chains of command. Somebody built the Son'a ships, or the original Scimitar, or all those lockbox ships.
Secondly, joint stuff has been sorta-done before. The Vor'cha was deliberately designed (at least by the studio people) as a successor to the D7 'modernized' with Federation tech, to the point that even the paint scheme was chosen as a mix of B'rel green and Federation grey. According to Memory Alpha anyways.
Lastly it could be an unlock in the Rep systems, each ending with a fancy ship once maxed out. Of course it'd doubtlessly be expensive, like 200k dil, and per character so ya know PWE would like that.
I dunno if it'd be a GOOD idea, and would doubtlessly lead to more complaining about 'stealing our specialness' and such, but mechanically and in the fluff its certainly possible.
Because Admiral D'vak told off both sides, found some like-minded engineers, and contracted a 3rd party shipyard? Ferengi, Cardassian, whoever builds ships for mercenaries and Maquis, all are outside the normal chains of command. Somebody built the Son'a ships, or the original Scimitar, or all those lockbox ships.
1) Mercs (the very few that are ever mentioned) used secondhand and modified civilian vessels. They're nowhere near as advanced in terms of their weaponry or capabilities as present-day PMCs on Earth.
2) The Maquis didn't go out and buy warships at the used battleship dealer. They modified civilian ships, and even then had to resort to hit and run tactics because they too lacked capabilities to meet any other military in a stand up fight.
3) The Son'a built their own warships
4) The Scimitar was built by Shinzon and his Reman revolutionaries
5) Lockbox ships have some of the most pitiful backstories I've ever seen. Every single one is "the Lobi consortium found 'em, and are selling them". That's it.
Secondly, joint stuff has been sorta-done before. The Vor'cha was deliberately designed (at least by the studio people) as a successor to the D7 'modernized' with Federation tech, to the point that even the paint scheme was chosen as a mix of B'rel green and Federation grey. According to Memory Alpha anyways.
Just peeked at the Mem Alpha article on the Vor'Cha, and there is zero mention of any of the above. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that the primary heavy warship of the KDF for decades is anything other than a Klingon creation.
Just peeked at the Mem Alpha article on the Vor'Cha, and there is zero mention of any of the above. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that the primary heavy warship of the KDF for decades is anything other than a Klingon creation.
The upgraded cruiser echoes traditional Klingon battle cruiser design, with the noted development of a new foredeck protrusion and, reflecting newly shared technology with the Federation, warp nacelles that more closely resemble Starfleet designs.
I'd still like to see a Bop with a type 6 federation skin, and a federation style science vessel done in KDF colors. They can make em under Omega Force as cross faction stuff.
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
Just peeked at the Mem Alpha article on the Vor'Cha, and there is zero mention of any of the above. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that the primary heavy warship of the KDF for decades is anything other than a Klingon creation.
Ah, okay I read in the wrong place (SciFiFan corrected me) plus this line from Wikpedia (admittedly not the BEST source, but a succint one):
"(Designer Rick) Sternbach designed the Vor'cha-class to represent the alliance between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire by The Next Generation, and consequent technology exchange and collaboration. Thus, the nacelles of the craft were created to be similar to those on Starfleet vessels, while the color was intentionally placed as a midpoint between the dark green of the Bird of Prey and the light gray of the USS Enterprise-D."
Also I didn't mention all those other ships as examples of specific sources to use, so much as to point out that there were 3rd-party shipyards outside the control of the quadrant governments and able to build full-on warships for other parties.
And really the rationale could easily be that the ship(s) were co devoloped specificaly to fight borg, so as a hybrid of klingon/federation design you would end up with high hull numbers, and advanced shielding. Possibly even large vessels with good turn rates and cannons.
Remember the Starfleet design philisophy is "spend millions inventing pen that can wright in space."
While the klingons simply give you a pencil.
A hybrid of the two would be a mechanical pencil.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
5) Lockbox ships have some of the most pitiful backstories I've ever seen. Every single one is "the Lobi consortium found 'em, and are selling them". That's it.
I admit, I do agree on this point here. I feel the same way on this at least.
To me, the only one that ever made sense was the D'kora coming out of the Ferengi lockbox, and by extension, all the other Ferengi stuff that was in it and you can get with lobi.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Well, I think "D'Vak built them" is already lightyears ahead of the Lobi Consortium backstory.
Also, Omega Force includes the Cardassians and the Deferi if you go by the storyline missions (the 2800 is a prequel to the STFs). So there's a decent chance of Cardassian resources (non-weapons, most likely but technical support) and Deferi shipyards being used.
5) Lockbox ships have some of the most pitiful backstories I've ever seen. Every single one is "the Lobi consortium found 'em, and are selling them". That's it.
I admit, I do agree on this point here. I feel the same way on this at least.
To me, the only one that ever made sense was the D'kora coming out of the Ferengi lockbox, and by extension, all the other Ferengi stuff that was in it and you can get with lobi.
The Cardassian back story could be at least feasible. The Cardasssian fleet was reduced after the Dominion war. A large percentage of their ships were sitting around collecting space dust. So the Cardassian government leased them to both the Federation and Empire to help combat the Borg on the condition that they would not be used in their war against each other. At least, that is the back story for my Galor and crew.
Of course the ship's captain will do what is necessary with each situation that he/she is presented with.
If you want more ships on the C-Store... fair enough but that really has nothing to do with Omega Force. It is far more likley for Cryptic to put other faction ships in lockboxes and the Lobi store so you have to pay a lot more.
These suggestions sound like they should be part of the Omega Force reputation system with no C-Store option. Just expand the stores with more stuff to grind for like new passives that apply to any ship the person flies like the tier skills.
The two factions are at war (again). A ceasefire to fight a common enemy is just about tenable, the idea that they would suddenly be back in bed together sharing starships is silly when you consider that they are supposed to be at war with one another.
I haven't read all three page yet, but i like the general idea.
If there is agreement that KDF and Starfleet overcome their differences and decide to build ships together, i think these ships should be completely new ones, and not look like from a specific faction. That way Cryptic could finally use their "creativity" and make some completely new designs, without having rely on previous Starfleet/Klingon/Cardassian or even Romulan designs.
Alternatively,OMEGA and MACO store could sell improved versions of already existing ships, similar to Fleet ship variants. OMEGA ships could be slightly focused on offensive, while MACO ships should be a bit more tankier versions.
Additionally this would give players in small fleets the opportunity to get their hands on Fleet level ships. (or slightly weaker ships)
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
I'm all for this idea. With Omega Force being at the forefront (so to speak) of fighting the Borg it really does make sense for the Feds and Klingons to have some collaboration on what can win the fight. The Borg adapt and logically, so do we. So it stands to reason that the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and the Klingon equivalent would sit down over bloodwine and ale to hash out designs. Hell, it could be that the fruit born of what they put together could be a catalyst for renewed peace talks and cooperation.
Omega force are already adapting salvaged Borg technologies for use in Federation and KDF vessels (Kinetic Cutting Beam/Omega Torp) - that shows that Omega has its own faction-neutral R&D.
The concept of them expanding that to harden/adapt Federation and KDF vessels for combat against the Borg and the Iconians isn't such a stretch - in fact I'd be surprised if they weren't doing that.
Let's bring the Aegis group into this too since it seems they're faction-neutral as well (Aegis Rep or Advanced R&D anyone?) - unless of course the sneaky Klinks just stole the Aegis tech from captured Starfleet vessels
But much though I like the idea, it's not something I'd like to see tons of around ESD or Qo'noS - I'm all for player choice but Omega is (or at least should be) a small outfit - ships like these should either be in lockboxes or should require *a lot* of Neural Processors to earn.
Although personally, I'd love to see this as a Rep system of it's own - sort of like, commission a ship from Omega, get the base hull really quickly and then run projects to enhance and adapt it with Borg tech - changing its appearance and capabilities over time.
That's a 'Rep' system I could get behind - projects could be something like:
1) Modernize T5 hull (bring a ship hull of your choice to Fleet standards)
2) Adapt ship technologies (re-configure Boff seating through projects)
3) Harden against the Borg (or Iconians/whatever - give your ship innate resists against an enemy)
4) Advanced weaponry (add factions-specific procs to whatever weapons you slot)
5) Advanced drive systems (enhance sector-space/slipstream travel irrespective of engine)
6) Install additional advanced technologies (project to add a console slot)
Even stuff like projects for adding turn rate by sacrificing hull/shields - something like this could be a basis for an end-game ship-customization system (which personally, I'd love).
It's no secret the Federation and the Klingons have been exchangeing knowledge and technology in the past.
The Vor'cha Bussard Collectors being a very obvious detail and I assume the Pulse-type weapons the Defiant uses were based on the weapons the Bird of Prey uses.
However does that mean they'll start building ships that are a mushmash of both?
Probably not.
They didn't during the 28 years of alliance with the Federation before DS9's 4th Season.
They didn't do it in the 36 years after the Federation and Klingons return to their state of alliance and before the war in STO.
Why should they suddenly start now?
It's no secret the Federation and the Klingons have been exchangeing knowledge and technology in the past.
The Vor'cha Bussard Collectors being a very obvious detail and I assume the Pulse-type weapons the Defiant uses were based on the weapons the Bird of Prey uses.
However does that mean they'll start building ships that are a mushmash of both?
Probably not.
They didn't during the 28 years of alliance with the Federation before DS9's 4th Season.
They didn't do it in the 36 years after the Federation and Klingons return to their state of alliance and before the war in STO.
Why should they suddenly start now?
D'Vak is not the Klingon or the Federation government though. He's a free agent in both, who holds rank in both, who is using his resources against the wishes of both to form an alliance.
D'Vak is not the Klingon or the Federation government though. He's a free agent in both, who holds rank in both, who is using his resources against the wishes of both to form an alliance.
Is he "free"?
I don't think so.
He's got command of a Federation Starship.
So both the Klingon Empire and the Federation are in some form supporting him with material and personell.
So they'd have a say in what he can do and what he can't do.
Otherwise they'd withdraw their support.
Or worse if they feel he's building up his own private army they'd do even worse than just pull the plug on his operation.
Before a joint anything can happen, Cryptic needs to end the Klingon-Federation War. It serves a purpose in the begining of the game but by endgame it just turns into the Forever War without a real purpose. Have a feature episode series where Undine infiltrators are rooted out of Klingon and Federation High Command and have both sides reinstate the Khitomer Accords (something along the lines of what happened in DS9).
Only than can a joint force have any real credibility because as of now to have Joint Klingon-Federation seudo-mercenary force when both sides are still actively engaged in hostilities makes no sense.
How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
I wouldn't include anything that would bypass. If anything, the idea would be to PROMOTE earning Omega rep.
The core idea is:
Klingons need more ships.
Fed ships sell better.
Omega is where you could have hybrid ships.
As for the BoP, the idea is a high turn, flexible sci ship. It fills the KDF sci ship void. It fills the Fed sci ship with a cloak void (as that's currently cruisers and escorts). It's fundamentally more like a small, vaguely BoP-shaped Vesta in my mind than a true Fed BoP.
You combine Fed sensibilities with the BoP and you get a maneuverable little sci ship with cannons, not really a TRUE BoP except in name and overall shape. I think the BO loadout is what would make it clear that it's a sci ship.
....or it could destroy everything that makes all current and future factions unique, and therefore render them completely null and void.
I think of it mostly as a one off thing that fills in some gaps, using a story rationale.
Although the next step might be 3 Klingon/Romulan hybrid ships assuming there's a story rationale for that and then 3 Federation/Romulan hybrid ships.
If you limit it like that, it's kinda gated by how many factions Cryptic adds and the story rationales in place.
So then you have Cardassians added, right? And you get 1 Fed/Card, 1 Kli/Card, 1 Rom/Card.
And from there, it may be more each time but it's still only at the rate factions get added and you might limit these to faction appropriate hull patterns. It could be due to alliances or espionage... and would not preclude other kinds of development.
Co-developing macro-scale military technology from the ground up is something else entirely. Remember, hybrid ships isn't something these factions did while they were allies. Why would they do it while they're enemies?
They were designed for scientific exploration, with some of the most sophisticated scientific labs, instruments, and sensors available to starfleet.
I would love for some kind of reputation reward allowing to buy a Science variant of the Galaxy carrier for ship modules.
Because Admiral D'vak told off both sides, found some like-minded engineers, and contracted a 3rd party shipyard? Ferengi, Cardassian, whoever builds ships for mercenaries and Maquis, all are outside the normal chains of command. Somebody built the Son'a ships, or the original Scimitar, or all those lockbox ships.
Secondly, joint stuff has been sorta-done before. The Vor'cha was deliberately designed (at least by the studio people) as a successor to the D7 'modernized' with Federation tech, to the point that even the paint scheme was chosen as a mix of B'rel green and Federation grey. According to Memory Alpha anyways.
Lastly it could be an unlock in the Rep systems, each ending with a fancy ship once maxed out. Of course it'd doubtlessly be expensive, like 200k dil, and per character so ya know PWE would like that.
I dunno if it'd be a GOOD idea, and would doubtlessly lead to more complaining about 'stealing our specialness' and such, but mechanically and in the fluff its certainly possible.
What are the KDF getting out of a deal like this...i mean what do fed ships have that the KDF don't besides SCI ships
The KDF have battle cruisers, BOP's with a battle cloak and cooler carriers....what would the FED be giving up SCI ships and what?
I see the KDF giving more than receiving.
I guess maaaaybe a Vesta kind of thing and an Armitage...but that still not worth giving the Feds BOP's and more battle cruisers.
1) Mercs (the very few that are ever mentioned) used secondhand and modified civilian vessels. They're nowhere near as advanced in terms of their weaponry or capabilities as present-day PMCs on Earth.
2) The Maquis didn't go out and buy warships at the used battleship dealer. They modified civilian ships, and even then had to resort to hit and run tactics because they too lacked capabilities to meet any other military in a stand up fight.
3) The Son'a built their own warships
4) The Scimitar was built by Shinzon and his Reman revolutionaries
5) Lockbox ships have some of the most pitiful backstories I've ever seen. Every single one is "the Lobi consortium found 'em, and are selling them". That's it.
Just peeked at the Mem Alpha article on the Vor'Cha, and there is zero mention of any of the above. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that the primary heavy warship of the KDF for decades is anything other than a Klingon creation.
I agree. If you want ships that both sides can use, make Xindi ships.
Here is the Vor'Cha article from Star Trek official website.
Specifically this part here.
Ah, okay I read in the wrong place (SciFiFan corrected me) plus this line from Wikpedia (admittedly not the BEST source, but a succint one):
"(Designer Rick) Sternbach designed the Vor'cha-class to represent the alliance between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire by The Next Generation, and consequent technology exchange and collaboration. Thus, the nacelles of the craft were created to be similar to those on Starfleet vessels, while the color was intentionally placed as a midpoint between the dark green of the Bird of Prey and the light gray of the USS Enterprise-D."
Also I didn't mention all those other ships as examples of specific sources to use, so much as to point out that there were 3rd-party shipyards outside the control of the quadrant governments and able to build full-on warships for other parties.
And really the rationale could easily be that the ship(s) were co devoloped specificaly to fight borg, so as a hybrid of klingon/federation design you would end up with high hull numbers, and advanced shielding. Possibly even large vessels with good turn rates and cannons.
Remember the Starfleet design philisophy is "spend millions inventing pen that can wright in space."
While the klingons simply give you a pencil.
A hybrid of the two would be a mechanical pencil.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
I admit, I do agree on this point here. I feel the same way on this at least.
To me, the only one that ever made sense was the D'kora coming out of the Ferengi lockbox, and by extension, all the other Ferengi stuff that was in it and you can get with lobi.
Also, Omega Force includes the Cardassians and the Deferi if you go by the storyline missions (the 2800 is a prequel to the STFs). So there's a decent chance of Cardassian resources (non-weapons, most likely but technical support) and Deferi shipyards being used.
The Cardassian back story could be at least feasible. The Cardasssian fleet was reduced after the Dominion war. A large percentage of their ships were sitting around collecting space dust. So the Cardassian government leased them to both the Federation and Empire to help combat the Borg on the condition that they would not be used in their war against each other. At least, that is the back story for my Galor and crew.
Of course the ship's captain will do what is necessary with each situation that he/she is presented with.
These suggestions sound like they should be part of the Omega Force reputation system with no C-Store option. Just expand the stores with more stuff to grind for like new passives that apply to any ship the person flies like the tier skills.
If there is agreement that KDF and Starfleet overcome their differences and decide to build ships together, i think these ships should be completely new ones, and not look like from a specific faction. That way Cryptic could finally use their "creativity" and make some completely new designs, without having rely on previous Starfleet/Klingon/Cardassian or even Romulan designs.
Alternatively,OMEGA and MACO store could sell improved versions of already existing ships, similar to Fleet ship variants. OMEGA ships could be slightly focused on offensive, while MACO ships should be a bit more tankier versions.
Additionally this would give players in small fleets the opportunity to get their hands on Fleet level ships.
(or slightly weaker ships)
The concept of them expanding that to harden/adapt Federation and KDF vessels for combat against the Borg and the Iconians isn't such a stretch - in fact I'd be surprised if they weren't doing that.
Let's bring the Aegis group into this too since it seems they're faction-neutral as well (Aegis Rep or Advanced R&D anyone?) - unless of course the sneaky Klinks just stole the Aegis tech from captured Starfleet vessels
But much though I like the idea, it's not something I'd like to see tons of around ESD or Qo'noS - I'm all for player choice but Omega is (or at least should be) a small outfit - ships like these should either be in lockboxes or should require *a lot* of Neural Processors to earn.
Although personally, I'd love to see this as a Rep system of it's own - sort of like, commission a ship from Omega, get the base hull really quickly and then run projects to enhance and adapt it with Borg tech - changing its appearance and capabilities over time.
That's a 'Rep' system I could get behind - projects could be something like:
1) Modernize T5 hull (bring a ship hull of your choice to Fleet standards)
2) Adapt ship technologies (re-configure Boff seating through projects)
3) Harden against the Borg (or Iconians/whatever - give your ship innate resists against an enemy)
4) Advanced weaponry (add factions-specific procs to whatever weapons you slot)
5) Advanced drive systems (enhance sector-space/slipstream travel irrespective of engine)
6) Install additional advanced technologies (project to add a console slot)
Even stuff like projects for adding turn rate by sacrificing hull/shields - something like this could be a basis for an end-game ship-customization system (which personally, I'd love).
The Vor'cha Bussard Collectors being a very obvious detail and I assume the Pulse-type weapons the Defiant uses were based on the weapons the Bird of Prey uses.
However does that mean they'll start building ships that are a mushmash of both?
Probably not.
They didn't during the 28 years of alliance with the Federation before DS9's 4th Season.
They didn't do it in the 36 years after the Federation and Klingons return to their state of alliance and before the war in STO.
Why should they suddenly start now?
D'Vak is not the Klingon or the Federation government though. He's a free agent in both, who holds rank in both, who is using his resources against the wishes of both to form an alliance.
No more power creep unless PVE gets a major buff please. We've got enough of that.
And please leave bops alone. :mad: If you want new ships ask for new unique abilities.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Is he "free"?
I don't think so.
He's got command of a Federation Starship.
So both the Klingon Empire and the Federation are in some form supporting him with material and personell.
So they'd have a say in what he can do and what he can't do.
Otherwise they'd withdraw their support.
Or worse if they feel he's building up his own private army they'd do even worse than just pull the plug on his operation.
Only than can a joint force have any real credibility because as of now to have Joint Klingon-Federation seudo-mercenary force when both sides are still actively engaged in hostilities makes no sense.
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind