After pugging some normal ground STFs with my latest lvl 45 toon, I'm rediscovering the whole world of normal pugs and how bad they can be.
As such, I've set up a channel for anyone who wants to learn to do ground STFs with a decent chance of getting the optionals, be it normal or elite.
Right now, I'm only looking at teaching ground, space is easy enough as I remember.
If you're a player looking for help, or see somone that does, the channel is STFHelp, I'll be waiting.
There ARE a couple of rules.
You must be able to find and use team chat.
You must be prepared to listen.
You damn well better have a remodulator.
If anyone else wants to help out with training, send me a pm or mail to
Having trouble with ground STFs? Looking for help?
Join the
STFHelp channel
Join the STFHelp channel
Most forums you have to open up a report and ask them to do so. here you have to open up a support ticket and ask.
Normally moderators don;t read every thread so that;s usually the best method of getting their attention.
Please note though, I don't want to see LFX or 'join this new elite stf channel' messages, that's not what the channel is about at all.
Join the STFHelp channel
Could you add me please?
Thanks in advance.