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Too Much Combat, not enough....well you get the idea.

daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
So yea, this is the monthly "Too Much Combat" thread, now I know I advocated the federation is at war with many different factions but it's still not a Star Trek Feeling if combat is the only real thing to do; crafting sucks, pvp sucks, even the non combat stuff is very rare and that sucks.

we have too much emphasis on combat in almost every case, and even so it is broken, speaking in STF and general team roles, i'm seeing more Engineer captains in escorts because they have the tank abilities but cannot tank in a cruiser since they do not generate an adequate amount of threat.

I've seen too many escorts go into any combat situation, get targeted then one shotted by a borg cube, or swarmed by countless tholians, when it is near impossible for science officers to help them before they get killed, even engineers cant help the escorts before they get killed.

I love the andorian warship and i am a huge advocator for said ship, but it shows that we have too much combat.

if we had some new expansion into Diplomacy or Exploration, something to get our players out of the constant combat rut then it would be something to keep playing, but often times players just log in to do some dailys, do one or two STF's then leave because the combat is just one endless grind and more of the same feeling (same for me).

hopefully season 8 (or March Beneath The Raptors Wings) would give us something of change to the heavy combat side of this game.

I believe a few players put this up a while ago, only found it through archives via search:

Composition of STO:

Combat 76%
Diplomacy 4%
Crafting 7%
Dilithium Farming 13%.

of course that is just a player based setup, i believe the combat is a little bit lower, and it includes exploration at 1%, while the dilithium farming being the splice in combat.
Post edited by daedalus304 on


  • nileight1nileight1 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Such is the ways of mmo's

    There's some really great non-combat and limited combat missions in the foundry.
  • arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What kind of diplomacy do you want to see?

    Go speak with a NPC and give him one of three possible answers that lead to either succes or failure? That would get old REAL fast. (Actually you can find that in the game, Tau Dewa sector, Accamar system).

    People often want vague things like "more diplomacy" without an idea on HOW to do that. It's pretty much impossible to have a meaningful, diverse and repeatable computer generated diplomacy system. The only thing you would get are a few pre-written dialog trees you can climb through over and over.
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That is what I was gonna say. Try a mission like needs of the few by kirkfat and many more. The story missions on the foundry need your support too as exploit missions are getting all the plays.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • tpolebreakertpolebreaker Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That is what I was gonna say. Try a mission like needs of the few by kirkfat and many more. The story missions on the foundry need your support too as exploit missions are getting all the plays.

    Because if nobody plays your 2 hour missions, you'll shrivel up and die?

    How do they "need" any support (plays) when not playing them in no way harms them? Why do you or anyone else care what gets "all the plays" anywhere in the game?

    As a side note, you can be sure that a few particular authors will never get any plays from me and my friends... Our loss, I'm sure.
    The doors, Mister Scott!
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What kind of diplomacy do you want to see?

    Go speak with a NPC and give him one of three possible answers that lead to either succes or failure? That would get old REAL fast. (Actually you can find that in the game, Tau Dewa sector, Accamar system).

    People often want vague things like "more diplomacy" without an idea on HOW to do that. It's pretty much impossible to have a meaningful, diverse and repeatable computer generated diplomacy system. The only thing you would get are a few pre-written dialog trees you can climb through over and over.

    Hey it worked in Sid miers Pirates! and Bridge commander had a more authentic Trek feel. You at least hailed ships before blowing them out of the sky.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Because if nobody plays your 2 hour missions, you'll shrivel up and die?

    How do they "need" any support (plays) when not playing them in no way harms them? Why do you or anyone else care what gets "all the plays" anywhere in the game?

    As a side note, you can be sure that a few particular authors will never get any plays from me and my friends... Our loss, I'm sure.

    A lot of work is poured into said missions and they contain the kind of content the op desires. To blame foundry authors for the nerf is to miss the fact that their suggestions are ignored over and over again. I certainly have no desire to get involved in this foundry dispute I never had a problem with the clickies or grinders. But for real Trek fans the oppportunity to make your own game levels and stories is a dream come true.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Not that we need to reduce the amount of combat in the game, but it would be nice to see more non-combat elements added.

    I had an idea for a new type of diplomatic minigame where you basically play mediator and build a treaty between two conflicting parties. Before you start, you talk to representatives to gain insight on what their side wants out of the agreement. Afterward, you start the minigame. Technically, you can't fail it, but your rewards would depend on how well you built the treaty.

    I'd also like to see more use of interactive graphic UI puzzles, like with isolinear chips or computer system hacking. Nothing too overly complex, but just a simple puzzle to flex one's mind a bit and get people out of the constant combat rut.

    Something I'd really like to see is a solo stealth mission, where combat will pretty much get you killed. Wait and observe patrols, then make a move when you see an opening. We saw crawling animations with Temporal Ambassador, how about crawling through a maze of small corridors? A real maze, not something easy and small.
  • lukeminherexxlukeminherexx Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't mind seeing the "puzzle" type missions in game, but I would hope it would be particular missions, and not something added across the boards.

    I got bored with the one diplomatic mission where the 3 ambassadors refused to work together, and everything I did was considered a failure. I am sure there is some way to win it, I just didn't have the patience nor the care to figure it out. lol

    The idea that you cant lose and your reward scales to your decisions and what you accomplished is a good idea. It means if I get bored with it, I can click through with little care and actually still accomplish it. Let's face it, Luke Minhere (my main character) is not the best diplomat, so him failing at diplomacy is nothing shocking. Many captains received their ships because we are at war and they need all the captains they can get out there. So it stands to reason that not all captains are your typical exploration captains like your typical Star Trek tv shows, but many would still be out there boldly going where no one has gone before. In this game, that would be diplomacy...lol....some of just dont go there! :)

    "Bow to the wisdom and the peacefulness of the Federation!!"
    "Fire all torpedoes"
    Seems harsh, but makes the next peaceful gathering more peaceful if you keep them at gun point. *nod nod*
    You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. -Einstein

  • altai8008altai8008 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    nileight1 wrote: »
    Such is the ways of mmo's

    There's some really great non-combat and limited combat missions in the foundry.

    the foundry? oh yeah, i remember that :mad:
  • maxdredmaxdred Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There's a huge potential for a good exploration system if they based it on Star Control II. They should look at the way you could talk to the alien races in that game and build alliances with them. And combine that with a colony building system like Eve Online and a resource gathering like Mass Effect 2 and 3 (which was also based on SCII). Mix it up a little with the DOFF system and we have something feeling more like Star Trek here.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What kind of diplomacy do you want to see?

    Go speak with a NPC and give him one of three possible answers that lead to either succes or failure? That would get old REAL fast. (Actually you can find that in the game, Tau Dewa sector, Accamar system).

    People often want vague things like "more diplomacy" without an idea on HOW to do that. It's pretty much impossible to have a meaningful, diverse and repeatable computer generated diplomacy system. The only thing you would get are a few pre-written dialog trees you can climb through over and over.

    I've posted this before, but to say it again: I'd dearly love the mechanic from The 2800 where one of the ambassadors gives you Doff missions INSIDE the main mission that contribute to your success (if you complete all three you get a dialog option to sway him to your side). I thought that was brilliant, and the technology for it already exists inside the game.

    Also, there was the one-off mission in orbit of Bajor where a Cardassian Gul is being accused of treason and you have to investigate the evidence against him. Brilliant mission with very creative use of branching dialog and unlocking new dialog options and glowie item actions.

    And we have the mechanics from STFs with optional award bonuses if you achieve specific conditions. We have seen optional in-mission goals as well on a few occasions but none of them outside the STFs are linked to rewards.

    We have the class-specific mission goals. In Colliseum, Tac officers build a fire, Engineers cook food, and Science find water.

    In Frozen we see a mechanic where a dialog choice determines which of two factions treat you as an enemy in the resulting battle.

    In the Defera breen patrol daily you have the option of peacefully escaping or starting a fight.

    Bring all of these mechanics together and use them more widely. Give many more missions optional goals with increased rewards attached to completing them. Give many more missions uncertain enemy factions or where battle is optional like in the breen patrol. Let us use our Doffs during missions to get an advantage or complete a task.

    This is all technology that already exists. Just use it more often.
  • ds9fan2ds9fan2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Actually, one of the reasons I loved New Romulus is because I really felt like I was exploring - both because the territory was so darn big, and because a lot of the missions (and I did them all) are not combat.
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