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Tac Vo'quv build.

caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Hello fellow warriors ,

I`m hitting lvl 40 now and I would like to know the best Vo'quv for a tac . (I know that carriers arent much for tacs)

The prime Vo'quv or the Mirror?

And a good build ?

Thx in advance
Post edited by caio492 on


  • lilitaly5179lilitaly5179 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Simply put, there isn't really a good tac build for the vo'quv. It has no real good tac Boff slots and poor weapon/console slots.

    Unfortunately the Klingons don't have a good tac carrier like the Fed heavy escort carrier.
  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Unfortunately the Klingons don't have a good tac carrier like the Fed heavy escort carrier.

    If you can, save up some dil/zen and get a Kar'fi Battle Carrier. Those are much more tactically friendly and you can maneuver a lot better with it because it has a higher turn rate.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you can access it, there is the Jem'hadar Heavy Escort Carrier.

    If not there is the Fleet Corsair, 8 weapon slots and while not much in way of tac boffs, that really only effects one cap ability.

    On my marks is good for my fighters.

    In my experience it works out great, but I've picked a mix of damage and surviving science amd enigeering boff abilities and stuff that bleeds through shields, plus my tac captain abilities gives me good offense and defence, and that's with equiptment that is most substandard.
  • caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Actually I only decided to lvl up all the way to the vo'quv because:

    -Its a real carrier

    -Because I dont have to spend zen on it.

    -Its from the mirror universe. (eng. rather than science)

    I didnt like that much the Fed hvy. esc. carrier because its more a escort than a carrier

    -All the carriers on the fed side (excluding the jem'hadar dread) are on science rather than tac. or eng.
  • mixiplix777mixiplix777 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've debated this build as well on my tact guy.

    tried a tholian recluse on my fed sci officer but gave up and move to kdf.

    the kharfi carrier, like the garumba, would be good with fleet versions.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok so the guy comes in asking for help and all he gets is either shot down or he has to spend to be any good great one sto community great

    I use my voquv on my engineer but its built to deal as much damage as possible via weapons and pets and I personally dont care what anyone else thinks on this matter


    Tac - tacteam1, crf1, crf2

    Eng - emergencypowertoshields1, rsp, epts3/ demII

    SCI - hazard emitters1, tss2, tbr2, grav well3

    Sci - tractorbeam1, tss2

    Fore - 3 single disruptor cannons

    Aft - 3 disruptor turrets

    2 advanced brothl bops

    Basic use is to sit inbetween one point and stop anything that's comes through it realistically for it to work you need to spec into grav well and tractors but it will work without doing that

    In pvp or taking on cubes I switch to viral matrix 3 and energy siphon in the sci spots with energy siphon drones the put dem instead of epts3 to get those shields down and those crits going

    Now it's not going to be the best damage dealer around but with those two setups you'll be the last one standing and hopefully your target will be downed aswel due to you having apa fomm and gdf a your disposal

    Bad points of the build no beam for subsystem target - doesn't matter, missing apb for your bops switch it in if you want

    Good points - you can sit on a gate in Kase or an elite cube around 2km away hit it with everything you have support your bops and plunking the target in pvp viral matrix dem and energy siphoning going on really cheeses the targets off plus you can tank all but the harshest snb and burst escort thrown at you

    You play how you want to play don't listen to people who say oh if your a tac you should only use a raptor or bop their normally the ones who hav te same beans on toast every night for tea 7 days a week iand normally full of bs due to their small minds not thinking outside the box

    Yes this won't be as efficient as a raptor but you'll have fun a lot of fun plus I'd like to see a raptor take down big targets as quick as four (now ai repaired) ABOPS

    PS. If you need any of the tier 3 powers training give me a pm I can do pretty much all the juicy ones
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, thx for you kind answer,

    Actually I got the Mirror Vo`qu because it favor the eng. slots.

    But I`l try to adapt your build into mine ship

    Dont know for everyone but I can't assign my boffs on the mirror vo'`quv
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Shouldn't be a problem maybe bring some emergency to weapons in and squeez some more damage out of the big girl
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yeah but while I dont have enough dil to buy the 2 B'Rotlh, what you would recommend for the hangar bays?

    I was thinking of 1 b'rel and 1 to'duj .
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    caio492 wrote: »
    Yeah but while I dont have enough dil to buy the 2 B'Rotlh, what you would recommend for the hangar bays?

    I was thinking of 1 b'rel and 1 to'duj .


    Don't DO what's in that vid. Just saying you could. Dual Beam Banks is very nice and easy to do. Get a couple of the Cheepo BoP's for now.

    Eeek! I just noticed Musta was saying to use CRF so he's thinking cannons as well. Anyhoo's I can tell you both of us agree that the ship moves just fine for STF's and if you treat it like a slowly moving Artillery Platform that's what you'll get. And that's great for bringing down the structures in an STF.

    If you're interested, and you'd have to message me on you tube because I promise I won't be back this way, I'll make up a vid showing how to make a Killer STF Voq on a VERY slim budget. Well under a million EC. And then I'll put it in an Elite STF. Just for you. Cause ur so cute.
  • roelandmroelandm Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thissler wrote: »

    Don't DO what's in that vid. Just saying you could. Dual Beam Banks is very nice and easy to do. Get a couple of the Cheepo BoP's for now.

    Eeek! I just noticed Musta was saying to use CRF so he's thinking cannons as well. Anyhoo's I can tell you both of us agree that the ship moves just fine for STF's and if you treat it like a slowly moving Artillery Platform that's what you'll get. And that's great for bringing down the structures in an STF.

    If you're interested, and you'd have to message me on you tube because I promise I won't be back this way, I'll make up a vid showing how to make a Killer STF Voq on a VERY slim budget. Well under a million EC. And then I'll put it in an Elite STF. Just for you. Cause ur so cute.

    i'd take the offer kid! and props to thissler for being nice!
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thissler<====== expert
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thissler wrote: »

    Don't DO what's in that vid. Just saying you could. Dual Beam Banks is very nice and easy to do. Get a couple of the Cheepo BoP's for now.

    Eeek! I just noticed Musta was saying to use CRF so he's thinking cannons as well. Anyhoo's I can tell you both of us agree that the ship moves just fine for STF's and if you treat it like a slowly moving Artillery Platform that's what you'll get. And that's great for bringing down the structures in an STF.

    If you're interested, and you'd have to message me on you tube because I promise I won't be back this way, I'll make up a vid showing how to make a Killer STF Voq on a VERY slim budget. Well under a million EC. And then I'll put it in an Elite STF. Just for you. Cause ur so cute.

    Thx, already sent message.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have to agree with some of the other posters here about the Vo'Quv not being the ideal vessel for a Tactical Captain but any vessel can do well if you work at it.

    I've flown the Vo'Quv exclusively on my KDF Science main for just shy of three years till I figured out the Recluse.

    In PVE of any level the Vo'Quv can do quite well; however, not so much in PVP.

    I've done quite a bit of PVP in my Vo'Quv and I found myself using a Weapon setup that covered the fact that my Vo'Quv was slow to bring it guns to bare.

    I used all Disruptor Turrets with one Disruptor Beam Array at the Fore and I run a power drain and shield targeting setup up.

    Once the Hanger BOP got fixed around season 4 (they got broken again with latter updates) and became useful I started doing quite well in PVP with my setup because my Birds were kicking in the DPS that my Carrier Lacked and all I had to do was keep the Carrier alive and soften up targets has best has I could.

    I imagine that you could do quite well in the Vo'Quv has a tactical Captain if you focus on keeping your Carrier in the Fight and Buffing your attacks has best has you can.

    The Advanced BOP are your money makers, keep your targets shields soft and NPC or Player alike they will pop.

    Positioning can be a real pain when you're dealing with PVP in the Vo'Quv so I opted to go with weapons that can hit from any angle with my Turrets and to weaken other players has best that I could so I could hang in the Fight and ware them down overtime.

    Target Subsystems Shields 3, Gravity Well 3, Energy Siphon, and Attack Pattern Beta 1 were all skills that worked out quite well for me in PVP and now days you have even better toys to play with.

    Any vessel can work well in any situation if you're willing to put in the time to find out what works for it and what does not.

    Good Hunting
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    errab wrote: »

    Any vessel can work well in any situation if you're willing to put in the time to find out what works for it and what does not.

    Great advice! practice makes perfect as they say and that phrase is nowhere more key than STO
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This ship is really designed as Science ship like its Fed counterpart the Atrox.

    I would suggest going for the Raptor it has more Tac slots and Tac Boff slots and it cloaks.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    age03 wrote: »
    This ship is really designed as Science ship like its Fed counterpart the Atrox.

    I would suggest going for the Raptor it has more Tac slots and Tac Boff slots and it cloaks.

    Firstly the Mirror Vo'quv isnt science all way down.

    Actually I ran into the KDF carriers to escape that escort/cruiser gameplay
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    There you go. Not the end all and be all, but a good start. That build is specific to the STF that you see it in. For normals, you may want to trade single target torpedoes for spreads. You may choose to add a mine as well. Those sort of things play very nicely in normals. Transphasics seem to do nicely in Hive.

    Feel free to study things and mix things up. And don't be hesitant to just buy some quick and dirty common gear and get things done.

    In particular, the Boff slots that are good to change around are the Lt and LtCmd Tac, and the LtCmd and Cmd science. Keep the rest constant, as those are all your defense, and power the Doff scheme.

    Just changing THOSE 4 Boffs can give you a drain build, a GW cc aoe torp build, a repulsor fest, or whatever. Mess around with those 4 and if u REALLY feel like you screwed the pooch, the meat is STILL intact and you'll have an ok run. You always have pets out you know.

    Oh I don't think I mentioned it, those are the EC BoP's. So give that a go, it works as you can see and gee I think it ran me 250K including the doff's.

    How nice is that?


    EDIT: whoops i didn't include the ec for the hangars in that figure. still its cheep! cheers
  • caio492caio492 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The keybind on this thread should make your build a little easier and faster.
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    caio492 wrote: »
    The keybind on this thread should make your build a little easier and faster.

    It does I just don't use any keybinds! This has led to me missing a buff it's true, I just never seem to get around to making them.
  • gmarcqgmarcq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just picked up a mirror vo-quo (for 520k energy credits at that, much better than the 120,000 dil needed to buy the regular one) for my tactical klingon and I must say I will not be going back to the Neg'var any time soon.

    As for weapons/consoles:
    3 Dual heavy phased polaron cannons up front
    3 Polaron turrets out back
    device slot are just batteries of random types
    3 RCS engineering (makes it turn much much faster)
    1 dmg resist engineering (thinking of a shield booster instead tbh)
    3 Random science consoles (I don't honestly know much about science consoles)
    2 polaron rare dmg boost consoles (they were much cheaper than very rare, I am on a budget!)
    2 Birds of prey (your choice, I am poor so I went with b'rel got both of them for 60k energy credits) side note: the birds ofprey spawn one at a time per hanger, so you have to wait for cool down to summon both just in case you didn't know like me.

    As for officer skill lay out:
    Tact officer has, 1.) Tactical team, 2.) cannon rapid fire 3.) attack pattern beta (i think beta is the name)
    First engineering officer, 1.) engineering team 1, 2.) reverse shield polarity 1, 3.) acetyon beam 1
    Second engineering officer has, 1.) emergency power to shields 1, 2.) emergency power to weapons 1
    Science officer has 1.) Science team 1, 2.) techyons rift 1, 3.) charged particle burst 3 and another random skill I cant remember, and skills arn't in that order.

    I found it can take quite a beating, and it deals really good consistent damage in STF's both normal and elite (not run as often as normal, I am a casual noobie what can I say), it runs gear/dilithium missions with ease, and can run fleet marks missions very well.

    Obviously some of my officers skills don't really help out much and I am looking into changing them up a bit, but for now it gets the job done even in elite stfs. I am thinking of dropping charged particle burst for a gravity well to allow for some crowd control.

    On a side note this build is currently doing well even with normal quality shields, engine and deflector (the ones the ship comes with). So I imagine it will become even greater once I get some borg or honor guard equips on it (nearing omega stage 1, but will wait for stage 2 to get honor guard equips).

    Hope this helps you out as it is working great for me, i might even say it is out damaging my negh'var but it probably isn't but it look so cool with 4 BOP's launching torpedoes at your target as you rain cannon fire down upon it with avengence!

  • dixa1dixa1 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i have both vo'quv flavors and prefer the default, with the mirror look of course!

    the extra sci slot allows me he1 and 2, sci team 1 (FU SUBNUC HIROGEN/CARDASSIANS), energy siphon/tykens rift/grav well. i'm finding that with plasmonic leech console, energy siphon and tykens rift, -power proc from polarized disruptor beams and sub system targeting when faw is on cd i can severely hamper a tac cube while keeping all of my power levels at between 75 and 90. i have epts, eng team 2 and dem on the engineer with tac team, torp spread and beam fire at will (changes to tac team, apb and canon scatter volley if i'm using all turrets). combines with polarized disruptor beams and the ferengi rocket launcher it's pretty good for general purpose. the rocket launcher will be swapped out when i have the borg rep 2 piece - 6 beams are too much of a power hog on a tac captain.

    for ise and cse where the borg are very predictable i swap to turrets with two polarized disruptor dbb's in front.

    over the course of several ise and cse i swapped between the kar'fi with advanced frigates, and my basic vo'quv. even though the kar'fi has another tac console and another weapon slot, the vo'quv always oud dps's it. why?

    avg frigates parse - 1700 dps

    avg adv b'rotlh bop parse - 3900 dps

    and my vo'quv can survive two consecutive invisitorps (barely)
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hey all,

    Thank you for the great insight into the setup, i absolutely love this carrier and i don't mind the slowness of it. I didn't even know that an Carrier Mirror Universe existed. Again, thank you as i love this vessel. It is one beautiful ship on the Klingon side.
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Yes this won't be as efficient as a raptor but you'll have fun a lot of fun plus I'd like to see a raptor take down big targets as quick as four (now ai repaired) ABOPS

    PS. If you need any of the tier 3 powers training give me a pm I can do pretty much all the juicy ones

    Re you serious? i mean really....are you serious? you think a few npc bops can outdamage a raptor alpha? keep dreaming
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Re you serious? i mean really....are you serious? you think a few npc bops can outdamage a raptor alpha? keep dreaming

    Whoo whoo whoo numb nuts

    I didn't say anything about outdamaging anybody's alpha(due to the fact a ship 4 times the size of a bop can't cloak)

    I said they can take 1.2 Million hull down faster in which they can due to 4x high yield quantum goin off every 20-30 seconds

    Get your facts right before trolling idiot!
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • dri55tdri55t Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello. First time poster. I've only been playing a couple of months. (i'm lvl 50 KDF)

    I abandoned my Fed SCI toon the second I unlocked Klingon. I played nothing but escorts from then on. (TAC cpt) I tried the B'rel bomber with very little success. I eventually decided I needed a better ship. I opened a lot of lock boxes trying to get a Temporal Science vessel or a Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort.

    Instead I only got this stupid Mirror Vo'Quv. THREE OF THEM. Finally I was so bored I gave in and opened one. It is the AKS Lemonade. (When life gives you lemons... get it?)

    I had no idea how to spec it out so I looked in a few places on the forums, and watched a few vids. I tried a few different things, but this is what I've come to love!

    This is done on the cheap. needs a little modding to be better at PvP

    Mirror Vo'Quv:
    4x Disruptor Array [crth]x2 ; 1x dis turret ; 1x borg cutting beam. (I use the subsystem targeting)
    borg engine XI
    borg shield XI
    Jem'Hedar deflector XII (soon to be borg XI)
    2x neutronium ; 2x Emergency Force Fields. (or 1Em FF and the imp capacitance cell for pvp)
    2x shield emitter amplifier ; assimilated console
    2x induction coil
    2x b'rel

    TT1 ; BFW 2 ; BO3
    EPtA1 ; EPtS2 ; APtSIF2
    ET1 ; ET2 (ET2 is for me, ET1 is for healing others)
    HE1 ; TB2 ; TBR2 ; GW2 (should replace GW for PvP, also can replace TB2 when I get my borg deflector (3 piece borg has TB))

    Power levels are 50/75/25/50 base. 3 of my BOffs are Efficient. I have Efficient and Warp Core Specialist.
    Power levels in game 76/121/46/88 (see DOffs for explination)

    DOffs: (important to this build)
    3x blue damage control engineers (30% change to reduce EPtX cooldown by 30% EACH)
    2x Maintenance Engineer (one green one blue, total of +35 skill to shield regen and hull regen every time EMtX is used) I believe these are brand new abilities just released?

    cooldown on EPtS/A is 32 seconds each, 15 seconds in between, plus they both supply buffs for 30 seconds each. So I have these constant alternating. (they are bound to FIRE, my space bar)

    This provides me with 1300/face shield regen every 6 sec, and 217% hull regen per minute. base shields are 7,750/face. because of this I also have distribute shields macro'd to FIRE.

    I do GREAT in STF Elites. Just started testing PvP. Damage abilities aren't that high, but I'm extremely tough to kill, and provide the ability for my team to stay in the fight and kill those big fed cruisers.

    Thoughts and comments on my build are appreciated. Note I'm not changing things up too much because I'm saving up for a Recluse.
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