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Temporal Disruption Device half broken

deusemperordeusemperor Member Posts: 136 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Tribble - Bug Reports
The Temporal Disruption Device does half damage but has same cooldown.
Basically they halved the damage and left the cooldown at 19 second cooldown. Its damage is now 3,255.2 kinetic which is half of what it is on holodeck right now. The cooldown for it is still 19 seconds!!! Either double the damage or else cut the cooldown in half! This needs to be fixed before it goes to holodeck!

Pretty please?

P.S. Why does it have a 30 second cooldown after you use it with hy or torp spread? That doesn't even make sense. >.<
Post edited by deusemperor on


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    thepopeofbeersthepopeofbeers Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I posted this over in the patch notes thread, but I'll post here too, just to keep everything consolidated.
    I can confirm this: the Temporal Disruption Device is broken.

    On Holodeck, my TDD does 10,720.1 kinetic damage (post-consoles and set powers) with a cooldown of 20 seconds. Its cooldown increases to 60 seconds when using Torpedo Spread or High Yield.

    On Tribble, my TDD does 5,360.1 kinetic damage (post-consoles and set powers) with a cooldown of 20 seconds. Its cooldown increases to 30 seconds when using Torpedo Spread or High Yield.

    I never understood why its cooldown increased at all when using BOff abilities; I always figured it was a holdover from when the TDD was considered a tricobalt torpedo. Seeing as the TDD is not a tricobalt torpedo, shouldn't it be exempt from the changes in this patch? And shouldn't its cooldown always be 20 seconds, instead of variable?
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    admiralcarteradmiralcarter Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Its great that they nerf premium items that cost some serious cash... I mean getting 200 Lobis isnt really cheap isnt it?

    I ve spent quite a huge amount of Lobis to get the full temporal warfare set now it begins to render useless?

    Star Trek Online Intro HD [3rd Fleet Anniversary]

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    suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Really? Please tell me this is an oversight caused by the Tricobalt nerf and not "working as intended". If the damage is halved this practically ruins my build. Not to mention, nerfing a premium item to such a degree after the purchase is just wrong...
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    kishodarkishodar Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Its great that they nerf premium items that cost some serious cash... I mean getting 200 Lobis isnt really cheap isnt it?

    I ve spent quite a huge amount of Lobis to get the full temporal warfare set now it begins to render useless?

    Agreed. Just recently acquired the Temporal set and it cost quite a lot to get the Lobi to purchase the 3 items.

    Really hope this is a mistake.
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    deusemperordeusemperor Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So they should undo the damage change to it. Fix the cooldown after a torp ability it is a chroniton device it shouldn't have that 60/30 second cooldown it should be the 19 second cooldown. Maybe make them move faster so you can't outrun it on half impulse. It isn't the best pve torp I've seen a probe in kase outrun it. :confused:

    Right now you'll get more damage from a regular torp than you will this, and you'll fire twice as often if not thrice. I feel it is a bit of a waste of 200 lobi, and it needs its cooldown fixed, damaged back to original, and increase in speed so probes in kase can't outrun it.
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    starlancedstarlanced Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Such a disappointing weapon for 200 lobi, the CD is too long, the effect is tiny and I can walk faster then the torpedoes fly. I was thinking it was a chroniton torpedo with an added effect not a tricobolt, even heavy Romulan plasma torpedoes are faster, 95% of the time the target is dead by the time the torpedo is 3/4 the way there.

    Again another device that sits in my bank unless it is fixed to work like an actual chroniton torpedo since that is the set bonus. I would love to use it for the full set bonus but not the way it is now. I would love to see this work just like the Romulan torpedoes but as a chroniton effect, heck you can get rid of the AOE effect just copy the Romulan launcher and make it chroniton damage and strength. Then the AOE if you want it can work on spread since it's an AOE attack.
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    vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I will assume it is a bug, as we know the temp torps were using a tricobalt dmg formula ( or however you put it lol )

    Cryptic, please fix this. ( within a week or two )

    I couldn't imagine you doing this on purpose.

    Why doesn't anyone over there realize the things like this when they drastically change something.
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    starlancedstarlanced Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    vinru821 wrote: »
    I will assume it is a bug, as we know the temp torps were using a tricobalt dmg formula ( or however you put it lol )

    Cryptic, please fix this. ( within a week or two )

    I couldn't imagine you doing this on purpose.

    Why doesn't anyone over there realize the things like this when they drastically change something.

    Oh I figure the same, I just dislike the device in general.
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    kishodarkishodar Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Some good news, the nerf was not intended: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8054471&postcount=28

    But the second sentence is a bit worrisome.

    In its current state before this nerf, I didn't think it was exactly an awesome weapon. Slow moving & a long recharge, half of the time mine were shot down/target of the torp died before making it halfway.

    The slow moving speed may be to benefit the HY aoe ability, but I would rather it move at the same speed as HY plasma torps.

    Edit: actually, looks like plasma torps are the same speed? Omega torp at least.
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    thepopeofbeersthepopeofbeers Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    New patch notes:
    The damage dealt by Temporal Disruption Device and Bio-Neural Warheads have been restored to their values from before the prior patch.

    Looks like the TDD is mostly fixed. I just checked on Tribble. Thanks, Devs! However, its cooldown still increases to 30 seconds after using BOff abilities like Torpedo Spread and High Yield.

    I'm worried that if tricobalt torpedoes get another balance pass, the TDD cooldown will change again. Is it possible to normalize its cooldown at 20 seconds?
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    zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    New patch notes:

    Looks like the TDD is mostly fixed. I just checked on Tribble. Thanks, Devs! However, its cooldown still increases to 30 seconds after using BOff abilities like Torpedo Spread and High Yield.

    I'm worried that if tricobalt torpedoes get another balance pass, the TDD cooldown will change again. Is it possible to normalize its cooldown at 20 seconds?

    I have enperienced this increase to 30 seconds after BOFF abilities (Torp Spread and High Yield) also on Tribble today.

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    kishodarkishodar Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    New patch notes:

    Looks like the TDD is mostly fixed. I just checked on Tribble. Thanks, Devs! However, its cooldown still increases to 30 seconds after using BOff abilities like Torpedo Spread and High Yield.

    That would actually be a buff now that its damage has been corrected. The recharge time was twice that after using a High Yield ability on it before the unintended changes happened.

    Looks like they forgot to increase it along with the damage, so I wouldn't be surprised if it gets changed in another patch.
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    thepopeofbeersthepopeofbeers Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kishodar wrote: »
    That would actually be a buff now that its damage has been corrected. The recharge time was twice that after using a High Yield ability on it before the unintended changes happened.

    Looks like they forgot to increase it along with the damage, so I wouldn't be surprised if it gets changed in another patch.

    Oh, don't get me wrong: I'm loving the new 30 second cooldown. And I know asking for 10 seconds more off the top seems a little greedy, but what I'm really aiming for is for the TDD to be decoupled completely from tricobalts. If they decide to roll back the tricobalt changes, the TDD cooldown might go right back to 60 seconds. Since the cooldown decrease seems like an unintended side effect, just like the damage nerf was, and we've never had a Dev address this issue, I'm worried the TDD will constantly yo-yo.
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