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Reputation System clean-up

zarek01zarek01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Hi. Regarding the new Reputation System, I have noticed a few potentially "cluttered" aspects that could use a bit of clean up.

First off, It would be great if unique items were limited to only being acquired once via the requisition projects (unique by name, or by function, [e.g. a MACO mk XII set is unique, that is it is pointless to have more than one of each of that set's items, and it is impossible to use more than 1 of each set item at a time]) Items that this brings to my mind are also the romulan beam array and the unique consoles. I think that once a player has earned one of the listed items, or ones to the like, that project should no longer appear in the requisition section.

Also, it would be great if, once higher marked store-unlocks are reached, the lower marked unlocks would not show, as they become obsolete at that point. That is, once a player reaches Tier 5, mk XII store unlocks are visible. I think that it would be great if the mk X and XI items of the same type would no longer show, as they are outperformed, thus not valued in comparison to the mk XII.

To continue with the last paragraph, this could also be applied to ship equipment. That is, once a mk XII borg set is requisitionable, the mk X and XI should be removed, or at the very least hidden by default from the requisition list. It also gets cluttered in the romulan tab with the mk X, mk XI, mk XII (blue), mk XII (purple)...etc. ship items.

Also this can be applied to armor. (although perhaps lower grades might be desired in the case of arming BOFFs for less currency [imo, however, there is such a small price increase from mk X ground items to mk XII, while the performance can be significantly more]) In this case though, it would be nice to hide the lower grade items and only show the mk XII items (at least by default. perhaps a check-box or show/hide button for this option?)

My point being, once a player has the ability to acquire mk XII, lower grades become obsolete, so why should we bother scrolling over them when we are trying to pick out the mk XII items?

I appreciate any feedback or further comments. It would be great to see this put into action.
Post edited by zarek01 on


  • brickyardbrickyard Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    [e.g. a MACO mk XII set is unique, that is it is pointless to have more than one of each of that set's items, and it is impossible to use more than 1 of each set item at a time]

    Some players order them for their boff's
    I think that it would be great if the mk X and XI items of the same type would no longer show, as they are outperformed, thus not valued in comparison to the mk XII.

    Some players decide to choose them anyway, for the accolades.

    IMO when all tiers are done, there should be some kind of hide options available, so everyone can decide what to hide and what not.

    P2W is Pay to Play for me, what else? Duh! :D
  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree for the most part.

    Only thing I would maybe consider is that for some of the costume unlocks for ground set at mk XI and mk XII you actually have to have the prerequisite set. I don't think it applies for mk X, but then again Tier 3 is so easy to get to it's probably not necessary anyway. Just food for thought. :P
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Beam Array and consoles are not unique. You can have more than one of them. One for every ship you own.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rovakiin wrote: »
    I agree for the most part.

    Only thing I would maybe consider is that for some of the costume unlocks for ground set at mk XI and mk XII you actually have to have the prerequisite set. I don't think it applies for mk X, but then again Tier 3 is so easy to get to it's probably not necessary anyway. Just food for thought. :P

    You have to have the prerequisite set to do the costume unlock. If you mean having to get the Mk XI ground set and Mk XII ground set to get the Mk XII costume unlock, then I would have to strongly disagree with you.

    Mk X provides no interesting costume. Mk XI provides a limited version of the costume while Mk XII provides the limited version of the costume and some additional features. So it is not necessary to get the Mk X or Mk XI version unless you have the resources to waste while waiting till you get up to Tier 5.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I disagree I'd rather they

    A. make sets etc account bound so a person who already having got to teir 5 can give their alts a little boost in progressing in the system.

    B. take away the store unlocks instead, just make them auto unlock when you reach the respective tier.

    Becuase I don't see the point in unlocking half the items in the store... till you get to teir 5 its cheaper to just go straight for the best items but if they were unlocked via just tiering up I might buy some upgrades...

    C. Make the consumables just store items instead of projects...
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just improve it by category. Have a section for all space gear and another for all ground gear for each Mk version. Click on the button and all gear in the category will show up none of the other.
  • haravikkharavikk Member Posts: 278
    edited February 2013
    Personally to tidy things up I would do the following:
    • Remove store unlock projects entirely; when you tier up the items become available in your store straight away. At the same time I'd probably tweak their costs so they require slightly less Dilithium, but require marks/Neural Processors to compensate for the lack of an unlock project.
    • After completing a requisition project and receiving the item, the item becomes available in your store requiring Dilithium and marks only, allowing you to easily purchase duplicates.
    • Completing the requisition project for a higher mark item removes the requisition projects for lower level items but adds them to the store. So for example if you completed Assimilated Impulse Engines Mk XI, then you would receive the Mk XI engine, and unlock both the Mk XI and Mk X versions in your store, getting rid of the Mk X project (if you hadn't done it).
    • If you have a lower level item equipped on yourself or any of your bridge officers or your active ships, then projects to upgrade to the higher level items will appear. So for example, if you have the Mk X engines on your ship, then a project would appear to upgrade them to Mk XI when you have the appropriate tier. This project will take the Mk X item from you and turn it into a Mk XI one, and will unlock items and remove requisition projects as normal, i.e - if you have the Mk X item then you don't need to run the MK XI requisition project as well, the upgrade project is essentially just the same requisition project but discounted due to your trading in the old item.

    These changes would make the Reputation system much slicker, to the point that you pretty much just end up with an item-stocked store and the marks/processors to Dilithium project(s) remaining.
  • zarek01zarek01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I disagree I'd rather they

    A. make sets etc account bound so a person who already having got to teir 5 can give their alts a little boost in progressing in the system.

    B. take away the store unlocks instead, just make them auto unlock when you reach the respective tier.

    Becuase I don't see the point in unlocking half the items in the store... till you get to teir 5 its cheaper to just go straight for the best items but if they were unlocked via just tiering up I might buy some upgrades...

    C. Make the consumables just store items instead of projects...

    I think those are great ideas. Yeah, I would say that the store unlocks should be automatic as we level, that way the mk X/XI items might have a bit more sense in being used (point being, why would you ever want to unlock the mk X items when u hit tier 5? completely pointless, as they have lower performance stats compared to mk XII)
    brickyard wrote: »
    Some players order them for their boff's

    I was actually referring to the MACO space set. I spoke of the lower marked ground set items in my OP. They make a little more sense, but the space set should hide all but the best [why would you ever spend that many resources on a mk X set, when u could spend just a tiny bit more and get the mk XII?]
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