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A few good men ...

jlcraisjlcrais Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Earth Spacedock
I am looking for a few people who are willing to help me set up a new fleet. I have tried asking in-game with no luck, and so have come here. All I need if four people to team up with me while I set it up. I will continue to ask in-game.

Anyone reading this and would be willing to help, please send me a mail, or message me in-game at Illiana@jlcrais. Thank you for your time.

For those interested in the Cardassian Defense Coalition (CDC), it will be a Cardassian themed, casual PVP and PVE fleet and I will be making accommodations for roleplayers, tying it into the game's story line. I plan on setting up a sister fleet for KDF players as well.
Post edited by jlcrais on


  • ubermattenubermatten Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I read your post and thought I might swing an idea your way. When starting new fleets, I usually recommend to players that you perhaps thinking about a fleet that is already in existence with a lot of requirements that you are looking for.

    After reading your post, it seems that we at 5th SOD might be a good fit. We are an RP based fleet, with a decent storyline that is ever evolving (so a Cardassian theme might play well into here). I understand that most people starting a fleet also want to have some say in fleet operations. We too can accomodate here, as we are looking for senior officers as well.

    Anyways, I will limit my rant, and invite you to take a look at our forum thread.

    If anything I wrote interests you, feel free to contact me by posting on the above and below linked thread, and/or contact @ubermatten or @kpts4tv in-game.

    Cheers, and good hunting!
  • jlcraisjlcrais Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thank you for your thoughts and interests. I have gotten the fleet started and am preparing to get things underway. Almost half way to tier 1 station and Embassy is coming along nicely as well, thanks to a few generous Captains.
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