[in "Would you like to see the Klingon empire at peace with the Federation?"]
I agree that enhancements can be made through using the reputation system. I think that it could be ok if at end-game level it would be up to the player's
choice wheather he'll cooperate with Feds. for example and promote peace or not.
However, we'd need a revamp of the reputation system. Ok, maybe not a revamp, but the rep. system needs to grow into something more than just grinding for marks/dil./items so you can buy equipment of a certain faction/reputation.
What is needes is the ability of choice to be implemented in the future with the reputations.
For example, my KDF captain can be benevolent towards Romulans, which in consequence will increase my reputation with Rommies and get me access to equipment unique for their rep. But at the same time their enemies, let's say Tholians for the sake of the argument, don't like me working with Rommies and my rep. with them decreases or goes negative, which in consequence will prevent me from using their toys. Now, some other player that blows Romulan ships will have this 'Tholian' rep and access to their toys, but not the Romulan ones.
You know, we'll be able to have a little more diversity and probably more brain exercise than just everyone having everything just the same. Plus, from immersion perspective it will provide the players that want peace with certain faction (Fed. for ex.) to be friendly and have peace & cooperation with Feds., but it would also be possible for Klingons that couln't bare to help Romulans on their new colony to take a different path.
Long shot I know, but we're all allowed to dream.
Imagine how would that be like...
The problem with expanding the reputation system to where it feels immersive rather than tacked on is that a large chunk of the equipment, items, and goods associated with these factions have already been released in lockboxes. So actually having a useful and expanded reputation system in the future is probably impossible. Oops!
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
United Federation of Planets - gives a 3 piece phaser weapon set
Klingon Defense Force - gives a 3 piece disruptor weapon set
Romulan - already exists and gives a 3 piece plasma weapon set
Dominion - gives a 3 piece polaron weapon set
Tholian - gives a 3 piece tetryon weapon set (should also have some interesting storyline - I want to know what the Assembly is up to with all this time travel nonsense)
Fek'Ihri - gives a 3 piece antiproton weapon set
In addition to the weapon sets, each faction should offer a unique hull material that you can put on your ship hulls, a unique reinforcement, and maybe a ground set?
The UFP should dislike the Dominion, Tholians, Fek'Ihri
The KDF should dislike the Romulans, Dominion, Fek'Ihri
The Romulans should dislike the KDF, Tholians, Fek'Ihri
The Dominion should dislike the UFP, KDF, Tholians
The Tholians should dislike the UFP, Romulans, Dominion
The Fek'Ihri should dislike the UFP, KDF, Romulans
This should allow the following reputation combinations:
Also, Omega Force shouldn't part of the love/hate relationship. They are anti-Borg and everyone hates Borg.
Not necesarily. Since there was a cap increase mentioned from the devs. before it would provide a perfect opportunity to implement this.
The way I see it, if they ever decide on increasing the cap, that would probably mean a new tier of ships and a new tier of weapons/equipment. This higher tier would be obtained through this reputation system.
It's a big job to be done for sure and even I doubt that the devs. will go that way (though I hope), but it's not impossible if they put their mind to something like this.
Another possibility would be to divide up New Romulus and the Tal Shiar, and add Cardassians and the True Way.
For Anti-Proton you could potentially leverage the Temporal Warfare idea and make that some kind of "Temporal Task Force" like Task Force Omega; would be much better to be able to get Chroniton (which are essential Anti-Proton) weapons from them.
Just some other possibilities.
Game Balance - Ship Size and Wingmates
Certain groups will be mutually opposed, definitely. Some will get along with others, etc. Ideally, what you do, the missions you take, etc., ought reflect on how you're viewed. For instance, more than favor? What if you show yourself to be particularly honorable in combat? You might well have earned the ire of the Klingons, but you'll also get a grudging respect. If you're a sneaky person, that will displease the Klingons, but the Romulans and Cardassians will like that. High roller? Always looking out for the next big deal? Hey, there's a Ferengi here with a business proposal. Searching out new things, and learning? Vulcans will be there for you, and if you're delving into cultures, spirituality, so will the Bajorans.
No matter what you do, though, you'll never be able to please everyone. Be middling to everyone, or start currying favor with a select few at the expense of others.
Of course, all this would ideally be tied into a more sandboxy metagame, where each sector and faction influence the overall known space. Things like colonization, military presence, espionage networks, trade, research, cultural impact, etc., could all be factored in.
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And what about the Ferengi? Of course having a dodgy reputation wouldn't necessarily mean they wouldn't want to deal with you! Instead of having a straightforward popularity-meter for that one, maybe you could have an honesty meter - the ones who've previously played it by the book wouldn't get offered the dodgy deals in case they went to the cops, but equally the most notorious fences might not get served by the Ferengi who aren't (currently) up to anything dodgy, for fear of what they might get them into...
I'd much rather see reputation gained by missions specific to that faction (like we have now) and award (or access to a shop) given by an NPC that hails you to congratulate you for your "valiant efforts" .
That just makes much more sense instead of all this "move lever A to fill slot B with component C" .
You could even have "Aid the Planet" type missions that require you to purchase / deliver goods for reputation -- thus a way to gain reputation through non violent (and non- Romulan bunny chasing) means .
I think they meant "cool downs"