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Feedback about 3yr Party Popper and Balloons



  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    always someone who wants to burst my bubble LOL
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If we could actually pop the damned things that's what I'd be doing.

    Seriously. I'd run laps at ESD and just destroy balloons all day.
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That's a great idea.

    Devs can you make it where we can burst balloons with melee weapons or melee moves like sweeping strikes. Obviously we cant have fighting between players but just allow us to burst these bloomin' balloons! LOL

    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    those balloons are cpu heavy...like the rest of the game.Reduce max debris in the option menu (that will remove any objects which uses phycs for example balloons) and hope one day this game will use your graphics card not cpu for that kind of stuffs
  • lictorevorlictorevor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Instantly sick of, aswell as people jumping on tables and creating rediculous insulting avatars.
  • zaratolzaratol Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    no go away
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    adrianm63 wrote: »
    those balloons are cpu heavy...like the rest of the game.Reduce max debris in the option menu (that will remove any objects which uses phycs for example balloons) and hope one day this game will use your graphics card not cpu for that kind of stuffs

    Yes but the rest of the game doesn't cause me to have a slideshow. ;)
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • spectre80spectre80 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mother****ers are patching this **** everyday.
  • scottoestscottoest Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Was the expectation that some thing that shoots balloons was going to be fun for a long, long time?
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yes but the rest of the game doesn't cause me to have a slideshow. ;)

    Thats because you dont see 1000000 objects which use physics all the time.
    This is not a console game to use cpu like theres no graphics card with lots of vram and alot more processing power.Even the damn UI is CPU heavy ...open your doff roster and check your frame rate ,or your friends list ,or your mail when has many mails,or simply alt+f12 to remove the UI to see the difference in frame rate with and without UI.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can't we just SHOOT the balloons?

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • qrtrmstrqrtrmstr Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Seriously...that was a huge mistake...especially on New Rom where things are already bogged down due to server load. I can't think of any dumber things to do in a game but honestly, this one is simply got to be the worst idea. Why? Can't you even answer that? What part of this seemed like a good idea? "Lets give them an opportunity to bog down the server with more junk on an already loaded up server."

    You guys need to split the server up and put half of us on a second server...and you need to maybe stop buying the hand me down stuff that blizzard tossed out 10 years ago...go buy a couple of servers that can handle gaming, and then MAYBE add stupid stuff like balloons. I mean honestly...I have 2GB dedicated video, 8GB RAM, am paying extra for 80Gbps on a gateway that can handle 100 Gbps...so don't tell me its my connection or my hardware...its your junk server...
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Frankly the balloons don't bother me, my video card and cpu are good enough to handle it, but I read a lot of complaining in chat which is just as annoying if not more so than all of the balloons and it doesn't help matters that there are people spamming balloons, knowing that it tanks weaker computers, doing it anyway for that very reason.
    With that in mind a shorter life span for the balloons, longer cooldown on the gun, or a limit on the number of active balloons that can be generated would be a big help for those whose rigs can't handle the load, or add a fun factor element and make the balloons destroyable, there will be plenty of people who will be more than happy to go around shooting as many balloons as are being spammed.
    It goes without saying that even having the balloon guns useable in places like the Earth Space Dock or the Klingon capital is extremely unrealistic, with the Federation, perpetrators would be finding themselves spending long stretches in the brig while kissing their future careers a sad farewell for causing the kind of disruption these toys allow, with the Klingons the outcome would likely be considerably more extreme.
    Nobody wants to kill the spirit of celebration for STO's 3rd anniversary, but there is nothing wrong with curbing it down to a dignified level.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Was on K-7 multiple people started with the balloons the game started lagging badly I had to beam out.

    Get rid of the balloons it is causing so many problems.
  • mentasmentas Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    And yet they still haven't fixed the bugs caused by the late January update. I'm of course referring to the fact that THE BORG CAN ADAPT TO THE FIRE DAMAGE FROM A PLASMA GRENADE! For at least through December and January, the Borg would adapt to the plasma type but not to the individual weapon, ie a plasma grenade. It also was the same for the Nanopulse melee weapons which, even though use plasma energy, would continue to do normal damage after the Borg adapted to the plasma damage type.
  • karatrillkaratrill Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    One has to deal with all sorts of inconvenient things when playing an MMO.
    This has been true since their inception.

    I do not defend (and never have) anybody who creates an environment in which another player feels uncomfortable and/or annoyed while playing the game.

    I understood completely what you were saying and agree that you do have that right.

    But, there is a means with which one can deal with these type of situations, though I'll grant you that if your game is lagging, it could at times, be next to impossible to attempt to file a grievance.

    None the less, you have been given in this very thread, a temporary means with which you can avoid being caught in a repeat of this type of situation.
    One in which you will also be able to identify and report the offending player.

    As for your Exchange transaction, unless you are attempting to purchase an item of which there are very few and cost Millions of EC's (in which case, I personally would not attempt While being grief'd), the likelihood of said transaction still being available after a moment or two of instance hopping, is quite high.

    Your anger is quite palatable in your posts and I do not deny that based on your recent experience, you have every reason to be upset...

    But you apparently fail to conceive that what you are demanding be done, also impinges on the rights of other 'non-griefing' players in the game, who have been given a new item to use by the games creators and who do so in a non-griefing way.

    This is the reason (not accusation) I brought up your seemingly fixation toward having a personal environment in which you alone are the only one being grief'd and have no means to avoid it.

    As I appear to be dealing with a very self-opinionated person here I will make this my final post in this particular thread and all I am going to say is that I made no demands and that I stand by my statement that I should not have to instance hop, or to alter my personal settings even temporarily, to escape from griefers.

    As a point of clarification, however, if by demand you are referring to my use of 'I', well, that is because I can't speak for the other people who are annoyed at being griefed even though I know there are many of them out there. Therefore, I would not be so rude as to say 'we' because I truly do not know whether others agree with me, or not. I also stand by my belief that you are accusatory.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    If you want immersion go for a swim.
  • adorkabledoriadorkabledori Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    That would only hold true if it hadn't been the Dev's of Cryptic, that designed and gave us the Poppers to begin with.

    As such, They are allowed to 'bend the rules', They created.

    Might agree with that, but mentioned section is not from Cryptic, but from PWE. Slight difference.
  • apocalypsespaceapocalypsespace Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My list of complains is simple :

    #1 Too many patches in short period of time . The guys in charge of testing should get a serious slap on the back of the head for letting bugs spill trough to the main server .

    #2 The size of the patch : 140 MB for an emergency patch ? :eek: I know the game engine code is something they don't work on but this is freaking ridiculous . Bandwidth isn't free .

    #3 The patch release notes . Seriously , 4 words ? Is that suppose to be communication ? Come on guys you can write a few more words next time . We can read you know ? Besides the best way to frustrate someone is not to communicate with them .
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lol i think they wanted us to try to crash the system with the balloons i think some all most got it to the point where it all most bogged out but did not.My GTX 550ti Super clocked handled it up in till 3 or 4 people started to do it in one area of esd.:D
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    People are amazing.

    I remember being chided by people here for being annoyed by the continuous monkey spam noise.

    I find the ballons to be fun, they don't make annoying noise. If you get mad at them you can run and kick them all over. They are quiet. Did I mention they don't make much noise?

    When I'm at K7 there's always some tard continuously activating a power over and over and over.

    After the first dozen times they should be over it, after that it's annoying.

    Sometimes there are even continuos Tribble strokers.

    These people need something, be it attention or mental help. I tend to just ignore them and watch others get mad and "spoil their fun."
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My list of complains is simple :

    #1 Too many patches in short period of time . The guys in charge of testing should get a serious slap on the back of the head for letting bugs spill trough to the main server.

    Most of the patches for the last 2 days have been issues to do with server loads, you know, stuff that's hard to test for.
    #2 The size of the patch : 140 MB for an emergency patch ? :eek: I know the game engine code is something they don't work on but this is freaking ridiculous . Bandwidth isn't free.

    The file size listed isn't the amount of data they need to download, it's the size of the files they need to patch.

    I.e. A 100 MB file recieves 10 KB of new code, it'll still show 100 MB on the top line whereas it'll only download 10 KB for it.
    #3 The patch release notes . Seriously , 4 words ? Is that suppose to be communication ? Come on guys you can write a few more words next time . We can read you know ? Besides the best way to frustrate someone is not to communicate with them .

    The issues are backend issues with no visible action ingame (except possibly less lag) for the players. You should consider yourself lucky you're getting a patch note for this at all given that.
  • broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    THE Moderator of the Forums and a Dev..., have kinda-sorta disagreed with you.
    It's not looking good for your side at the moment.


    i would not say that. they are giving probably a short term fix. i think they will do things a bit different later on. it sucks because i miss the old bio damp and this new party popper is fun
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    The number of people complaining, compared to the number Actually Using the item, should be a rough indicator of where this falls as a priority in the scheme of things.

    That being said, you have already had TWO people from Cryptic, give you a simple fix for this dilemma of yours, as well as an indication that you are not being ignored and your concerns are being considered by the Folks who run the game.

    Continuing to angst over this for the time being, will only serve to raise your blood-pressure.

    Threats and Consternations, while an entertaining read..., accomplish nothing.

    Yes, two people from Cryptic have given us fixes. Notice how they've also had to patch two days in a row for general server stability issues? Now, whilst I'm not a game developer you can be pretty sure that it's not the new Ambassador class or the mission that provides it that's causing the instability. That leaves those stupid balloons.

    When was the last time we saw two server stability updates two days in a row? Yep, that's a clear sign that everything is as it should be, don't you think? /sarcasm

    karatrill wrote: »
    Tell me then, all you advocates of the balloon guns, what gives an owner of a balloon gun the right to aim it at me and fire continuoulsy in my direction while running around like a mindless baboon? That is griefing, purely and simply. I don't deserve to be griefed. I'm as valid a player of STO as the balloon griefer and I should have the same rights to not be griefed as he/she believes they have to cause grief. And, before anyone states the obvious, I couldn't report them because I was too lagged, and unable to see through the balloon's, to get their name.

    As for lowering settings to compensate for lag. Why? Why should I lower settings because some idiot wants to try to crash my game? Not everyone can afford a super computer and those who can't, so long as their machine is within game specs, should not have to reduce their settings to compensate for the uneccessary lag.

    Drozana with RP'ers. They have a right to sit at a table and RP without somebody jumping up to dance on the table to deliberately lessen their enjoyment of RP so long as the dancer wasn't on the table first.

    It's called common courtesy, something that a large amount of so-called players do not have. And I say so-called players because, if they were true players, they would not be causing the problems that they do.

    The newer generations don't understand courtesy. They sure understand the $%#@ out of the entitlement-attitude, though.

    Devs, a simple ON/OFF option for party effects will solve EVERYTHING. To be fair, new players should have the setting defaulted to ON as it's a pretty in-depth game and a new player might not find that option for quite some time. Give them the option to be aware of it straight up with the option to turn it off rather that them not be aware of it only to find the option to turn it on way in to the future.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    People are amazing.

    I remember being chided by people here for being annoyed by the continuous monkey spam noise.

    I find the ballons to be fun, they don't make annoying noise. If you get mad at them you can run and kick them all over. They are quiet. Did I mention they don't make much noise?

    When I'm at K7 there's always some tard continuously activating a power over and over and over.

    After the first dozen times they should be over it, after that it's annoying.

    Sometimes there are even continuos Tribble strokers.

    These people need something, be it attention or mental help. I tend to just ignore them and watch others get mad and "spoil their fun."

    I don't think people are against the poppers. I like them and they are actually fun. But, as in all things, but this device in the hands of idiots and juveniles abroad we get what we got, baffoons big balloons biking backwards blowing bandwidth badly.

    This should had been anticipated before release. But oh we'll. things will be amended and we will have popper control enacted.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • danny3098danny3098 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i bought a 2400 dollar computer and i experience 0 lag i shouldnt have to stop using my balloon gun cause your on a 200 emachines computer,lower your graphics settings and stop crying and let people enjoy the event
  • eizen745eizen745 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have the perfect solution.

    Some people like party poppers. Other don't. I'm sure there are times that people who like them may wish to not be distracted by them for short periods of time.

    To cater for everyone, devs please add an option to enable or disable party effects. If you have it enabled you see and hear all the excitement. Whoopee!! Fun!!

    If you have it disabled you can allow others to have their fun (Whoopee!! Fun!!) whilst you are not impinged in any way.

    The only people who could really not like this idea are people who deliberately want to make STO a not-fun experience. Basically the sort that the game could do without.


    If they can do it for shields and appearances, why not?

    I don't think people are against the poppers. I like them and they are actually fun. But, as in all things, but this device in the hands of idiots and juveniles abroad we get what we got, baffoons big balloons biking backwards blowing bandwidth badly.

    This should had been anticipated before release. But oh we'll. things will be amended and we will have popper control enacted.

    +1, mostly. I am against party poppers. Please, for the love of whatever deity or power you hold sacred, for the good of the human race, make it stop.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    FOUR Words People, four:

    It's a Fad; RELAX

    Quit your biotch'n, after the anniversary event is over things will be back to normal.
  • csgtmyorkcsgtmyork Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, IDK about anyone else...... But I would have a blast if they made the balloons target-able and shootable (which means they'd pop). That would be fun.

    EDIT: And for goodness sakes. You people are given a really simple solution for the lag, and you're rejecting it? Seriously? WHY? I don't get it. If you hate the balloons you have an option to get rid of them in your menu/options/graphics settings button... It's not that hard. :rolleyes:
    "Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion."
    Elim Garak
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I saw someone on ESD with a Flame thrower? Then it spewed something else.

    Is there a Flame Thrower Popper?
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