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Fed Engie Ground - Borg STF Help

bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
I'm currently a Federation Human Engineer, with a Fabrication Kit and the Jem'Hadar Armor Kit set, with the Jem'Hadar Polaron Full Auto Rifle Mk XI and the Nanopulse Bat'leth.

The Issue I have is that Every few rounds I fire off, the Borg adapt to it, and I have to move back and use the Resequencer. It's got the point where I think it's faster to Build my turrets, shoot them while I'm walking up to them, then attack with the Bat'leth.

Ok, something to note. My store unlocks are:

Omega Lv0: None
Romulan Lv1: Rifles (and Pistols in cue)
Fleet Store Lv3/4: Various weapons

As a F2Per, I don't have access to Veteran items gear.

Any recommendations on what I should get for my self.
Post edited by bignutter on


  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Get a sniper rifle and pulsewave, the full auto rifle is bad for borg, and might not be worth it to keep the set bonuses. The reason is that the borg adapt per actual shot not the number of times you hit the fire button. So a sniper rifle, or high density beam rifle, or a pulsewave or any other large damage single shot weapon will usually be better than a full auto rifle or anything else that fire multiple shots per fire button press.

    Second, get an Enemy Neutralization MK 10 purple if you can, its the one with mines in it. Borg don't adapt to explosions. If you can learn it, and with the Jem'Hadar ground set this will be easier with the cloak a great way to get rid of borg is to run up to them, plant your mines, and then retreat firing. If you can spec into the Demolitions skill to max, that will give the most bang, and it buffs orbital strike as well.

    Third, mines can't be used everywhere, and sometimes you need a turret or three. Pick up Fabrication Specialist and Breach Engineer kits as well and spec into the turrets and drones skills. This also takes some skill, but if you plant your turrents and then distract the enemy from then, they can do some major damage. Unfortunately planting your turrets gives them a lot of argo, so its tricky.

    For STFs, on my engineer, I take all three kits and swap while out of combat if I need to. Usually for most of Infected I run Breach Engineer or Fab Specialist, and switch to Enemy Neut for the last room, since Rebeca's chain attach will bounce off of turrets and generators as well as people. Cure and KA, I usually run Enemy Neut all the way, and siwtch to one of the other two at the end since range is more important on the end boses there. Into the Hive, Mines will work for the first room, and the second doesn't really need anyting. The final roon is crazy though and I haven't had a good run with it, but standing wisdom says to have either a med or shield generator and to cover them with your cover shield. You can find a shield generator in the bunker fabrication kit, which should be the forth kit you carry with you. It also has a medical generator, and a force field dome which pushes all enemies back for a bit.

    And finally, on melee weapons, the nanopulse weapons give energy damage so the borg adapt to them. Take a standard energy weapon instead for your back up until you get a ground STF set. No remodulation necessary.

    I hope that wall of text helps some.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    malkarris wrote: »
    Get a sniper rifle and pulsewave, the full auto rifle is bad for borg, and might not be worth it to keep the set bonuses. The reason is that the borg adapt per actual shot not the number of times you hit the fire button. So a sniper rifle, or high density beam rifle, or a pulsewave or any other large damage single shot weapon will usually be better than a full auto rifle or anything else that fire multiple shots per fire button press.
    Ok, So Less "Dakka," I think have a few Lv10/11 spare weapons I'll check the later. From what I can see, I should be able to get a better weapon soonish.
    malkarris wrote: »
    Second, get an Enemy Neutralization MK 10 purple if you can, its the one with mines in it. Borg don't adapt to explosions. If you can learn it, and with the Jem'Hadar ground set this will be easier with the cloak a great way to get rid of borg is to run up to them, plant your mines, and then retreat firing. If you can spec into the Demolitions skill to max, that will give the most bang, and it buffs orbital strike as well.
    I think can craft them in the near future. I've got some points in Demotions, so I play test it out with out a "problem" of lack of Boom.
    malkarris wrote: »
    Third, mines can't be used everywhere, and sometimes you need a turret or three. Pick up Fabrication Specialist and Breach Engineer kits as well and spec into the turrets and drones skills. This also takes some skill, but if you plant your turrents and then distract the enemy from then, they can do some major damage. Unfortunately planting your turrets gives them a lot of argo, so its tricky.
    I think I can also craft the other kits, but not in a hurry..
    malkarris wrote: »
    For STFs, on my engineer, I take all three kits and swap while out of combat if I need to. Usually for most of Infected I run Breach Engineer or Fab Specialist, and switch to Enemy Neut for the last room, since Rebeca's chain attach will bounce off of turrets and generators as well as people. Cure and KA, I usually run Enemy Neut all the way, and siwtch to one of the other two at the end since range is more important on the end boses there. Into the Hive, Mines will work for the first room, and the second doesn't really need anyting. The final roon is crazy though and I haven't had a good run with it, but standing wisdom says to have either a med or shield generator and to cover them with your cover shield. You can find a shield generator in the bunker fabrication kit, which should be the forth kit you carry with you. It also has a medical generator, and a force field dome which pushes all enemies back for a bit.
    Glad to see it wasn't just my 4 man group having Issues my "lack" of firepower.
    malkarris wrote: »
    And finally, on melee weapons, the nanopulse weapons give energy damage so the borg adapt to them. Take a standard energy weapon instead for your back up until you get a ground STF set. No remodulation necessary.

    I hope that wall of text helps some.
    So different energy type.

    It helps quite a bit, after I broke it down..
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Tips from another fed engi:

    Tip #1: ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have a pulsewave on you. My personal preference is phased tetryon, but regular tetryon works fine.

    Tip #2: Sniper rifles are your friend. I personally would recommend polaron or phaser for their procs. Just make sure it's a different energy type from your pulsewave.

    Tip #3: Have two kits on you. Fab Spec and Enemy Neut are optimal for EGSTs IMO (personal opinion, nothing more). Fab Spec is especially useful in IGE and CGE. KAGE has certain points where it's useful, but for KAGE enemy neut is probably better for the bomb and mines.

    Tip #4: Continue to use the Jem Shield and Armor. They are probably among the most useful until you can get STF sets. When you get the STF sets, I would recommend you use the MACO set, since it's tankier and due to it's increased defensive leaning, it's more ideal for engineers. Also the shield capacitor works very well because you can alternate between that and your EPtS (ground version), which will end up with you having your shields up almost constantly. Combine that with a med gen, and you will be able to take quite a bit of punishment before having to find cover.

    Tip #5: Keep at least one tetryon weapon on you at all times. The borg in EGSTFs have hardened shields that reduce all incoming damage by at least 50% (sometimes up to 75%), and the shield shred is wonderfully useful. You are an engi, so you are still a support, so it's best to use some kind of good support type (like tetryon). Best part about tetryon is that it's proc still can activate even if they are adapted.

    Oh, and copious usage of cover shield and orbital strike are recommended, since the CDs are relatively short on both.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • darthlonestarrdarthlonestarr Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    As an Engineer I can tell you DPS is not what an Engineer should be worrying about.

    1) Use Expose weapons like Pulsewave and Stun pistols. I love my Min-Gun, but you do have to re-modulate a bunch. Expose as many Borg as you can and let the Tacs Exploit them.

    2) Use Polaron Weapons for the 2.5% Chance: Weapons Malfunction for 5 sec. Make sure you have a secondary gun that is a diff type. You will need to switch back and forth. You should only re-modulate once when both weapons have been adapted too.

    3) I don't like the Jem Set on an Eng. There are other shields and armor you can pick up cheap on the exchange till you get a MACO set.

    4) Enemy Neutralization is your friend in Cure Ground. Also works well in KA and Infected. Great DPS and a way to hit a group of Borg real hard.

    If you are in a fast moving group use Engineering Kit - Equipment Technician, this will let you debuff the Borg so they can be taken down faster. Great to use on Boss's like Rebecca and other Elite and Heavy's. Weapons Malfunction is one of the single greatest items an Engineer has on the ground. Use it and use it a lot. That is why I like Polaron weapons. An Enemy that doesn't shoot back is a fine enemy to have.

    Unrepentant; the pants optional fleet.
    Support Flagship PVP and Target Marking
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    For your Fabrication Specialist kit, I'd recommend the Romulan version at the Embassy due to its flamethrower turret (which deals more DPS than the others), which is also extremely powerful against non-Borg (I find it best to minimize the amount of gear you need to swap around for various missions).

    I don't like the Breach Engineer kit because Combat Supply is rather weak (you need to root around in your inventory and occasionally your powers tray when you try to use it, for starters). Shield Recharge is better used by the Equipment Tech kit.

    The Enemy Neutralization kit is the one you should be using most of the time when fighting Borg: the mines penetrate shields and combine well with Pulsewave weapons, and you get Weapons Malfunction (and the less-powerful Fuse Armor, which is only fairly strong when used by the Borg to annoy the players).
  • bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I just found out about it, so I've running around Deffera as a "Safe" area to try the gear out. I've got a Pluse wave, and I like it. I've also swapped for a few other other "off hand" weapons. It's quite good fun, planting some Mines, Power shot with the "Plusewave" and then retreat to watch them stand up and walk on to my mines.

    I made Omega LV1: I've got one third of the MACO Set, and I'm just missing Omega Marks to get the rest of the hardware.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I use fabrication or neutralization kits depending on which STF.

    In the open fabrication seems to work best while indoors Neutralization with mines and transphasic bomb works wonders.

    Full maco gear is best combined with a Pulseweapon. There are some decent ones in missions if you don't want to spend lots of cash yet.

    Another option which works well when starting against the borg is



    Test them at Defera to see if they suit your preferred game style.

    The beauty of the first is usage of two different energy types so you don't need to modulate as fast.

    The 2nd one can freeze the borg and cold is a damage type which is not resisted by the borg.

    These weapons can get you through normal STF until you get the Maco gear.

    Just browse the special mission reward weapons

    Only thing to keep in mind is that full auto allows the Borg to adapt faster so you best avoid that.

    Never understood why the Omega gear has a full auto weapon. If we ever see STF against something other than Borg perhaps it will be useful, but not against the Borg.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Personally, I find the Equipment Diagnostics power buffed by three Diagnostic Engineer doffs to be best for me. It's on the Equipment Technician and Support Technician kits, of which Equipment is probably better as it also has a nice heal and two debuffs.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    To each his own i guess. I tried it and didn't like it.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • xgorillapxxgorillapx Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It looks like there's already some good advice here. The full auto and minigun rifles are not going to be good for STF's, because the borg adapt to them much quicker due to the rapid fire shots. Thus you want as much damage as possible from the least about of shots. This leaves you with a PulseWave Assault (not debatable) and a second weapon (somewhat debatable) You can go with a sniper rifle or if possible, I would recommend the Ghostbuster gun (Synchronic Distortion prototype assault rifle) The benefit of that gun is it actually uses two different energy types (If you look it uses antiproton [regular fire] and proton [secondary fire] energy types). This means the borg won't adapt quite as quickly as it is using two different energy types. The standard fire does a decent amount of damage. The secondary fire is nice because often times, burg are so closely bunched up, it deals a lot of damage with its chain attack.

    In regards to your kit, I would recommend the fabrication specialist kit. With multiple combat log parsings, I have found that someone who uses a Fabrication Specialist Kit properly (constantly popping out drones and turrets as they become available) will do significantyly more DPS than an experienced Tac officer will.

    In regards to your gear, you will to go with the MACO set. If you don't have then, then go with the Jem'Hadar shield and armor. If you don't have that either, regular gear should be OK too, but you need to be pretty specific. A lot of people use Polyalloy Weave armor which is good for most other missions, but in STF's, the borg rarely do any physical damage, so you are better off with the Energy dampening armor with [HP] and [Pla] modifiers. (When I started off,. I used a MX XII Rare Energy Dampening Armor [HP] [Pla] ([RegHP or RegSH] if you can afford purple) . I know the Blue ones can be purchased pretty cheaply from exchange. Same thing for shields. [Cap] [Pla] ([Reg] too is you can afford purple ones)

    Yourdoffs can make a HUGE difference for you here. There is a doff that beams down extra turrets/mortars and another that beams in extra drones. (Armory Office and explosives officer?) A medic is good to have as well, as they have a chance to beam down a medic to heal your group whenever a hypo is used.

    For regular ground missions, a good tactic is to have a couple blue/purple nurses/medics and give each member of your away team a stack of small hypos (theyre dirt cheap). As they use them (pretty often) theyll beam down a medic most of the time. It's like having an extra medic boff with you on your mission :)
  • synkr0nizedsynkr0nized Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Just a note, once you get a ground set and have the instant remod, the full-auto firing weapons are far more viable. But tac kits make better use of them, with the ability to apply debuffs with each shot or to boost damage.

    In any case, for Borg STFs the shotgun and sniper combo are usually the best. And taking two different energy types cuts down on how often you'll need to remod, as you can weapon swap instead, if you only have the slower remod device.

    I don't do melee on my engineers, but the fabrication and neutralization kits are my preferred ones on the ground. I swap among them depending on what's going on; as you play the STFs you will likely get a better feel for when laying mines and a bomb offer better support vs. leaving turrets and mortars all over, for example.

    edit: Oh, yes, as mentioned, take a look at what doffs you are assigning to your ground slots. You can add additional utility to yourself (and your boffs, but they don't get to come to player-party STFs) through bonuses and procs on your kit skills.
    equal parts cynical and helpful
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