Hi as many of you will may know quite a few of us have for sometime been wanting to have more social activities to do in game,things like poker and pool. Here are my ideas for social activities in game that could be if needs be sold in c store and please feel free to put forward your ideas for fun things to do as well. Am hoping this will stimulate some significant discussion on this topic and that cryptic might take some notice

On Board ship:
[*]Poker Texas Holdem
[*]Air Hockey
[*]Paint Balling
On Social Zones e.g Risa:
[*]volly ball
[*]Paint balling
[*]Speed boating
[*]water skiing
[*]ice skating on Andoria
[*]Pool Tables
Dom Jot (similar to pool/snooker, but I'm not completely sure of the rules) is canon, I'm not sure about any of the others you mention.
To add to your list, there's a dartboard (upside-down, for some reason
With games like GTA and the PSN Home thingy having pool minigames, it shouldn't be that hard to implement, and I remember Shenmue had a very good darts game back in the early 2000s, so that should also be pretty doable too if the dev team wanted it.
This is merely possible future content that might not occur.
My character Tsin'xing
On sf acdemy for example you could make use of the holedecks for the races?
maybe shuttle drag racing :P
There could still be tiers if you win enough races and thus gain access to the next tier of equipment, forcing you to race against similarly specced competitors for greater prizes.
It's certainly one that could work within the existing mechanics, especially if you have the special race shuttle in its own category (so you're not ruining all your main shuttle's abilities and specs). Throw in a selection of challenge races in space or inside closed confines and it could be a blast to add as a permanent mini-game activity.
Sorry I ran with that one a bit
In terms of social games, it might be interesting to see some proper bar areas crop up where players can just sit down at tables together, or join each other for games of? whatever that weird pool-like game is that Picard and his friends were playing at the academy before he got his heart ventilated by a Nausicaan.
Game Balance - Ship Size and Wingmates
I stopped by Risa last night looking for rare food items for a duty officer mission and nothing is there.
1. You need some sort of swim coustume I looked out of place in my uniform.
2. There is no vendors or activitys anymore.
This happend to delfar, and Bajor, Andor and Vulcan. Unless your doing a mission there's no point in going to these places.
These areas were suppose to have rare weapon vendors were you could get rare faction ships, Weapons, and equipment.
Lobi crystals store needs to be upgraded so you can buy boxes of 2 to 8 crystals for 2,000 latnum this would bring people back to dabo tables without hurting the lobi store in any way. 800 lobi at 2 to 8 gives you 200,000 latnum or more just to get a ship from the lobi store.
Terrordome needs to be put into the que system.
Crystal entity needs to be redone so you have to shoot x amout off shards then set up harmonic sensors around it that finally destroys the thing.
We need more weapons and equipment I look through this site to get some great ideas for weapons and equipment new ships. http://www.trekcc.org
Just by going through one set of cards I found weapons that should allready be in game
D'k Tahg
Please don't "bump" threads.
If you have more to say, by all means please post.
Shuttle racing could be fun
(Or maybe we have to wait for the Delta Quadrant for that...
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I like the shuttle racing in the Delta Quadrant like they did in the episode "Drive". And how about something that takes our toons back to their academy days and they could do the flight training exercise that got Wesley in trouble in "The First Duty".
sorry, im new, and dont know all features. there's chess boards to play on stations? We can play if u want.
Mavecow, in game.
What Cryptic should consider before releasing anything.
and have an ice skating lake (with consumable ice boots for sale)
Even if it just descends into a KDF heatbutting competition (saying like that's a bad thing) you'd be surprised how little it can take to occupy someone.
What Cryptic should consider before releasing anything.