I have been running the 20 hour research mission on the history of New Romulus. Is there a point to collecting these data chips? With the missions on Earth, you can use them to help answer lore questions. Is there something similar on New Romulus?
I think they ought to give you some kind of reward when you get all of the chapters in a volume. It does not have to be a huge reward. I'd suggest 1,000 dilithium.
Scroll down on this page: http://www.stowiki.org/Accolade/Lore for the Romulan and Federation data chip stories, the only reasons to get those are to trade/sell or get accolade points.
My question is: Are there anything else u can spend them on exept the doff mission for the chips?
If so, please tell.
Best regards
Don't forget that the DOff assignment also rewards Romulan Marks.