Theres already a android boff...why not a playable android?
oh for a trait i was think along the lines of improved accuracy?
CBS say no as they want sentient androids to remain fairly rare in universe, even when they were talking about letting you temporarily switch with your BOffs they said that the Android BOff would be excluded from this.
I'm with CBS on this. Even with all the Daystrom Institutes and Soong Foundations and Commander Maddoxes in the galaxy, Androids shouldn't be commonplace a scant 30 years or so after Nemesis. That movie which left us with one solitary developmentally-challenged walking doorstop. A century out, maybe.
Sometimes I wonder if Daniels from Enterprise was an advanced Soong-type android. He had that look about him, y'know? Even implied once that he's only "more or less" human. By his time I'm sure androids would be a lot more human - or humans a lot more android.
However! Androids as an NPC race could work. Remember those creepy friends of B'Elanna Torres? They had cool ships, too. If everyone else Voyager annoyed somehow during its trip home is invading the Alpha Quadrant, may as well toss them on the anger pile, too.
C3PO as a Starship captain.... that's one disturbing image...
As was said about another SW droid captaining a starship...
"By the time he tells them all his qualifications, they will have mutinied."
I have an idea for an Android Captain, which will keep the numbers down. Have it so only subscribers (not lifers, just subs) unlock it as part of their 1000 day reward. Lifers already get the Borg, so give Adroid to subscribers.
With STO being F2P with sub and lifetimer options, there will not be too many people who subscribe for 1000 days. Most of them would be lifer or F2P by then.
"Hey buddy you look down , how about some TOAST? maybe a muffin?? Crumpets are always a good idea" (talkie toaster Red Dwarf)
Dear god.
Stick it in the grinder :eek:.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
I'm with CBS on this. Even with all the Daystrom Institutes and Soong Foundations and Commander Maddoxes in the galaxy, Androids shouldn't be commonplace a scant 30 years or so after Nemesis. That movie which left us with one solitary developmentally-challenged walking doorstop. A century out, maybe.
Sometimes I wonder if Daniels from Enterprise was an advanced Soong-type android. He had that look about him, y'know? Even implied once that he's only "more or less" human. By his time I'm sure androids would be a lot more human - or humans a lot more android.
However! Androids as an NPC race could work. Remember those creepy friends of B'Elanna Torres? They had cool ships, too. If everyone else Voyager annoyed somehow during its trip home is invading the Alpha Quadrant, may as well toss them on the anger pile, too.
You do know that developmentally challenged doorstop went on to captain the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E, don't you? The NCC 1701 F has an Andorian as it's captain. Whatever happened to that doorstop? Why wasn't he given command of the F? Picard was given the E right after the D crashed and Kirk was given the A after the 1701 blew up.
You do know that developmentally challenged doorstop went on to captain the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E, don't you? The NCC 1701 F has an Andorian as it's captain. Whatever happened to that doorstop? Why wasn't he given command of the F? Picard was given the E right after the D crashed and Kirk was given the A after the 1701 blew up.
Data can live for a long time, maybe he did not want to be a Captain forever. Maybe he is at Cambridge University.
Data can live for a long time, maybe he did not want to be a Captain forever. Maybe he is at Cambridge University.
Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to give up commanding the Federation Flagship? I was so pissed when they rolled out the Enterprise F and the Odyssey ceased to be the flagship. For a brief moment, I and everyone who played that VA mission got to command the Flagship of the Federation. It was awesome. Too bad it didn't last.
Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to give up commanding the Federation Flagship? I was so pissed when they rolled out the Enterprise F and the Odyssey ceased to be the flagship. For a brief moment, I and everyone who played that VA mission got to command the Flagship of the Federation. It was awesome. Too bad it didn't last.
The Odyssey design was always going to be the Enterprise F , that was the whole reason they created it.
Well I don't know, but ask any old person if the want to do the same job over and over no matter how awesome it is till they imagine if you lived forever, I think I would want to try everything till there was till nothing was left.
I would love this very much actually. I agree with CBS. Data was something special, and therefore Soong type androids should be rather uncommon.
But we shouldn't shy away from other types of Robots for Captains and Boffs. We already have Exocomps, Cryptic could make up some Robot races for us, and why can't we have walking replicator bridge officers? I would gladly pay $15 USD for one of those!
Well I don't know, but ask any old person if the want to do the same job over and over no matter how awesome it is till they imagine if you lived forever, I think I would want to try everything till there was till nothing was left.
I hold no illusions that I represent the average joe, but my job here in Japan is pretty sweet by most measures and after five years I've had enough of it. I sure as hell wouldn't stay here for fifty years.
But I do think they need to put more playable species in the store. And it doesn't have to be a Soong android. Heck, Kirk met a robotic species every other week. There's a lot to choose from. I guess it's up to CBS and CBS seems to have frozen its view of Trek somewhere in the mid 90s.
You do know that developmentally challenged doorstop went on to captain the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E, don't you? The NCC 1701 F has an Andorian as it's captain. Whatever happened to that doorstop? Why wasn't he given command of the F? Picard was given the E right after the D crashed and Kirk was given the A after he blew up the 1701.
That's more accurate.
I have not seen anything IN GAME that explains what happened to Data and the E except that it went missing. I know a story was writen for (IIRC) but, it has not been implemented in the game so, they are still missing. Beside, captains retire all the time.
I would love this very much actually. I agree with CBS. Data was something special, and therefore Soong type androids should be rather uncommon.
But we shouldn't shy away from other types of Robots for Captains and Boffs. We already have Exocomps, Cryptic could make up some Robot races for us, and why can't we have walking replicator bridge officers? I would gladly pay $15 USD for one of those!
The Odyssey design was always going to be the Enterprise F , that was the whole reason they created it.
Indeed, that's how it's always worked. Ship classes are named after the lead ship, the first ship of that class to be produced.
Players flew the U.S.S. Odyssey, and it was never the flagship. It was the lead ship of a new ship class, essentially beta testing. Subsequent ships are improved based on the shakedown and testing, and those improvements are then retrofitted to the lead ship.
CBS say no as they want sentient androids to remain fairly rare in universe, even when they were talking about letting you temporarily switch with your BOffs they said that the Android BOff would be excluded from this.
Sometimes I wonder if Daniels from Enterprise was an advanced Soong-type android. He had that look about him, y'know? Even implied once that he's only "more or less" human. By his time I'm sure androids would be a lot more human - or humans a lot more android.
However! Androids as an NPC race could work. Remember those creepy friends of B'Elanna Torres? They had cool ships, too. If everyone else Voyager annoyed somehow during its trip home is invading the Alpha Quadrant, may as well toss them on the anger pile, too.
As was said about another SW droid captaining a starship...
"By the time he tells them all his qualifications, they will have mutinied."
I have an idea for an Android Captain, which will keep the numbers down. Have it so only subscribers (not lifers, just subs) unlock it as part of their 1000 day reward. Lifers already get the Borg, so give Adroid to subscribers.
With STO being F2P with sub and lifetimer options, there will not be too many people who subscribe for 1000 days. Most of them would be lifer or F2P by then.
Dear god.
Stick it in the grinder :eek:.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Having rode Star Tours, I can tell you, C3PO is a pretty bad captain, however, R2D2 does a pretty good job of picking up his slack.
you've obviously never met R2D2 as played by Pete.
If I remember correctly. that was one of the X-wing books. been a while since i read them though.
You do know that developmentally challenged doorstop went on to captain the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E, don't you? The NCC 1701 F has an Andorian as it's captain. Whatever happened to that doorstop? Why wasn't he given command of the F? Picard was given the E right after the D crashed and Kirk was given the A after the 1701 blew up.
Data can live for a long time, maybe he did not want to be a Captain forever. Maybe he is at Cambridge University.
Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to give up commanding the Federation Flagship? I was so pissed when they rolled out the Enterprise F and the Odyssey ceased to be the flagship. For a brief moment, I and everyone who played that VA mission got to command the Flagship of the Federation. It was awesome. Too bad it didn't last.
The Odyssey design was always going to be the Enterprise F , that was the whole reason they created it.
Well I don't know, but ask any old person if the want to do the same job over and over no matter how awesome it is till they imagine if you lived forever, I think I would want to try everything till there was till nothing was left.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
What do you think this is some cool game like SWTOR? :rolleyes:
I would love this very much actually.
But we shouldn't shy away from other types of Robots for Captains and Boffs. We already have Exocomps, Cryptic could make up some Robot races for us, and why can't we have walking replicator bridge officers? I would gladly pay $15 USD for one of those!
I hold no illusions that I represent the average joe, but my job here in Japan is pretty sweet by most measures and after five years I've had enough of it. I sure as hell wouldn't stay here for fifty years.
But I do think they need to put more playable species in the store. And it doesn't have to be a Soong android. Heck, Kirk met a robotic species every other week. There's a lot to choose from. I guess it's up to CBS and CBS seems to have frozen its view of Trek somewhere in the mid 90s.
That's more accurate.
I have not seen anything IN GAME that explains what happened to Data and the E except that it went missing. I know a story was writen for (IIRC) but, it has not been implemented in the game so, they are still missing. Beside, captains retire all the time.
Ensign Earl Grey Tea HOT
You remember correctly - Wraith Squadron by Aaron Allston, speaking of Squeaky.
Do you know the odds that ship will survive its mission?
Perhaps he finally found what he needed to restore Lal.
Players flew the U.S.S. Odyssey, and it was never the flagship. It was the lead ship of a new ship class, essentially beta testing. Subsequent ships are improved based on the shakedown and testing, and those improvements are then retrofitted to the lead ship.