While the Rep UI is convenient for small #'s of BNP's and R-Omarks to be converted, after completion of the Rep Systems these can start to pile up quickly.
Why Not....let a professional with experience handle Bulk Conversion to Dilithium Ore containers,
that's right, let good ol Roxy swap over those piles of Marks and BNP's in a larger quantity, saving the player some tedium of putting in small amounts to the UI, and gnawing away actual "play" time.
Surely Roxy can make the transition from salvage and tech, to Marks and BNP's, and would add a small but rewarding reason to enjoy the promenade of DS9.
PWE let Roxy down.
She'll only be happy trading our EDC's and Borg Salvage for Requisitions and Retro STF Gear.
She exchanged Salvage for Dilithium ONLY because she was happily employed...
I hate the Season 7 STF changes btw.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
True, it was only funny when we were doing it to them.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Surely this would help dilithium production for smaller fleets as well since they could spend more time on gathering resources rather then converting currencies.
Totaly agree with the OP on that.
As it is for now Roxy has nothing to do besides looking pretty.
While i do like pretty thinks i also don't like people be sad without a purpose to fulfill.
Don't let Roxy totaly slack away unemploymend should not be an issue in the future.
I don't want to see Roxy with the next update cowering drunken and addicted to ketracelwhite in a corner of DS9 or even worse selling for cheap latinum her services at the 1st City in the Orion District.
Cryptic give Roxy a Job she deservs better!
Roxy's Midnight Runners. A team of crack anti-Borg elite of the elite commandos who do raids, record videos of them, and bring occasional green volunteers with them to see if they have what it takes. And the Runners are all females.
Then the videos can be displayed in social locations as recruitment propoga...er...public service announcements.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
Borg attack DS9.
Roxy gets assimilated.
From then onwards players experience 1-shot supertorpedo deaths when they encounter any borg ship.
The borg... now capable of converting their own EDC's into dilithium...
have equipped their ships with dil store items.
The fate of the galaxy lies in your hands Captain. You must find Roxy and neutralize the threat.
Anyone else hate the cramped long scrolling list of items you have to shift through when looking to line up rep gear projects? When we had roxy we could easily select between mk x, xi, xii. Ground or space? no problem..!
Give us (back) a better UI for rep gear menus!
Please and thank you... !
/channel_join PublicEliteSTF
PublicEliteSTF Channel Info: bit.ly/PublicEliteSTFV2
Myself, I could deal with the purchasing-new-equipment part at DS9 easy, just so long as the actual rep-building missions don't require you to go there, too.