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Plz take a look. Trying to make my Tac VA escort better

malnificentmalnificent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
It?s time to make my Tactical VA better. I don?t PVP, so you might ask what?s the point ? PVE isn?t overly demanding so what I have is likely sufficient. It has been ? I?m asking for your help to make it better.
I play this game casually so I don?t know my min/max or my ?need this and need that? details. I enjoy the forums but honestly it?s like reading separate puzzle pieces and then trying with little to fair understanding, to assemble those pieces in game.

I?ll give you all the details I can. I?m open to ALL suggestions. Thanks!

Andorian Tactical Vice Admiral

Traits: Accurate, Elusive, Lucky
STO Planner build: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=SynJaqQuey_0
(Boffs skills are reflected in build, if interested then please follow link)

Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit

1x Omega Plasma Torp

MACO MK XII pre-S7 set (Shield, Engine, Deflector)

2x AP Turrets Borg MK XII
1x Kinetic Cutting Beam

Eng cons: Universal-Isometric Charge,
2x MK XII Neutronium very rare

Sci cons: Universal-Assimilated Module,
1x MK XI Field Generator rare

Tac cons: 4x Tactical AP Mag MK XI very rare,
1x Ambiplasma Envelope MK XI very rare

Space Doffs: 2x Projective Weap Ofc very rare,
1x Conn Ofc rare,
1x Shield Distribution Ofc rare,
1x Warp Core Eng rare

I have lots of questions ? Are Advance Fleet Weapons worth the dilithium expense to replace pre-S7 Borg weaps? Is keeping the Omega Torp/KCB/Module set worth the bonuses or should I go back to Quantum Torpedo or 4 AP DHCs? Do my space doffs look properly balanced? Is upgrading from the MACO space to the Adapted MACO space worth the 102,000 dilithium? Etc ? etc ? etc?

Please feel free to completely ignore my questions altogether and just tell me what you think. What would you do? What would you change? Whys would be nice but are not absolutely necessary O.o

Thanks for your time and expertise.
Post edited by malnificent on


  • raptorgtraptorgt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    First lose the torpedo and go full DHC in the front. When you do that you can have four tac consoles that affect all your weapons. You can also respec to put 0 points in projectile and all in energy weapons, making more dps. Also ditch the cutting beams turret results in more dps.

    Secondly fleet weapons are not that great bc of the dmg proc. Much better to go borg weapons, which have become really expensive with the reputation system, or off the exchange. Other weapons with different procs are much better that dmg.

    Best set to have is 2 borg with maco shield. The MACO adapted is not worth it, it is a covariant shield, escorts need the resilient (original MACO).

    Here is an example of my breen ship:

  • ussboleynussboleyn Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Is this for PvP or PvE?

    For PvE your set up isn't bad.

    Things I would change:

    Swap TorpS3 for CRF2
    Swap CSV3 for APB3
    Swap RSP for EPtS2

    Get a 5th mag regulator
    Get the romulan zero-point console.

  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Fleet weapons are [Acc][Dam]x3. Borg weapons are [Acc][CritH][Borg], but [Borg] is buggy. I'm not sure that [CritH] is better than [Dam]x3, but I would say that it should be on the bottom of his upgrade priorities. If he gets rid of his Torp he'll have 5 tac consoles affecting his weapons though, which is nice.

    Alternatively, putting a Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher on the left weapon slot and a Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher in the right weapon slot results in an amazingly hilarious situation with two Projectile Weapon Officers. The Rom torp will have priority, firing when ready. The Omega torp will fire rapidly - and each time potentially trigger the DOffs, which will recharge the Rom torp. I've seen constant salvos of 12 (destructible) plasma projectiles. It's as awesome as it sounds.
  • malnificentmalnificent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thank you one and all ...
  • malnificentmalnificent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks again all ...

    I got the Romulan Zero-Point console this morning just before the patch. For now i've pulled the Isometric Charge console out and replaced it with the Romulan one. 15K dilithium wasnt to bad.

    I'm seeing a lot of recommendations on Tac escorts dropping torps all together in favor of all cannon/turrets (maybe a KCB in there). Reasoning being you then pull all the skill points out of projectile skills and put those elsewhere. Also getting a 5th AP Mag console is better than using Torps and trying to "time the torp impact on hulls instead of wasting them on shields being up." I dont know ... something feels right having a Quantum or this new Omega torp up front. I'll have to test what 4 DHCs up front feel like on Tribble first.

    Again i appreciate all the shared advise.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I always do way more damage in pvp and pve using a 3 DHC 1 torp setup versus a 4 DHC setup. Maybe its because some people either don't want to fully spec into projectiles, use the projectile doffs, and don't know how to use torps or the right ones. DPS parsers show my single torp is a huge part of my damage, it does more then 1 of my DHC does without being buffed by any consoles since I still go all energy damage console. So I think adding a 5th mag regulator and keeping the torp or switching back to quantum will work great.
    I prefer quantums with all crit mods over omega torpedo because it does great damage and crits all the time with the new crit bonuses like from the romulan passive and the romulan console.

    In a defiant layout you waste the ensign tac slot by not using a torp. I think your gear and build is fine, borg AP weapons about as good as fleet ones. AOe is great for wiping out spheres packed together in grav well, or for guarding against bop or probes, id keep it. Maybe the THY1 can be switched out for spread 1 since you are going all aoe with other skills, so always good to follow up a scatter volley with a spread. EPTS2 usually better for pve then rsp so you can keep epts up all the time with no downtime.

    I always rather have 3 DHC 1 torp escorts in my group in STF over a 4 DHC escort, stick with it. Topr can be set to autofire if you want, just time your high yields or spreads.

    As for your spec, I like how you maxed most tac skills thats how I do it, but you min maxed a little to much on the engineering skill tree, I usually find eps systems skill to be important, and since this is an STF build more points in Armor reinforcements could help, I use 3 ranks in it and survive heavy plasma torps often in my fleet defiant. Borg mostly kill you with kinetic damage, not so much energy.

    You can have more weapon power levels and better healing with just 3 ranks in weapon performance and aux performance. some of those eng skills you have maxed can be safley taken down to 6 ranks if you want to put some points in these other skills.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • malnificentmalnificent Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    thanks marc8219 ... especially for your reply being just well thought out. Made sense to me because you added the "why" to all your recommendations.

  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I kind of agree with Marc there. For a lot of BOff layouts, not carrying a torp launcher leaves you without anything to do with an Ensign Tac slot. Properly set up, torps are awesome - especially in STFs, where targets have a lot of hull. Also especially for the new Plasma builds, with the new launchers.
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