Just curious but in the year or so I've played STO I've never used the power settings. I stick it on max pew pew and hope for the best. This isn't a complaint at all, just a personal preference. I'm a good player I know how to do all the STf's space easy, I'm a good healer, tanker, killer when i have to be. I just dont have the time to fiddle all ther power levels when im in the middle of a scrap. All the boff abillities and my own is enough to worry about!
Who's with me?
Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo...

But the real question in this case is what you fly. In an escort or other tac-oriented ship, that's fine. You want max to weapons. But if you're flying an SV, you're just gimping yourself and being less effective than you should be, doubly so if you're using Aux cannons on a Vesta.
I recommend finding a good power setting for each ship and saving it to your "=" slot, then sticking with that. With an SV you want high AUX and decent shields, with a beam boat cruiser you want high weapons and shields, and so on.
I learned early on that everything you do in this game is important and steps you in the right direction. From having all VR slated Doffs to the right Boffs right down to the correct relay power settings. ATM my Tac is basically an op energy Eng with massive dps masquerading as a dps tac. I'm talking massive dps with beams 1k in none skills 5k on max and 7-8k on crits. This is with beams, beams for godsake! Can you imagne the pure onslaught i'd do if I broke down and used dhc's? madness.
Everything is important, each skill each step each set each boff, each doff all of it has to be tweaked and changed constantly to keep you in tip top shape.
my tac has a whopping natural 478% energy regen thats 17.3/1 as a tac, it takes me 2-3 seconds to get back to full energy after firing all broadsides and befaw. I haven't touched or seen a redline in months. my dps stays consistent and never drops off more then 23-24.
The energy is all the difference when it comes to dps, healing, speed, maneuverability, and repairing. And it takes about all of a minute to fine tune it so in that respect it's not understandable as to why you wouldn't do it. 60 seconds and you can be a hundred times better then you were yesterday.
If you don't know how to do it, just post here and I'll try t make it as easy as possible and get you on a better path.
- combat (X) is set for PvE: 80/25/25/70 (plus bonuses) - this gives me enough power for my two beams to be a danger to enemy, while keepeing enough Aux for my sci powers: healing and tractors. PvE enemies suck, so lack of speed and shield regen does not matter much for me, esspecialy with high aux heals I have.
- eqal (=) is primary setting for PvP: 25/50/25/100 - obvious: sci is main power, no matter if I fly offensive sci (TB, Tyken) or support (ST, TSS, HE). Beams are for target subsystem, so no power in them needed. 50 in shields for some regen (boosted by EPtS and battery if needed).
The other two are slightly improved standard settings I use for PvP:
- shield setting: moved damage to aux (so it's 25/100/25/50). Use it for fast shield regen and pretty high heals (even without batteries)
- speed setting: moved aux to shields (25/50/100/25) - run for it setting, fast retreat and some decent shield regen in the meantime (with EPtS and some battery if needed).
But those two are rarely used. Standard PvP setting is enough to keep me alive and kicking. So, in general, I do not bother with setting other then switch between PvP/PvE settings. Rarely there is need to switch power in combat.
Attack - 100/40/30/30
Defense - 30/100/40/30
Speed - 30/40/100/30
Full Aux - 25/40/35/100
I frequently toggle between Attack and Speed presets since I usually play escorts or the Breen Chel Grett, Defense when I want to recover shields, and full Aux when I need to heal faster.
Switching between power settings really does optimize your ship performance. As a previous poster stated, power allocation is the difference between a mediocre player and an elite player. Never using your ship's power settings is akin to driving a manual shift-car and never taking it out of 1st gear.
Of course I never remember to set it back, and then I wonder why my guns run dry...
Personaly I am an emergency power to... adict. I am particularly attached to engines and auxilery.
Auxilery power is important to me as a science captain. Unless I am in my vesta I need my weapons power high, but auxilery power makes my abilites worthwhile. Any time I am not using an ability that draws on it I have no need for any though so Emergency to Aux is a usefull power booster on a quick recharge.
Engine power isnt just for running away. Honestly your engin power is a huge part of your offence as well as your defence. Going down fast? get some distance and energy weapons will hit you for less. Not doing enough damage? close and ramp up your own energy damage on the enemy. Engine power lets you change that distance sooner and those seconds are extra dps, weither its against you or against your enemy.
Engine Power is also key to your ability to compensate for bad team mates. in PVP. cure or KA space you may be at the oposit side of the map when somthing goes horribly wrong somewhere else. It dosnt matter how good you are, you cant fix what has gone wrong if you cant get there in time. So hit evasive and ramp up that engine power to get where you need to be without waiting for full impulse to come online, without using full impulse you can go in weapons hot and power levels high as well.
Also, I forget every to re-do my power settings every time I change ships. It annoys me that this and bridge officer assignments can't be some kind of default configuration you save with your character.
Under the current patch, STO does remember all my current ship power presets, even when changing ships. You only have to chance these power settings once when you initially take the ship into space. Just remember to save each preset via disk-button on the HUD.
I have my attack preset bound to my spacebar, with other abilities of course, so I never forget to reset back my weapons power. Evasive and max engine power are on another, and max Aux is set on another for when I'm throwing heals around.
It is one of those often neglected things that greatly affect performance.
U.S.S. Ultima, NCC-100101-X, Fleet Recon Science Vessel
U.S.S. Demi, NCC-100101-Z, Peregrine Fighter
U.S.S. Spaceball 1, NCC-123456, Tuffli Class Freighter
Glorious Melee Combat
The penalty for not paying attention to this gameplay mechanic should be higher in my opinion. But I'd rather see the defunct crew mechanic addressed first.
How do you reset your keybinds?
A friend said you have to enter some code into your chat bar but i followed what he told me and it didnt work. I cant see any function in the options to change your keys either.
Use this thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=192243
Absolutely invaluable.
the best way to set your power is to drop out of sector space and enter hub space like a space statuin so you can see what your combat settings will be.
Mine is a meager 90/60/35/35 but in hub space or combat space it is 125/91/46/46 and when i trigger BFI it become 125/116/71/71.
Just have to know what's important and whats not. Efficient is important. Efficient captain and two efficient boffs and your life get's easier.
Your ship will give you free stating to your systems so add and subtract accordingly. some consoles and sets give you stating aswell so add and subtract accordingly.
Myth one speed increase defense. To an extent yes. once you reach 32 parsecs def boost is topped out so anything over that speed is wasted one defense. I'm not sure if I have to sit down and go through power setting step by step but if I do just let me know and I'll post it, it's really easy once you do it once or twice then you'll find a set it and forget it setting.
Now remember it is one thing to have high eng skills to have high specced power settings but you need to also have the skills specced to replenish the energy drain or you'll simply black out and red line all the time and waste all you gained.
My character Tsin'xing
Hey! I'm in a Recon Sci as well. I use ES3 and ES2. I find that I can keep my weapon power close to 100 with setting it at 25. ES3 gives me 47 and ES2 gives me 37. EPtW 1 gives me another 21, plus I use batteries if needed and use a warp core engineer doff which has a 20% to give me extra power when I use EPtX.
What kind of setup do you have?