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STO - Your First Star Trek?

keshmarchkeshmarch Member Posts: 21 Arc User
I was wondering that for those of you whom which this is your first(but not only) Star Trek experience, what do you think of it? What do you think of other Star Trek media in relation to STO? Is it cool to see and hear things from this video game, from your perspective, being brought to life in the TV shows and movies?
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  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Welcome to the game and forums.

    Yes. It is a cool game.
    It has its quirks and flaws, but it isn't stopping me from logging hours upon hours.
    Sadly it is easy to get focused on things that could be better, but if one manages to ignore the flaws, its still a good game.
    The greatest thing about an mmo like this, is that there is always ways of adding new stuff and improving old stuff. It is a game in constant progress. Compared to 'normal' singleplayer games, which are created, just to be rather quickly outdated, with no new stuff being created.
    Eventhough there is a lot of rage and disappointment in these forums, I believe the vast majority is quite content with their game (those thousands that play, and never look at the forums).

    This is not my first experience with Star Trek, but I have never been a super fan either.
    Still, this game pulls something in me, to log in every day and spend some time with it.

    A lot of people says there is so little content. I cannot really agree to that. There is plenty to do. Not always equally interesting (grinding), but still. Put up small goals, expect to spend a lot of time to reach them. In the end you'll think you are done, just to realize there is much more to do. -in a positive way.
  • keshmarchkeshmarch Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Welcome to the game and forums.
    Thank you. :)
  • buzzoutbuzzout Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My first exposure to Star Trek was the original series (Yes, I'm that old. ) and when it first aired I was thoroughly captivated by it. I never missed an episode.

    I was thrilled when I learned that Patrick Stewart would be commanding the Enterprise on TNG because I have always enjoyed his work as an actor. The series itself was a disappoint to me however. It was far too touchy feely and the constant stream of techno-babble drove me nuts. Captain Kirk would have put a red shirt on Wesley Crusher and sent him on an away mission. He also would have chased Deanna Troy clean off the ship (nonessential personnel).

    DS9 was 1 part science fiction and 2 parts soap opera. I don't like soap operas so enough said there.

    Voyager was pretty good. It was a lot closer to the roots of the Star Trek franchise than were the previous two series.

    Enterprise I enjoyed a lot although it suffered from a lack of direction, mediocre writing and a limited market area (FOX). It was unfortunately a show that couldn't quite figure out what it wanted to be.

    STO is an online game based (somewhat loosely) on Star Trek TV and movies. I think people should never forget that. Star Trek TV and movies are cannon for this game and it should never be the other way around. If I go see the next Star Trek movie and I see a single lock box floating in space or enemies with one-shot invisitorps from hell I'm going to be seriously pissed.
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Where I live Star Trek is not as big as it can be in the USA. My father always enjoyed sci fi, so I saw the movies with him, the first ones with kirk and cie. Not that I can remember them really well, it was a long time ago.
    When I was older, I saw First Contact, and liked it.

    Overall I like Star Trek, even if I think it's filled with too much technobabble and the human are too much the "dominant" species.

    I'm currently watching the TNG epidoses, for the first time. It's a bit old, but so far not that bad. Haven't seen any others ST series, I think they never been shown on TV on my country.

    I went to this game to found a sci fi game, more than a trek game to be honest. Also because the Federation stands more for exploration and diplomacy than pewpewing, I though it could have some innovation.

    So far the game is good, but not excellent IMO. To much grind recently, and I wish we'd have more diplomacy and exploration.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It is not bad untill Starbases and the Omega Marks came along.It has a decent storyline but now I am bored and would like some more missions.

    This is not my first Trek game as you may know from my sig is it anything like Star Trek not really as they stuck to a storyline and had to wear 1 set of uniforms for all.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Deanna Troy as non essential personal?!? Are you for real? After Data, Deanna was the most,essential member of Picard's crew! Seriously a telepath powerful enough to sense emotions from kilometres away, whose trained psycology combined with telepathy, made her a skilled profiler, educated in many cultures and languages. Do you have any idea how huge an advantage that is in nearly every encounter, from diplomatic situations, to combat like against the Scimatar, to away teams being beyond commucator range and so on. And yes helping crew through pyschological difficulty.

    The only place Kirk would chase Deanna Troy to is his bedroom.

    DS9 has Soap Operaish episodes, but most of it, especially the later seasons are very war dramaish. Lots of battles and action. Some funny stuff with the Ferengi. Also tends to go alot deeper into various races then any of the other serious, most of the other ones being more one night stands instead of the deep exploration of DS9. DS9 also had the deepest issues, was the one to confront contrevsial issues the most from terrorism, to GLBT issues, the deep flaws of unrestrained,capitalism, Unions, Religion from all angles both good and bad, nationalism, the question of human rights vs. human sucurity, sex, war, and so much more. Where TNG and Voyager dealth issues it was usually within episodes, not over longer arcs with the depth of DS9.

    DS9 was my favorite of the series, I'm a Niner :D
  • ferowsiferowsi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Deanna Troy in the first and second season was absolutely useless.

    "I sense great rage from the creature captain"
    "Really, because they just fired 3 salvos at the colony, I thought it was just a hello,"
  • darthplagiarismdarthplagiarism Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I felt there wasn't much to Troi until after 2370 when she took the Bridge Officer's test and was promoted to Commander.
    "Cannons to the right of them. Cannons to the left of them."
    "Volley'd and Thunder'd."
    "...Boldly the rode and well."
    "Into the mouth of Hell."
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My first experience with Star Trek was one of the Borg episodes in Next Generation as an 8 year old kid. Luckily that didn't scar me enough to stay away from Star Trek.
  • tsf00181tsf00181 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Nope its not my first. Only reason I play this game is because its the LAST of my Star Trek.

    That Abrams TRIBBLE is an okay Sci-Fi movie but its not my Star Trek.
  • cdrgadleycdrgadley Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This is my first Star Trek experience and I love the game.

    At this point...it is the best MMO I have played.

    It got me into star trek in other media.

    I definitely like the new Star Trek movie and can't wait for the next to come out.

    I went back and started to watch some of the older shows because of this game. Thought I haven't watched any of the original series...way too old of a tv show for me to get into.

    Star Trek Voyager is my favorite of the shows.
  • martokusmartokus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    tsf00181 wrote: »
    Nope its not my first. Only reason I play this game is because its the LAST of my Star Trek.

    That Abrams TRIBBLE is an okay Sci-Fi movie but its not my Star Trek.

    Absolutely this. For all of its flaws, I feel like its the best 'Trek' I can get my hands onto right now. I just can't get into Trek 90210.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The sad thing is that kids will now be raised on the new Star Trek movies. They are nice movies, but they are not STAR TREK.
  • cdrgadleycdrgadley Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    The sad thing is that kids will now be raised on the new Star Trek movies. They are nice movies, but they are not STAR TREK.

    It's all star trek to me.

    Just because it's not exactly the same as old tv shows doesn't make it "not star trek".

    What's sad...is the inability to accept change.

    God forbid we get something updated and more modernized than tv shows that date before the year 2000.
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    buzzout wrote: »
    If I go see the next Star Trek movie and I see a single lock box floating in space or enemies with one-shot invisitorps from hell I'm going to be seriously pissed.

    Well R2D2 was in the last movie so you never know lol
    I started watching Trek with TNG and after watching the full series I noticed a pattern in the series
    Troi is by far the most useless telepath in the history of Sci Fi. "I sense strong feelings" Yeah but what we want to know is what there intentions are. Her mother would have been more useful but just as annoying.

    Data for the only android ever made became void upon discovering Lore, then his mother and then finally B4 and for someone who tended to have no relations they seemed to pop up a lot.

    Holodeck malfunctions: In about every season there maybe 1 or 2 episodes where it is a holodeck issue "The Long Goodnight" (I think thats the name) Fistful of Datas and many more and for something that has safeties for health and safety they can be turned off for to easy.

    Wesley Crusher: The reason I hate the first few seasons of the show how on earth could a child pilot a starship even if he was supposed to be a child prodigy it was probably to make more teens watch it but it backfired and Picard should have fired Wesley into the heart of a star.

    Will Riker: Supposebly the Kirk of TNG but was completley rubbish until he grew a beard. (Same for Sisko but he went bald when he became good)

    DS9 reminded me to much of Babylon 5 so was not really appealing to me in the first few seasons but missed a lot after season 3 so needed to rewatch this.

    VOY: Why was this ever allowed to air. The woman with the annoying voice and hyperactive Talaxian the only decent thing was the EMH and Seven of Nine

    ENT: Just have a few more episodes to watch of the final series but for someone who hated this when it first started I have grown to like it. however the poor writing cannot really be overlooked but the Xindi story arc was good.

    TOS: Season 2 is the best but all through the seasons you see the friend dynamic of Spock Kirk and Mccoy that transfers into the movies hopefully the new Kirk Spock and Mccoy can keep this going in the new films
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    cdrgadley wrote: »
    It's all star trek to me.

    Just because it's not exactly the same as old tv shows doesn't make it "not star trek".

    What's sad...is the inability to accept change.

    God forbid we get something updated and more modernized than tv shows that date before the year 2000.

    Nah whats sad is that they try and fix something that wasn't broken. All they had to do was do another ship or another Enterprise possibly in the future and that would have done me. However a alternate prequel while the movie was not bad it was no First Contact or Wrath of Khan and more like Star Trek The Voyage Home watchable but not something to get excited about
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
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